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Document Conventions

Keil Software product manuals use the following style conventions:

Convention Description
README.TXT Bold, capitalized text is used for the names of executable programs, data files, source files, environment variables, and commands. This text usually represents commands you must input. For example:


You are not required to enter these commands using all capital letters.
Courier This typeface is used to represent command line, listing file, or source code.
Variables Text in italics represents information you must provide. For example, project-file in a syntax string means you must supply the actual project filename.
Repeating elements... Ellipses (...) are used in examples to indicate an item may repeat.
Omitted Code
Vertical ellipses are used in source code examples and listings to indicate a fragment of the program or listing is omitted. For example:
void main (void)
while (1);
Optional Items Optional arguments in command line and option fields are indicated by brackets. For example:
A166 TEST.A66 PRINT (filename)
{ Option1 | Option2 } Text contained in braces and separated by a vertical bar represents a group of items where one must be chosen. The braces enclose all of the choices and the vertical bars separate the choices.
Keys Text in this typeface represents keys on the keyboard. For example, "Press Enter to continue."
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