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µVISION: µVISION Returns Immediately when Called in Batch Mode

Information in this knowledgebase article applies to:

  • µVision IDE 4 and 5


I am using µVision IDE to build a project in batch mode. Therefor I enter a command like:

C:/Keil_v5/UV4/UV4.exe -b MyProject.uvproj

in the Windows command window and noticed, that the command prompt returns immediately, even while the build is still not finished.

So, is there also a way to call µVision IDE in blocking mode?


The command to build the project can be put into a batch file. When calling this batch file, the command window from where this is called, is blocked until the batch file finished.

Another option is to use the DOS START command with the /WAIT switch:

START /WAIT C:/Keil_v5/UV4/UV4.exe -b MyProject.uvproj


Last Reviewed: Friday, October 23, 2020

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