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µVISION: Importing a µVISION V1 Project Into µVISION V2.02

Information in this article applies to:

  • C166 Version 4.02


I need to import my old µVision Version 1 (V1) project files into µVision Version 2. How do I do this?


You must have µVision Version 2.02 or later to import a µVision V1 project file. In µVision Version 2.02 or 2.03, follow these steps to import a µVision V1 project file:

  1. Create a New Project.
  2. Select the Device for the new Project.
  3. Use Import µVision V1 Project... on the Project menu to select and import an old project file.

Once you have imported a project file from a previous software release, you should check the target (assembler, compiler, and linker) options to make sure they are correct.


If you have µVision V2.04 or later, refer to:

Last Reviewed: Tuesday, February 23, 2021

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