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µVISION: Error #602: component requires valid MDK-ARM Pro license

Information in this knowledgebase article applies to:

  • Keil MDK Version 5.21 and later
  • Keil MDK Middleware Version 7.2.0 and later


I have been referring to the below link to compare the features that are supported with different licenses:

However, while compiling some of the features that are supported with Keil MDK-Plus edition, the Arm Compiler gives the below error:

Error #602: component requires valid MDK-ARM Professional license

What steps should be taken to use the corresponding supported features?


After choosing the required features that are supported with your license, select the correct variant (e.g. MDK-Plus instead of MDK-Pro) in Manage Run-Time Environment:

This should solve the problem.



Last Reviewed: Thursday, October 15, 2020

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