Network Component  Version 7.19.0
MDK Middleware for IPv4 and IPv6 Networking
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Here is a list of all modules:
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 OverviewNetwork Component v7 Function Overview
 Directories and FilesFolders and files related to the Network Component
 Implemented RFCsList of RFCs that are covered by the Network Component
 ServicesServices provide program templates for common networking tasks
 HTTP ServerHTTP Web Server routines are used to run and configure services of the embedded web server
 FTP ServerFTP Server is used for file transfer supporting sub-directories, log-in and a set of manipulation commands
 FTP ClientFTP Client is used to connect to an FTP Server for file transfer
 TFTP ServerTFTP Server is used for simple file transfer (typically for boot-loading remote devices)
 TFTP ClientTFTP Client is used to connect to a TFTP Server for simple file transfer
 Telnet ServerTelnet Server allows command line access to an embedded module over an IP network
 SNMP AgentAn SNMP Agent enables network management features
 DNS ClientA DNS Client helps to resolve DNS requests using an external DNS server
 SNTP ClientAn SNTP Client delivers precise timing information over an IP network
 SMTP ClientAn SMTP Client allows sending of e-mail notifications using a SMTP server
 Ping ClientA Ping Client checks the reachability of a host on IP network
 SocketsSockets are required for communication purposes in a network
 BSD SocketBSD socket routines enable BSD compliant communication over TCP/IP
 TCP SocketTCP socket routines enable reliable IP communication using the transmission control protocol (TCP)
 UDP SocketUDP socket routines enable simple IP communication using the user datagram protocol (UDP)
 InterfacesInterfaces are used for communication between two network nodes
 Common InterfaceGeneric functions for all kinds of interfaces help to get or set interface options
 Ethernet InterfaceEthernet routines enable communication over an Ethernet-based IP network
 WiFi InterfaceWiFi routines enable wireless communication over an IP network
 PPP InterfacePPP routines enable IP communication over a direct connection between two networking nodes
 SLIP InterfaceSLIP routines enable IP communication over a serial line
 Loopback InterfaceUsing the Loopback Interface for Debugging
 IP AddressIP Address functions can be used for various purposes
 Conversion FunctionsConvert network addresses from ASCII to binary and vice versa
 Data FormatStructures of the Network Component
 System Functions (User)Core system functions to be called by user
 Status and Error CodesStatus and Error Codes returned by Network functions
 Modem Driver FunctionsModem driver functions
 Debug EventsEvents generated by the Network
 NetSYS: System CoreEvents generated by the Network - System Core functions
 NetMEM: Memory ManagementEvents generated by the Network - Memory Management functions
 NetETH: ETH InterfaceEvents generated by the Network - Ethernet Interface functions
 NetWiFi: WiFi InterfaceEvents generated by the Network - WiFi Interface functions
 NetPPP: PPP InterfaceEvents generated by the Network - PPP Interface functions
 NetSLIP: SLIP InterfaceEvents generated by the Network - SLIP Interface functions
 NetLOOP: Loopback InterfaceEvents generated by the Network - Loopback Interface functions
 NetIP4: IP4 CoreEvents generated by the Network - IPv4 Core functions
 NetICMP: ICMP ControlEvents generated by the Network - ICMP Control functions
 NetIGMP: IGMP ManagementEvents generated by the Network - IGMP Group Management functions
 NetNBNS: NBNS ClientEvents generated by the Network - NetBIOS Name Service Client functions
 NetDHCP: DHCP ClientEvents generated by the Network - Dynamic Host Configuration Client functions
 NetARP: ARP Address ResolutionEvents generated by the Network - Ethernet Address Resolution functions
 NetIP6: IP6 CoreEvents generated by the Network - IPv6 Core functions
 NetICMP6: ICMP6 ControlEvents generated by the Network - ICMPv6 Control functions
 NetDHCP6: DHCP6 ClientEvents generated by the Network - Dynamic Host Configuration Client for IPv6 functions
 NetNDP: NDP Neighbor DiscoveryEvents generated by the Network - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6 functions
 NetUDP: UDP SocketEvents generated by the Network - UDP Socket functions
 NetTCP: TCP SocketEvents generated by the Network - TCP Socket functions
 NetBSD: BSD SocketEvents generated by the Network - BSD Socket functions
 NetHTTPs: HTTP ServerEvents generated by the Network - HTTP Server functions
 NetFTPs: FTP ServerEvents generated by the Network - FTP Server functions
 NetFTPc: FTP ClientEvents generated by the Network - FTP Client functions
 NetTeln: Telnet ServerEvents generated by the Network - Telnet Server functions
 NetTFTPs: TFTP ServerEvents generated by the Network - TFTP Server functions
 NetTFTPc: TFTP ClientEvents generated by the Network - TFTP Client functions
 NetSMTP: SMTP ClientEvents generated by the Network - SMTP Client functions
 NetDNS: DNS ClientEvents generated by the Network - DNS Client functions
 NetSNMP: SNMP AgentEvents generated by the Network - SNMP Agent functions
 NetSNTP: SNTP ClientEvents generated by the Network - SNTP Client functions