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µVISION DEBUGGER: J-Link script file - InitTarget() cannot be executed

Information in this knowledgebase article applies to:

  • Keil MDK 5.27 and newer
  • JLinkARM.dll 6.44a, and newer


I am using Keil MDK 5.27, coming along with version 6.44a of Segger's J-Link driver: JLinkARM.dll

The debugger cannot recognize the chip that is to be flashed.

I see this message:

J-Link script file function InitTarget() cannot be executed in J-Link firmware.
The connected J-Link (S/N:...) does not support this feature.
You might want to consider upgrading your J-Link:

To upgrade your J-Link, please get in touch with


Confirmed by Segger, this is the current status:

The selected target (i.e. TLE98xx) requires some special handling on connect to make sure that a proper connection to the target device can be established. This has been implemented in a J-Link
script file

Parts of the script files are time-sensitive and therefore needs to be executed in
the debug probe without USB transactions in between.

As the error message indicates, the used J-Link is probably several years old, and does not support this feature.


Segger confirms:

"...In general, we recommend our customers to upgrade to a recent model using the SEGGER Trade-In if new features are required.

If no new features/devices are required, an older version of JLinkARM.dll can still be used, but of course, it does not support the new functionality."

(Keil Support figured out that such an older version is: JLinkARM.dll 6.32i, as part of Keil MDK 5.26)


- The affected parts are not maintained by Keil

- In case of needs please directly get in contact with Segger Support


Last Reviewed: Monday, October 26, 2020

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