#define | __STATIC_INLINE static __inline __attribute__((always_inline)) |
#define | evr_buf (*(union evr_access *)&net_dbg_buf) |
#define | EvtNetSYS 0xC0 |
| System Core. More...
#define | EvtNetMEM 0xC1 |
| Memory Management. More...
#define | EvtNetETH 0xC2 |
| ETH Interface. More...
#define | EvtNetWiFi 0xDD |
| WiFi Interface. More...
#define | EvtNetPPP 0xC3 |
| PPP Interface. More...
#define | EvtNetSLIP 0xC4 |
| SLIP Interface. More...
#define | EvtNetLOOP 0xC5 |
| Loopback Interface. More...
#define | EvtNetIP4 0xC6 |
| IPv4 Core. More...
#define | EvtNetICMP 0xC7 |
| ICMP Control. More...
#define | EvtNetIGMP 0xC8 |
| IGMP Group Management. More...
#define | EvtNetNBNS 0xC9 |
| NetBIOS Name Service Client. More...
#define | EvtNetDHCP 0xCA |
| Dynamic Host Configuration Client. More...
#define | EvtNetARP 0xCB |
| Ethernet Address Resolution. More...
#define | EvtNetIP6 0xCC |
| IPv6 Core. More...
#define | EvtNetICMP6 0xCD |
| ICMPv6 Control. More...
#define | EvtNetDHCP6 0xCE |
| Dynamic Host Configuration Client for IPv6. More...
#define | EvtNetNDP 0xCF |
| Neighbor Discovery for IPv6. More...
#define | EvtNetUDP 0xD0 |
| Socket UDP. More...
#define | EvtNetTCP 0xD1 |
| Socket TCP. More...
#define | EvtNetBSD 0xD2 |
| Socket BSD. More...
#define | EvtNetHTTPs 0xD3 |
| Web Server. More...
#define | EvtNetFTPs 0xD4 |
| File Transfer Server. More...
#define | EvtNetFTPc 0xD5 |
| File Transfer Client. More...
#define | EvtNetTeln 0xD6 |
| Telnet Server. More...
#define | EvtNetTFTPs 0xD7 |
| Trivial File Transfer Server. More...
#define | EvtNetTFTPc 0xD8 |
| Trivial File Transfer Client. More...
#define | EvtNetSMTP 0xD9 |
| Simple Mail Transfer Client. More...
#define | EvtNetDNS 0xDA |
| Domain Name Service Client. More...
#define | EvtNetSNMP 0xDB |
| Simple Network Management Agent. More...
#define | EvtNetSNTP 0xDC |
| Simple Network Time Client. More...
#define | EvtNetStart 0xC0 |
| First Network component number. More...
#define | EvtNetEnd 0xDD |
| Last Network component number. More...
#define | EvtNetSYS_InitSystem EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSYS, 0) |
#define | EvtNetSYS_ThreadCreateFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSYS, 1) |
#define | EvtNetSYS_TimerCreateFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSYS, 2) |
#define | EvtNetSYS_InitComplete EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSYS, 3) |
#define | EvtNetSYS_GetOption EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetSYS, 4) |
#define | EvtNetSYS_SetOption EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetSYS, 5) |
#define | EvtNetSYS_SetDefault EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetSYS, 6) |
#define | EvtNetSYS_SetHostName EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetSYS, 7) |
#define | EvtNetSYS_UninitSystem EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSYS, 8) |
#define | EvtNetSYS_UninitComplete EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSYS, 9) |
#define | EvtNetMEM_InitMemory EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetMEM, 0) |
#define | EvtNetMEM_AllocMemory EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetMEM, 1) |
#define | EvtNetMEM_AllocLimitExceeded EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetMEM, 2) |
#define | EvtNetMEM_AllocOutOfMemory EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetMEM, 3) |
#define | EvtNetMEM_ShrinkMemory EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetMEM, 4) |
#define | EvtNetMEM_FreeMemory EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetMEM, 5) |
#define | EvtNetMEM_FreeInvalidBlock EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetMEM, 6) |
#define | EvtNetMEM_FreeLinkCorrupted EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetMEM, 7) |
#define | EvtNetMEM_UninitMemory EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetMEM, 8) |
#define | EvtNetETH_InitInterface EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 0) |
#define | EvtNetETH_MacAddressConfigError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 1) |
#define | EvtNetETH_VlanConfigError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 43) |
#define | EvtNetETH_VlanInitError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 44) |
#define | EvtNetETH_PhyDriverConfigError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 2) |
#define | EvtNetETH_PhyDriverInitError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 3) |
#define | EvtNetETH_Ip4ConfigError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 4) |
#define | EvtNetETH_Ip6ConfigError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 5) |
#define | EvtNetETH_ThreadCreateFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 6) |
#define | EvtNetETH_GetOptionInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 7) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SetOptionInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 8) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SetMacAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 9) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SetVlanIdentifier EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 10) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SetIp4Address EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 11) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SetIp4SubnetMask EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 12) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SetIp4DefaultGateway EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 13) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SetIp4PrimaryDNS EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 14) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SetIp4SecondaryDNS EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 15) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SetIp4Mtu EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 16) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SetIp6Address EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 17) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SetIp6DefaultGateway EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 18) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SetIp6PrimaryDNS EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 19) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SetIp6SecondaryDNS EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 20) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SetIp6PrefixLength EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 21) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SetIp6Mtu EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 47) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SendFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 22) |
#define | EvtNetETH_LinkDownError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 23) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SendDataTooLarge EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 24) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SendIp4Disabled EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 45) |
#define | EvtNetETH_Ip4LocalAddressUndefined EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 25) |
#define | EvtNetETH_Ip4MacAddressUnresolved EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 26) |
#define | EvtNetETH_EnqueueFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 27) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SendIp6Disabled EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 46) |
#define | EvtNetETH_Ip6LocalAddressUndefined EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 28) |
#define | EvtNetETH_Ip6MacAddressUnresolved EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 29) |
#define | EvtNetETH_InvalidIpVersion EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 30) |
#define | EvtNetETH_ShowFrameHeader EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetETH, 31) |
#define | EvtNetETH_LinkDownStatus EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 32) |
#define | EvtNetETH_LinkUpStatus EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 33) |
#define | EvtNetETH_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 34) |
#define | EvtNetETH_VlanInvalid EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 35) |
#define | EvtNetETH_Ip4Disabled EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 36) |
#define | EvtNetETH_Ip6Disabled EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 37) |
#define | EvtNetETH_ProtocolUnknown EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 38) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SendRawFrame EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetETH, 39) |
#define | EvtNetETH_SendRawInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetETH, 40) |
#define | EvtNetETH_OutputLowLevel EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 41) |
#define | EvtNetETH_UninitInterface EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetETH, 42) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_InitInterface EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 0) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_DriverInitFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 1) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SetBypassModeFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 2) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_GetMacAddressFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 3) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_DriverMacAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 4) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_MacAddressConfigError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 5) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SetMacAddressFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 6) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_Ip4ConfigError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 7) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_Ip6ConfigError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 8) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_ThreadCreateFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 9) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_GetOptionInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 10) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SetOptionInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 11) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SetMacAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 12) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SetIp4Address EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 13) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SetIp4SubnetMask EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 14) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SetIp4DefaultGateway EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 15) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SetIp4PrimaryDNS EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 16) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SetIp4SecondaryDNS EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 17) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SetIp4Mtu EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 18) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SetIp6Address EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 19) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SetIp6DefaultGateway EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 20) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SetIp6PrimaryDNS EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 21) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SetIp6SecondaryDNS EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 22) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SetIp6PrefixLength EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 23) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SetIp6Mtu EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 58) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_Scan EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetWiFi, 24) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_ScanWrongMode EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 25) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_ScanInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 26) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_ScanComplete EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 27) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_GetOption EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetWiFi, 28) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SetOption EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetWiFi, 29) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_Activate EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetWiFi, 30) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_ActivateInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 31) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_Deactivate EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetWiFi, 32) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_DeactivateInvalidParam EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 33) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_GetNetInfo EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetWiFi, 34) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_GetNetInfoWrongMode EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 35) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_GetNetInfoInvalidParam EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 36) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SendFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 37) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_NotConnected EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 38) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SendDataTooLarge EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 39) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SendIp4Disabled EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 56) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_Ip4LocalAddressUndefined EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 40) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_Ip4MacAddressUnresolved EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 41) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_EnqueueFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 42) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_SendIp6Disabled EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 57) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_Ip6LocalAddressUndefined EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 43) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_Ip6MacAddressUnresolved EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 44) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_InvalidIpVersion EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 45) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_ShowFrameHeader EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetWiFi, 46) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_LinkStateChange EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 47) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 48) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_Ip4Disabled EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 49) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_Ip6Disabled EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 50) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_ProtocolUnknown EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 51) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_OutputLowLevel EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 52) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_TxQueueOverflow EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 53) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_OutputNoMemory EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetWiFi, 54) |
#define | EvtNetWiFi_UninitInterface EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetWiFi, 55) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_InitInterface EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 0) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ThreadCreateFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 1) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_GetOptionInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 2) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_SetOptionInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 3) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_SetIp4Address EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 4) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_SetIp4PrimaryDNS EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 5) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_SetIp4SecondaryDNS EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 6) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_SetIp4Mtu EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 7) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 8) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 9) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ChecksumFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 10) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_CtrlByteInvalid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 11) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_SendFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 12) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_InvalidIpVersion EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 13) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_NetworkLayerDown EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 14) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_SendDataTooLarge EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 15) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_NoMemoryError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 16) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_QueueAddTransmit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 17) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_RejectProtocol EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 18) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_RejectCode EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 19) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_Connect EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetPPP, 20) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ConnectInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 21) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ConnectWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 22) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_Listen EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetPPP, 23) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ListenInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 24) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ListenWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 25) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_Close EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetPPP, 26) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ShowUsername EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 27) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ShowPassword EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 28) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ModemOffline EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 29) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_DataLinkDown EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 30) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_UninitInterface EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 31) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpInit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 32) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpSendConfigRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 33) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpNoRetriesLeft EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 34) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpOptionCharMap EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetPPP, 35) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpOptionPfc EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetPPP, 36) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpOptionAcfc EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetPPP, 37) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpOptionMagicNumber EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetPPP, 38) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpOptionAuthPap EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetPPP, 39) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpOptionAuthChapMd5 EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetPPP, 40) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpSendEchoRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 41) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpSendTerminateRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 42) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpSendFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 43) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 44) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpDataLinkUp EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 45) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpOptionMru EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 46) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpOptionAuth EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 47) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpOptionAuthChapNotMd5 EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 48) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpOptionUnknown EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 49) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpSendReject EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 50) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpSendNak EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 51) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpSendAck EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 52) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpWrongAckReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 53) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpWrongNakReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 54) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpConfigAuthFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 55) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpWrongRejectReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 56) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpEchoMagicNumber EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 57) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpWrongPeerMagicNumber EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 58) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpSendEchoReply EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 59) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpWrongEchoReplyReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 60) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpSendTerminateAck EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 61) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_LcpUninit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 62) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_PapInit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 63) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_PapSendAuthRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 64) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_PapShowPassword EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 65) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_PapSendFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 66) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_PapReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 67) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_PapLoginSuccess EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 68) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_PapLoginFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 69) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_PapWrongAckReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 70) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_PapWrongNakReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 71) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_PapUninit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 72) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ChapInit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 73) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ChapSendChallenge EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 74) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ChapSendFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 75) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ChapReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 76) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ChapWrongResponseReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 77) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ChapWrongSuccessReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 78) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ChapWrongFailureReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 79) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ChapLoginSuccess EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 80) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ChapLoginFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 81) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_ChapUninit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 82) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpInit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 83) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpIp4ConfigError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP, 84) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpSendConfigRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 85) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpOptionIpAddress EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetPPP, 86) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpOptionPrimaryDns EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetPPP, 87) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpOptionSecondaryDns EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetPPP, 88) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpSendFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 89) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 90) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpOptionUnknown EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 91) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpSendReject EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 92) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpSendNak EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 93) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpSendAck EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 94) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpWrongAckReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 95) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpNetworkLayerUp EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 96) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpWrongNakReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 97) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpWrongRejectReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 98) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpWrongSubnet EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP, 99) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpPrimaryDnsRejected EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP,100) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpSecondaryDnsRejected EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP,101) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpIpAddressRejected EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP,102) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpNotRequestedOption EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetPPP,103) |
#define | EvtNetPPP_IpcpUninit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetPPP,104) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_InitInterface EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSLIP, 0) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_Ip4ConfigError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSLIP, 1) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_ThreadCreateFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSLIP, 2) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_GetOptionInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError,EvtNetSLIP, 3) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_SetOptionInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError,EvtNetSLIP, 4) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_SetIp4Address EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSLIP, 5) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_SetIp4PrimaryDNS EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSLIP, 6) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_SetIp4SecondaryDNS EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSLIP, 7) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_SetIp4Mtu EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSLIP, 8) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_Connect EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetSLIP, 9) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_ConnectInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSLIP, 10) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_ConnectWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSLIP, 11) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_Listen EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetSLIP, 12) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_ListenWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSLIP, 13) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_Close EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetSLIP, 14) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_SendFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSLIP, 15) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_InvalidIpVersion EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSLIP, 16) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_SendDataTooLarge EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSLIP, 17) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_NoMemoryError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSLIP, 18) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_QueueAddTransmit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSLIP, 19) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_ModemOffline EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSLIP, 20) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSLIP, 21) |
#define | EvtNetSLIP_UninitInterface EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSLIP, 22) |
#define | EvtNetLOOP_InitInterface EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetLOOP, 0) |
#define | EvtNetLOOP_SendFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetLOOP, 1) |
#define | EvtNetLOOP_NoMemoryError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetLOOP, 2) |
#define | EvtNetLOOP_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetLOOP, 3) |
#define | EvtNetLOOP_UninitInterface EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetLOOP, 4) |
#define | EvtNetIP4_InitCore EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIP4, 0) |
#define | EvtNetIP4_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIP4, 1) |
#define | EvtNetIP4_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP4, 2) |
#define | EvtNetIP4_InvalidIpVersion EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP4, 3) |
#define | EvtNetIP4_ShowFrameHeader EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetIP4, 4) |
#define | EvtNetIP4_SourceIpAddressInvalid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP4, 5) |
#define | EvtNetIP4_WrongMulticastProtocol EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP4, 6) |
#define | EvtNetIP4_WrongBroadcastProtocol EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP4, 7) |
#define | EvtNetIP4_WrongDestinationAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIP4, 8) |
#define | EvtNetIP4_ChecksumFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP4, 9) |
#define | EvtNetIP4_FragmentDfFlagSet EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP4, 10) |
#define | EvtNetIP4_FragmentationDisabled EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP4, 11) |
#define | EvtNetIP4_SendFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIP4, 12) |
#define | EvtNetIP4_ProtocolUnknown EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP4, 13) |
#define | EvtNetIP4_DestinationAddressNull EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP4, 14) |
#define | EvtNetIP4_SetDefaultInterface EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIP4, 15) |
#define | EvtNetIP4_UninitCore EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIP4, 16) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP, 0) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_ShowFrameHeader EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetICMP, 24) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP, 1) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_ChecksumFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP, 2) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_EchoRequestWrongCode EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP, 3) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_EchoRequestReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP, 4) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_EchoReplyDisabled EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP, 25) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_SendEchoReply EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP, 5) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_EchoReplyReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP, 6) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_EchoReplyWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP, 7) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_EchoReplyWrongCode EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP, 8) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_EchoReplyWrongIpAddress EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP, 9) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_EchoReplyWrongId EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP, 10) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_EchoReplyWrongPayload EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP, 11) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_MessageTypeUnknown EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP, 12) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_SendEchoRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP, 13) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_PingInit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP, 14) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_PingEcho EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetICMP, 15) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_PingTargetNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP, 16) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_PingDnsError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP, 17) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_PingInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP, 18) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_PingClientBusy EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP, 19) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_PingSendRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP, 20) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_PingRetransmitRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP, 21) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_PingTimeout EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP, 22) |
#define | EvtNetICMP_PingUninit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP, 23) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_InitManager EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIGMP, 0) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_Join EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetIGMP, 1) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_AlreadyInGroup EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIGMP, 2) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_NoFreeEntries EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIGMP, 3) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_SendReport EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIGMP, 4) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_Leave EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetIGMP, 5) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_NotInGroup EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIGMP, 6) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_SendLeave EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIGMP, 7) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIGMP, 8) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIGMP, 9) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_ChecksumFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIGMP, 10) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_GroupSpecificQuery EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIGMP, 11) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_DestAddressWrong EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIGMP, 12) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_DelayedReportScheduled EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIGMP, 13) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_GeneralQuery EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIGMP, 14) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_StartModeIGMPv1 EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIGMP, 15) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_MaxTimeForReport EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIGMP, 16) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_GroupReportsScheduled EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIGMP, 17) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_ReportReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIGMP, 18) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_OwnReportCanceled EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIGMP, 19) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_StartModeIGMPv2 EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIGMP, 20) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_SendDelayedReport EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIGMP, 21) |
#define | EvtNetIGMP_UninitManager EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIGMP, 22) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_InitService EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNBNS, 0) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_GetSocketFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNBNS, 1) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNBNS, 2) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_WrongRemotePort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNBNS, 3) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNBNS, 4) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_NetBiosDisabled EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNBNS, 5) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_NameQueryRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNBNS, 6) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_QueryFromAddress EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetNBNS, 7) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_NameQueryResponse EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNBNS, 8) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_WrongTransactionId EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNBNS, 9) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_ResolveInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNBNS, 10) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_ResolveNetBiosDisabled EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNBNS, 11) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_ResolveClientBusy EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNBNS, 12) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_Resolve EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetNBNS, 13) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_ResolvedFromCache EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNBNS, 14) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_ResolveTimeoutExpired EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNBNS, 15) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_ResolvedAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNBNS, 16) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_ClearCacheInvalidParam EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNBNS, 17) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_ClrCacheNetBiosDisabled EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNBNS, 18) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_ClearCacheClientBusy EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNBNS, 19) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_ClearCache EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetNBNS, 20) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_ResolveRetransmit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNBNS, 21) |
#define | EvtNetNBNS_UninitService EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNBNS, 22) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_InitClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 0) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_GetSocketFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDHCP, 1) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_StartClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 2) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_StopClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 3) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ClientState EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 4) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_NextState EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 5) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_StateRetransmit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 6) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ChangeStateOnTimeout EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 7) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_AutoIpAddressProbe EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 8) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_AutoIpSuccess EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 9) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_T2Expired EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 10) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_LeaseExpired EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDHCP, 11) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_SendDhcpMessage EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 12) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 13) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_WrongServerPort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDHCP, 14) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDHCP, 15) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_MisformedReply EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDHCP, 16) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_WrongTransactionId EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDHCP, 17) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_WrongClientHwAddress EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDHCP, 18) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_WrongMagicCookie EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDHCP, 19) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_InvalidMessageType EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 20) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ViewMessage EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 21) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_FileOverloadOptions EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetDHCP, 22) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_SnameOverloadOptions EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetDHCP, 23) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_MissingServerId EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 24) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ForwardedMessage EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 25) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_OfferedAddressInvalid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDHCP, 26) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ViewRelayAgentAddress EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetDHCP, 27) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ViewOfferedAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 28) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ServerAddressNotSelected EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 29) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_AssignedAddrNotRequested EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 30) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ViewAssignedAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 31) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ViewServerId EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 32) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ViewNetMask EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 33) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ViewGatewayAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 34) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ViewDnsServers EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 35) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ViewLeaseTime EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 36) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ViewTimeT1 EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 37) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ViewTimeT2 EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 38) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ViewBootfileName EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 39) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_ViewNtpServerList EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 40) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_SetOptionInvalidParam EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDHCP, 41) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_SetOptionInvalidState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDHCP, 42) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_SetOptionClientIdDefault EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetDHCP, 43) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_SetOptionClientId EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetDHCP, 44) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP_UninitClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP, 45) |
#define | EvtNetARP_InitCache EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 0) |
#define | EvtNetARP_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 1) |
#define | EvtNetARP_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetARP, 2) |
#define | EvtNetARP_FrameCorrupted EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetARP, 3) |
#define | EvtNetARP_ShowFrameHeader EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetARP, 4) |
#define | EvtNetARP_SenderAddressInvalid EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 5) |
#define | EvtNetARP_CacheEntryUpdate EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 6) |
#define | EvtNetARP_ProbeResponseReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 7) |
#define | EvtNetARP_WrongIpAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 8) |
#define | EvtNetARP_WrongMacAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 9) |
#define | EvtNetARP_OpcodeUnknown EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 10) |
#define | EvtNetARP_SendReply EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 11) |
#define | EvtNetARP_CacheEntryRefreshed EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 12) |
#define | EvtNetARP_WrongResponse EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetARP, 13) |
#define | EvtNetARP_SendRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 14) |
#define | EvtNetARP_CacheAllocFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetARP, 15) |
#define | EvtNetARP_CacheIpRefreshed EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 16) |
#define | EvtNetARP_CacheAdd EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 17) |
#define | EvtNetARP_GatewayUnknown EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetARP, 18) |
#define | EvtNetARP_CacheEntryAdded EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 19) |
#define | EvtNetARP_CacheEarly EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 20) |
#define | EvtNetARP_CacheFind EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 21) |
#define | EvtNetARP_UsingGateway EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 22) |
#define | EvtNetARP_UnresolvedMacAddress EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetARP, 23) |
#define | EvtNetARP_EntryFound EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 24) |
#define | EvtNetARP_CacheIp EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetARP, 25) |
#define | EvtNetARP_CacheIpInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetARP, 26) |
#define | EvtNetARP_CacheMac EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetARP, 27) |
#define | EvtNetARP_CacheMacInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetARP, 28) |
#define | EvtNetARP_UnresolvedIpAddress EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetARP, 29) |
#define | EvtNetARP_GetIp EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetARP, 30) |
#define | EvtNetARP_GetIpInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetARP, 31) |
#define | EvtNetARP_GetIpEntryNotFound EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 32) |
#define | EvtNetARP_GetMac EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetARP, 33) |
#define | EvtNetARP_GetMacInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetARP, 34) |
#define | EvtNetARP_GetMacEntryNotFound EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 35) |
#define | EvtNetARP_Probe EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetARP, 36) |
#define | EvtNetARP_ProbeInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetARP, 37) |
#define | EvtNetARP_ProbeBusy EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetARP, 38) |
#define | EvtNetARP_ProbeRetransmit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 39) |
#define | EvtNetARP_ProbeTimeout EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 40) |
#define | EvtNetARP_ClearCache EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetARP, 46) |
#define | EvtNetARP_ClearCacheInvalidParam EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetARP, 47) |
#define | EvtNetARP_ClearCacheClientBusy EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetARP, 48) |
#define | EvtNetARP_CacheEntryTimeout EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 41) |
#define | EvtNetARP_EntryReleased EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 42) |
#define | EvtNetARP_ResolveEntry EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 43) |
#define | EvtNetARP_RefreshEntry EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 44) |
#define | EvtNetARP_UninitCache EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetARP, 45) |
#define | EvtNetIP6_InitCore EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIP6, 0) |
#define | EvtNetIP6_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIP6, 1) |
#define | EvtNetIP6_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP6, 2) |
#define | EvtNetIP6_InvalidIpVersion EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP6, 3) |
#define | EvtNetIP6_ShowFrameHeader EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetIP6, 4) |
#define | EvtNetIP6_WrongDestinationAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIP6, 5) |
#define | EvtNetIP6_InterfaceNotSupported EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP6, 6) |
#define | EvtNetIP6_WrongMulticastProtocol EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP6, 7) |
#define | EvtNetIP6_FragmentationDisabled EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP6, 14) |
#define | EvtNetIP6_SendFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIP6, 8) |
#define | EvtNetIP6_ProtocolUnknown EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP6, 9) |
#define | EvtNetIP6_SourceAddressNull EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP6, 10) |
#define | EvtNetIP6_DestinationAddressNull EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetIP6, 11) |
#define | EvtNetIP6_SetDefaultInterface EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIP6, 12) |
#define | EvtNetIP6_UninitCore EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetIP6, 13) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP6, 0) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_ShowFrameHeader EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetICMP6, 25) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP6, 1) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_ChecksumFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP6, 2) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_EchoRequestWrongCode EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP6, 3) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_EchoRequestReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP6, 4) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_EchoReplyDisabled EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP6, 26) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_SendEchoReply EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP6, 5) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_EchoReplyReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP6, 6) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_EchoReplyWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP6, 7) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_EchoReplyWrongCode EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP6, 8) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_EchoReplyWrongIpAddress EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP6, 9) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_EchoReplyWrongId EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP6, 10) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_EchoReplyWrongPayload EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP6, 11) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_MessageDiscarded EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP6, 12) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_WrongHopLimit EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP6, 13) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_WrongCode EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP6, 14) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_MessageTypeUnknown EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP6, 15) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_SendFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP6, 16) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_PingEcho EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetICMP6, 17) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_PingTargetNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP6, 18) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_PingDnsError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP6, 19) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_PingInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP6, 20) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_PingClientBusy EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetICMP6, 21) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_PingSendRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP6, 22) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_PingRetransmitRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP6, 23) |
#define | EvtNetICMP6_PingTimeout EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetICMP6, 24) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_InitClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 0) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_GetSocketFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDHCP6, 1) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_StartClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 2) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_StopClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 3) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_ClientState EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 4) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_NextState EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 5) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_NextStateDelay EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 6) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_ChangeStateLinkDown EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 7) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_NoAddressAvailable EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 8) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_StateRetransmit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 9) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_StateTimeout EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 10) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_ChangeStateOnTimeout EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 11) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_T1Expired EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 12) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_T2Expired EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 13) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_SendDhcpMessage EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 14) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 15) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDHCP6, 16) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_WrongTransactionId EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDHCP6, 17) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_MessageTypeUnknown EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDHCP6, 18) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_ShowMessage EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 19) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_InvalidMessageType EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 20) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_WrongClientId EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 21) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_ServerNotChosen EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 22) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_StatusCode EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 23) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_WrongServerId EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 24) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_ShowDnsServers EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 25) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_MissingServerId EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 26) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_WrongIaid EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 27) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_ShowIanaOffer EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 28) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_OfferTimerCheckFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDHCP6, 29) |
#define | EvtNetDHCP6_UninitClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDHCP6, 30) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_InitCache EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 0) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_FrameCheckFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNDP, 1) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_AddressNotLinkLocal EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 2) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_RouterAdvertisement EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 3) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_OptionMtu EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 4) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_OptionSourceMacAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 5) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_OptionPrefixInfo EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 6) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_PrefixInfoNotValid EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 7) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_WrongTargetAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 8) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_NeighborSolicitation EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 9) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_ProbeRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 10) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_NeighborAdvertisement EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 11) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_ProbeResponse EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 12) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_WrongDestinationAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 13) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_SendReply EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 14) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_ShowFlags EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 15) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_SendRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 16) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_ShowTargetAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 17) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_OptionTargetMacAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 18) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_CacheEntryUpdate EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 19) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_WrongResponse EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNDP, 20) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_MakeLinkLocalAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 21) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_MakeTempAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 22) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_CacheIpRefreshed EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 23) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_CacheAdd EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 24) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_RouterListFull EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 25) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_CacheAllocFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNDP, 26) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_CacheEntryAdded EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 27) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_CacheEntryDeleted EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 28) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_CacheEntryRefreshed EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 29) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_CacheFind EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 30) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_GatewayUnknown EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNDP, 31) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_UsingGateway EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 32) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_UnresolvedMacAddress EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNDP, 33) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_EntryFound EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 34) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_CacheIp EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetNDP, 35) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_CacheIpInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNDP, 36) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_GetIp EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetNDP, 37) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_GetIpInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNDP, 38) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_GetIpEntryNotFound EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 39) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_GetMac EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetNDP, 40) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_GetMacInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNDP, 41) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_GetMacEntryNotFound EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 42) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_Probe EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetNDP, 43) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_ProbeInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNDP, 44) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_ProbeBusy EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNDP, 45) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_ProbeRetransmit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 46) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_ProbeTimeout EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 47) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_ClearCache EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetNDP, 53) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_ClearCacheInvalidParam EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNDP, 54) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_ClearCacheClientBusy EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetNDP, 55) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_CacheEntryTimeout EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 48) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_EntryReleased EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 49) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_ResolveEntry EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 50) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_RefreshEntry EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 51) |
#define | EvtNetNDP_UninitCache EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetNDP, 52) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_InitSockets EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetUDP, 0) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_GetSocket EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetUDP, 1) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_GetSocketInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 2) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_NoSocketAvailable EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 3) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_ReleaseSocket EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetUDP, 4) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_ReleaseSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 5) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_ReleaseSocketWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 6) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_OpenSocket EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetUDP, 7) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_OpenSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 8) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_OpenSocketWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 9) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_AssignLocalPort EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetUDP, 10) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_OpenLocalPortInUse EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 11) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_CloseSocket EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetUDP, 12) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_CloseSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 13) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SetOptionSocket EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetUDP, 14) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SetOptionSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 15) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SetOptionSocketWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 16) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SetOptionTos EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetUDP, 17) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SetOptionTtl EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetUDP, 18) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SetOptionTclass EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetUDP, 19) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SetOptionHopLimit EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetUDP, 20) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SetOptionChecksum EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetUDP, 21) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SetOptionInterface EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetUDP, 42) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SetOptionWrongOption EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 22) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SetOptionWrongValue EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 23) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_GetBufferFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 24) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SendFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetUDP, 25) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SendBufferInvalid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 26) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SendSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 27) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SendAddressUnspecified EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 28) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SendPortUndefined EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 29) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SendSocketNotOpen EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 30) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SendZeroLengthFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetUDP, 31) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SendNoRouteFound EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 41) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_SendSizeTruncated EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetUDP, 32) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_ShowFrameHeader EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetUDP, 33) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetUDP, 34) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 35) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_MapFrameToSocket EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetUDP, 36) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_FrameNotMapped EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetUDP, 37) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_LinkLayerAddressed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 38) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_ChecksumFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetUDP, 39) |
#define | EvtNetUDP_UninitSockets EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetUDP, 40) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_InitSockets EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 0) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_GetSocket EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 1) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_GetSocketInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 2) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_NoSocketAvailable EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 3) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ReleaseSocket EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 4) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ReleaseSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 5) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ReleaseSocketWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 6) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ListenSocket EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 7) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ListenSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 8) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ListenPortUndefined EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 9) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ListenSocketWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 10) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ConnectSocket EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 11) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ConnectSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 12) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ConnectAddressUnspecified EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 13) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ConnectPortUndefined EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 14) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ShowNetAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 15) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ConnectLocalPortInvalid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 17) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_AssignLocalPort EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 18) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ConnectSocketWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 19) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ConnectNoRouteFound EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP,115) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ShowRttVariables EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetTCP, 20) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_GetBufferFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 21) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SendFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 22) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SendBufferInvalid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 23) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SendSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 24) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SendSocketNotConnected EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 25) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SendSocketClosing EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 26) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SendReenteredCall EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 27) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SendDataUnacked EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 28) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SendMssExceeded EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 29) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SendZeroLengthFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 30) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_CloseSocket EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 31) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_CloseSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 32) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_CloseDataUnacked EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 33) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_CloseSocketWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 34) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_AbortSocket EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 35) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_AbortSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 36) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_AbortSocketWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 37) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SendReadySocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 38) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SendReadyReenteredCall EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 39) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ResetWindowSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 40) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ResetWindowNotConnected EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 41) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ResetWindowNoFlowControl EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 42) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ResetWindowUpdate EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 43) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SetOptionSocket EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 44) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SetOptionSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 45) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SetOptionSocketWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 46) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SetOptionTos EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetTCP, 47) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SetOptionTclass EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetTCP, 48) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SetOptionTimeout EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetTCP, 49) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SetOptionKeepAlive EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetTCP, 50) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SetOptionFlowControl EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetTCP, 51) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SetOptionDelayedAck EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetTCP, 52) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SetOptionWrongOption EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 53) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SetOptionWrongValue EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 54) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SendDelayedAck EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 55) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SendKeepAliveProbe EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 56) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_KeepAliveTimeoutClosing EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 57) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_CallbackEventAck EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 58) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ResendOnTimeout EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 59) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ShowCongestionVariables EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetTCP, 60) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_TimeoutInState EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 61) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_TwaitTimeoutClosing EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 62) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ClosingTimeout EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 63) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_NoRetriesLeft EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 64) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 65) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 66) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_MapFrameToSocket EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 67) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_FrameNotMapped EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 68) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ChecksumFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 69) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ShowFrameHeader EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetTCP, 70) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_RstInWindow EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 71) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_RstNotValid EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 72) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_RepeatedSynAck EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 73) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_AckNotSet EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 74) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ShowSendWindow EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 75) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_KeepAliveSegment EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 76) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_RetransmittedSegment EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 77) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_OutOfRangeSegment EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 78) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ZeroWindowProbe EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 79) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_RemotePeerClosing EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 80) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ShowReceiveWindow EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 81) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_InvalidAck EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 82) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SynNotSet EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 83) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_UserConnectionReject EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 84) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_NextState EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 85) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_WrongSynAck EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 86) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_WrongAckNumber EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 87) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_WrongSeqNumber EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 88) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_RepeatedSyn EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 89) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_FrameUnrecognised EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 90) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SimultOpenNextState EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 91) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_WrongFinAck EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 92) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_FinAckNextState EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 93) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SimultCloseNextState EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 94) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_AckNextState EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 95) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_FinNextState EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 96) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_PshAckInHalfOpen EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP, 97) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_RepeatedFin EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 98) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_LastAckNextState EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP, 99) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_RstReceived EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP,100) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_InvalidState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP,101) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SendData EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP,102) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SendControl EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP,103) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_SendReset EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP,104) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ParseHeaderOptions EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP,105) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_OptionMss EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP,106) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_DuplicateAck EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP,107) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_FastRetransmit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP,108) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_DataAcked EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP,109) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_ResendData EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP,110) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_MapSocketWrongFlagsSet EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP,111) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_MapSocketSynNotSet EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP,112) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_MapSocketNoListenSocket EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTCP,113) |
#define | EvtNetTCP_UninitSockets EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTCP,114) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_InitSockets EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD, 0) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SocketCreate EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetBSD, 1) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SocketInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 2) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_NoSocketAvailable EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 3) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_BindSocket EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetBSD, 4) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_BindSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 5) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_BindInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 6) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_BindSocketNotCreated EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 7) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_BindSocketAlreadyBound EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 8) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_BindSocketConnected EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 9) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_BindPortInUse EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 10) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ViewNetAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD, 11) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ListenSocket EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetBSD, 13) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ListenSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 14) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ListenInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 15) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ListenSocketNotCreated EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,145) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ListenSocketNotBound EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 16) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ListenSocketNotStreamType EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 17) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ListenSockAlreadyListens EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 18) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ListenBacklogCreateFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 19) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_AcceptSocket EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetBSD, 20) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 21) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotCreated EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,146) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotListening EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 22) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotStreamType EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 23) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_AcceptSocketLocked EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 24) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_AcceptChildSockConnected EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD, 25) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_AcceptSocketClosed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 26) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_AcceptSocketKilled EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 27) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ConnectSocket EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetBSD, 28) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ConnectSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 29) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ConnectInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 30) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ConnectSocketLocked EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 31) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ConnectSocketNotCreated EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 32) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ConnectSocketWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 33) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ConnectDatagramSuccess EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD, 34) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ConnectStreamSuccess EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD, 35) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ConnectStreamTimeout EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 36) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ConnectStreamRefused EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 37) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_ConnectSocketKilled EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 38) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendSocket EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetBSD, 39) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 40) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 41) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendSocketNotCreated EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 42) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendSocketLocked EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 43) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendSocketNotConnected EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 44) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendSocketWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 45) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendSocketClosed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 46) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendCompleteNonBlocking EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD, 47) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendSocketKilled EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 48) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendStreamError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 49) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendtoInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 50) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendDestAddressUndefined EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 51) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendtoMsgTooLarge EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,152) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendtoNoMemory EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,153) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendDatagramError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 52) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendCompleteBlocking EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD, 53) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendTimeoutBlocking EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD, 54) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendNoMemory EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD, 55) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendmsgSocket EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetBSD, 56) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendmsgSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 57) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendmsgInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 58) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendmsgSocketNotCreated EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 59) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendmsgSocketLocked EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 60) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendmsgDestAddrUndefined EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 61) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendmsgMsgTooLarge EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,154) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendmsgNoMemory EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 62) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendmsgDatagramError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 63) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendmsgSocketKilled EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 64) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SendmsgComplete EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD, 65) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvSocket EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetBSD, 66) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 67) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 68) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvSocketNotCreated EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 69) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvSocketNotConnected EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 70) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvSocketWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 71) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvSocketLocked EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 72) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvSocketClosed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 73) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvTimeout EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD, 74) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvSocketKilled EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 75) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvQueueFree EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD, 76) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvComplete EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD, 77) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvmsgSocket EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetBSD, 78) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 79) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvmsgInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 80) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketNotCreated EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 81) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketLocked EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 82) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 83) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvmsgTimeout EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD, 84) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketKilled EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 85) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_RecvmsgComplete EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD, 86) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_Closesocket EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetBSD, 87) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_CloseSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 88) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_CloseSocketNotCreated EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,147) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_Select EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetBSD, 89) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SelectInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 90) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SelectSuspendFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 91) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SelectComplete EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD, 92) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SelectCompleteBlocking EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD, 93) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_Getpeername EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetBSD, 94) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetpeerSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 95) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetpeerSocketNotCreated EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,148) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetpeerInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 96) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetpeerSocketNotConnected EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 97) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_Getsockname EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetBSD, 98) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetsockSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD, 99) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetsockSocketNotCreated EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,149) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetsockInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,100) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetsockSocketNotBound EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,101) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_Setsockopt EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetBSD,102) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SetoptSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,103) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SetoptInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,104) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SetoptSocketNotCreated EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,105) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SetoptOptionNotSupported EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,106) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SetoptKeepAlive EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,107) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SetoptRecvTimeout EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,108) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SetoptSendTimeout EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,109) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SetoptIp4Tos EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,110) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SetoptIp4Ttl EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,111) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SetoptIp4RecvDstAddr EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,112) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SetoptIp6Tclass EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,113) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SetoptIp6HopLimit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,114) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SetoptIp6RecvDstAddr EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,115) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SetoptIp6Only EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,150) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_SetoptSocketBound EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,151) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_Getsockopt EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetBSD,116) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetoptSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,117) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetoptInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,118) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetoptSocketNotCreated EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,119) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetoptOptionNotSupported EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,120) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_Ioctlsocket EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetBSD,121) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_IoctlSocketNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,122) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_IoctlInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,123) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_IoctlSocketNotCreated EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,124) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_IoctlSocketNotStreamType EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,125) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_IoctlNonBlocking EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,126) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_IoctlDelayAck EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,127) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_IoctlKeepAlive EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,128) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_IoctlFlowControl EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,129) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_CbfuncTcpEvent EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,130) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_CbfuncTcpQueueAdd EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,131) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_CbfuncTcpNoMemory EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,132) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_CbfuncUdpQueueAdd EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,133) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_CbfuncUdpDumpData EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,134) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_UninitSockets EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,135) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetHostInit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,136) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetHostByName EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetBSD,137) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetHostNameResolved EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,138) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetHostNameNotExisting EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,139) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetHostResolverTimeout EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,140) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetHostResolverError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,141) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetHostResolverBusy EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,142) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetHostInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetBSD,143) |
#define | EvtNetBSD_GetHostUninit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetBSD,144) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_InitServer EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 0) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_ViewRootFolder EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 1) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_GetSocketFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetHTTPs, 2) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_SetRootPath EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetHTTPs, 3) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_SetUsername EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetHTTPs, 4) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_SetPassword EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetHTTPs, 5) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_StartService EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 6) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_StopService EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 7) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_FileNotFound EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetHTTPs, 8) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_FileAccessForbidden EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetHTTPs, 9) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_FileCached EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 10) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_CloseSession EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 11) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_SendFile EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 12) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_CgiSendFile EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 13) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_CgiIncludeFile EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 14) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_CgiStopEngine EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 15) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_CgiScriptError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetHTTPs, 16) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_UnauthorizedAccess EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetHTTPs, 17) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_MethodNotImplemented EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetHTTPs, 18) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_UserAccessDenied EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetHTTPs, 19) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_SetCookie EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetHTTPs, 20) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_SessionOpen EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 21) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_SocketAborted EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 22) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_SocketClosed EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 23) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 24) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetHTTPs, 25) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_RequestMethod EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 26) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_CgiStartEngine EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 27) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_RequestedFile EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 28) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_FileOpenDrive EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 29) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_ViewFileStatus EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 30) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_ViewRedirectionUrl EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 31) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_ViewUserCredentials EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 32) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_ViewAcceptLanguage EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 33) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_ViewCookie EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 45) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_ViewXmlType EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 34) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_PostXmlEncoded EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 35) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_PostCompleteMultipacket EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 36) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_PostFormUrlEncoded EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 37) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_PostDataTruncated EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetHTTPs, 38) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_FileUploadRequested EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 39) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_FileUploadDataReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 40) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_FileUploadRemaining EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 41) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_FileUploadComplete EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 42) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_TlsGetContextFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetHTTPs, 43) |
#define | EvtNetHTTPs_UninitServer EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetHTTPs, 44) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_InitServer EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 0) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_ShowRootFolder EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 1) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_GetSocketFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPs, 2) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_SetRootPath EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetFTPs, 3) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_SetUsername EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetFTPs, 4) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_SetPassword EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetFTPs, 5) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_UserAccessDenied EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPs, 6) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_SessionOpen EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 8) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_SocketAborted EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 9) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_SocketClosed EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 10) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_UnackedDataError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPs, 11) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 12) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPs, 13) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_ShowCommand EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 14) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_VerifyUsername EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 15) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_VerifyPassword EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 16) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_AuthenticationFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPs, 17) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_UserLoginSuccess EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 18) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_NotAuthenticated EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 19) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_ShowSystemType EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 20) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_NoOperation EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 21) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_CurrentDirectory EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 22) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_ChangeDirectory EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 23) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_ChangeDirectoryFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPs, 67) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_ChangeDirectoryLevelUp EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 24) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_MakeDirectory EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 25) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_OperationDenied EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 26) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_RemoveDirectory EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 27) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_RemoveDirectoryFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPs, 28) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_DirectoryRemoved EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 29) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_ShowDataMode EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 30) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_ActiveModeStart EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 31) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_PassiveModeStart EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 32) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_GetFileSize EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 33) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_GetFileLastModifiedTime EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 34) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_ListDirectoryBasic EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 35) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_ListDirectoryExtended EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 36) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_ReadFile EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 37) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_FileNotFound EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPs, 38) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_WriteFile EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 39) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_AppendFile EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 40) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_FileCreateFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPs, 41) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_DeleteFile EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 42) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_FileDeleteFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPs, 43) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_FileDeleted EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 44) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_RenameFileFrom EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 45) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_RenameFileTo EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 46) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_FileRenamed EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 47) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_FileRenameFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPs, 48) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_UnknownCommand EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPs, 49) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_InvalidState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPs, 50) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_InboundConnRejected EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPs, 51) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_DataSocketClosed EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 52) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_DataSocketOpen EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 53) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_LocalDiskWriteError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPs, 54) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_StartService EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 55) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_StopService EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 56) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_ShowFileFindMask EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 57) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_MakeDirectoryFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPs, 58) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_DirectoryCreated EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 59) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_ShowFileSize EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 60) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_ShowFileLastModifiedTime EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 61) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_CloseDataConnection EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 62) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_CloseSession EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 63) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_SessionIdle EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 64) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_ShowPath EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 65) |
#define | EvtNetFTPs_UninitServer EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPs, 66) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_InitClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 0) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_GetSocketFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 1) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_Connect EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetFTPc, 2) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_ConnectInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 4) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_ConnectClientBusy EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 5) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_InboundConnRejected EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 6) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_SocketAborted EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 7) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_SocketConnected EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 8) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_SocketClosed EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 9) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 10) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 11) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_ShowReplyCode EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 12) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_ResponseFragmented EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 13) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_ServerReady EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 14) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_UserOkNeedPassword EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 15) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_UserLoginFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 16) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_UserLoginSuccess EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 17) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_WorkingDirectoryInvalid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 18) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_ExecuteUserCommand EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 19) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_BinaryModeEnabled EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 20) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_PasvCommandFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 21) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_PassiveModeStart EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 22) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_PortCommandFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 23) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_ActiveModeStart EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 24) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_FileNotFoundOnServer EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 25) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_OperationNotAllowed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 26) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_AboutToOpenDataConn EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 27) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_DataConnAlreadyOpen EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 28) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_TransferAborted EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 29) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_TransferCompleted EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 30) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_FileDeleted EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 31) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_NewNameRequired EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 32) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_FileOrDirectoryRenamed EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 33) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_DirectoryCreated EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 34) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_FileOrPathNotFound EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 35) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_DirectoryRemoved EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 36) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_CommandErrorResponse EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 37) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_WrongResponse EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 38) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_DataSocketClosed EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 39) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_DataSocketOpened EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 40) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_LocalDiskWriteError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 41) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_ClientStopTimeoutExpired EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 42) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_LocalPortAssigned EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 43) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_OpenLocalFile EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 44) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_LocalFileCreateFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 45) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_LocalFileNotFound EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 46) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_OpenDataConnFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetFTPc, 47) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_SendCommand EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetFTPc, 48) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_ClientCloseSocket EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 49) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_ClientDone EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 50) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_CloseLocalFile EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 51) |
#define | EvtNetFTPc_UninitClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetFTPc, 52) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_InitServer EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 0) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_GetSocketFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTeln, 1) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_SetUsername EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetTeln, 2) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_SetPassword EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetTeln, 3) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_StartService EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 4) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_StopService EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 5) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_CloseSession EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 6) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_ProcessData EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 7) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_ProcessCommand EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 8) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_EchoBackspace EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 9) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_CommandHistory EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 10) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_EchoCharacters EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 11) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_LineBufferUsage EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 12) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_SendAuthorizationRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 13) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_SendInitialHeader EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 14) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_LoginTimeoutExpired EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 15) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_ShowPassword EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 16) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_AuthenticationFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTeln, 17) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_UserLoginSuccess EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 18) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_ShowUsername EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 19) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_NegotiateStart EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 20) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_NegotiateFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTeln, 21) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_UserAccessDenied EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTeln, 22) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_SessionOpen EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 24) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_SocketAborted EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 25) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_SocketClosed EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 26) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 27) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_NegotiateSuccess EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 28) |
#define | EvtNetTeln_UninitServer EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTeln, 29) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_InitServer EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 0) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_ShowRootFolder EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 1) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_GetSocketFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPs, 2) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_SetRootPath EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetTFTPs, 3) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_StartService EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 4) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_StopService EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 5) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_TimeoutExpiredAbort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPs, 6) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_SendBlock EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 7) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 8) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPs, 9) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_UserAccessDenied EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPs, 10) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_AccessDeniedNoResources EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPs, 12) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_ShowClientAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 13) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_OperationRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 15) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_SessionRestart EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 16) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_InvalidTransferId EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPs, 17) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_ErrorCodeReceived EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPs, 18) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_IllegalOpcodeReceived EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPs, 19) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_FileRequested EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 20) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_TransferBlockSize EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 21) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_TransferModeNotBinary EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPs, 22) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_LocalFileNotFound EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPs, 23) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_LocalFileCreateFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPs, 24) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_ReceiveDataFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 25) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_DataFrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPs, 26) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_DuplicateBlockReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 27) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_TooManyRetries EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPs, 28) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_BlockReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 29) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_InvalidBlockReceived EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPs, 30) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_WriteErrorDiskFull EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPs, 31) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_BlockAckReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 32) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_BlockRetransmit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 33) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_InvalidBlockAck EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPs, 34) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_ShowRequestMode EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 35) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_SendOptionAck EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 36) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_SendBlockAck EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 37) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_SendError EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 38) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_AbortSession EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 39) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_CloseSession EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 40) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPs_UninitServer EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPs, 41) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_InitClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 0) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_GetSocketFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPc, 1) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_PutFile EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetTFTPc, 2) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_PutRemoteName EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 3) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_PutInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPc, 4) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_PutWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPc, 5) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_ShowServerAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 6) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_OpenLocalFile EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 8) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_OpenLocalFileFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPc, 9) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_GetFile EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetTFTPc, 10) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_GetLocalName EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 11) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_GetInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPc, 12) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_GetWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPc, 13) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_TimeoutBlockRetransmit EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 14) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_SendBlock EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 15) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_StopClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 16) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_CloseLocalFile EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 17) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_WrongServerAddress EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPc, 18) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_WrongServerPort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPc, 20) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_ServerTidAssigned EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 21) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPc, 22) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 23) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_ErrorCodeReceived EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPc, 24) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_DuplicateBlockAck EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 25) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_InvalidBlockAck EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPc, 26) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_BlockAckReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 27) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_DuplicateBlockReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 28) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_InvalidBlockReceived EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPc, 29) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_BlockReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 30) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_WriteErrorDiskFull EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPc, 31) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_IllegalServerOperation EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetTFTPc, 32) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_SendRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 33) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_OptionBlockSize EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 34) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_SendAck EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 35) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_SendError EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 36) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_OptionAckReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 37) |
#define | EvtNetTFTPc_UninitClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetTFTPc, 38) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_InitClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 0) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_GetSocketFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 1) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_Connect EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetSMTP, 2) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_ConnectInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 4) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_ConnectClientBusy EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 5) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SendMail EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetSMTP, 6) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SendMailInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 7) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SendMailTlsNotEnabled EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 8) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SendMailClientBusy EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 9) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SendMailNoRecipients EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 10) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SendMailServerNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 11) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SendMailDnsError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 12) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SendMailAttachNotEnabled EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 13) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SendMailAttachFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 14) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SendMailMultipart EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 15) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SendMailAttachment EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 16) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_InboundConnRejected EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 17) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SocketAborted EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 18) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SocketConnected EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 19) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SocketClosed EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 20) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 21) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_UnackedDataError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 22) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 23) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_ServerReady EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 24) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_EsmtpModeNotSupported EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 25) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_EhloResponseFragmented EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 26) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_EsmtpModeActive EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 27) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_StartAuthentication EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 28) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_AuthenticationDenied EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 29) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_AuthMethodNotSupported EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 30) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SmtpModeActive EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 31) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_AuthenticationSuccessful EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 32) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_AuthenticationFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 33) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_ServerAcknowledge EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 34) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_WrongResponse EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 35) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_ClientStopTimeoutExpired EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 36) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SendMessageBody EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 37) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SendMessageEnd EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 38) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_SendCommand EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetSMTP, 39) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_ClientCloseSocket EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 40) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_ClientDone EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 41) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_TlsSupportIndicated EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 42) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_StartTlsAccepted EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 43) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_TlsGetContextFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSMTP, 44) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_TlsModeStarted EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 45) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_TlsModeEstablished EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 46) |
#define | EvtNetSMTP_UninitClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSMTP, 47) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_InitClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDNS, 0) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_GetSocketFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 1) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_ChangeDnsServer EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDNS, 2) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_ClientStopTimeoutExpired EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 3) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDNS, 4) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_WrongServerPort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 6) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 7) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_WrongServerAddress EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 8) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_ShowFrameHeader EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetDNS, 9) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_WrongTransactionId EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 10) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_DnsRequestReceived EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 11) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_OpcodeNotQuery EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 12) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_MessageTruncated EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDNS, 35) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_NoSuchNameFound EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDNS, 13) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_RcodeAndRecursion EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 14) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_MoreAnswersReceived EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 15) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_QnameNotTheSame EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 16) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_QtypeNotTheSame EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 17) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_QclassNotInet EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 18) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_GotHostAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDNS, 19) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_GotAuthorityAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDNS, 21) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_RecordTypeNotSupported EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 23) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_Resolve EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDNS, 24) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_ResolveInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 25) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_ResolveClientBusy EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 26) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_ResolvedAddress EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDNS, 27) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_ResolveDnsServerUnknown EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 29) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_SendRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDNS, 30) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_ClearCache EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetDNS, 32) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_ClearCacheClientBusy EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetDNS, 33) |
#define | EvtNetDNS_UninitClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetDNS, 34) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_InitAgent EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNMP, 0) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_GetSocketFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 1) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_ViewCommunity EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNMP, 2) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_SetCommunity EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetSNMP, 3) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_SetCommunityInvalidParam EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 4) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_SetMibTable EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetSNMP, 5) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_SetMibTableInvalidParam EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 6) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_Trap EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetSNMP, 7) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_TrapInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 8) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_TrapMibTableNotSet EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 9) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_TrapMissingSysObjectId EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 10) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_TrapGenericTrapInvalid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 11) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_TrapTooManyObjects EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 12) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_TrapObjectNotExisting EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 13) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_TrapMessageTooBig EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 14) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_MibAddObject EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetSNMP, 15) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_ViewObjectId EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetSNMP, 32) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_ViewObjectVal EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetSNMP, 33) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_ViewObjectAddr EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetSNMP, 34) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_ViewObjectVar EventID (EventLevelDetail,EvtNetSNMP, 35) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNMP, 16) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 17) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_FrameProtocolError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 18) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_VersionNotSupported EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNMP, 19) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_WrongCommunityReceived EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNMP, 20) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_InvalidRequestType EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 21) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_ViewRequest EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNMP, 22) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_TooManyObjectsReceived EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 23) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_ObjectNotFound EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 24) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_ObjectWrongType EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 25) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_ObjectReadOnly EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 26) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_ObjectWriteFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 27) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_SendErrorStatus EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNMP, 28) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_ResponseMessageTooBig EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNMP, 29) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_SendGetResponse EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNMP, 30) |
#define | EvtNetSNMP_UninitAgent EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNMP, 31) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_InitClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNTP, 0) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_GetSocketFailed EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNTP, 1) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_GetTime EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetSNTP, 2) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_GetTimeInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNTP, 3) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_GetTimeWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNTP, 4) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_GetTimeOpen EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNTP, 5) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_GetTimeClose EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNTP, 6) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_GetTimeServerUnknown EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNTP, 7) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_GetTimexInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNTP, 8) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_GetTimexClientBusy EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNTP, 9) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_GetTimexServerNotValid EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNTP, 10) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_GetTimexDnsError EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNTP, 11) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_SetMode EventID (EventLevelAPI, EvtNetSNTP, 12) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_SetModeInvalidParameter EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNTP, 13) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_SetModeWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNTP, 14) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_SendMessage EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNTP, 15) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_ServerNotResponding EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNTP, 16) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_ReceiveFrame EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNTP, 17) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_WrongServerPort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNTP, 18) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_FrameTooShort EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNTP, 19) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_WrongServerAddress EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNTP, 20) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_ModeNotServer EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNTP, 21) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_ModeNotBroadcast EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNTP, 22) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_AnswerInWrongState EventID (EventLevelError, EvtNetSNTP, 23) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_ShowTimeStamp EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNTP, 24) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_TimeStampInvalid EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNTP, 25) |
#define | EvtNetSNTP_UninitClient EventID (EventLevelOp, EvtNetSNTP, 26) |
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSYS_InitSystem (uint32_t lib_version) |
| Event on network initialize start (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSYS_ThreadCreateFailed (void) |
| Event on failure to create network core thread (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSYS_TimerCreateFailed (void) |
| Event on failure to create network interval timer (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSYS_InitComplete (void) |
| Event on network initialize complete (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSYS_SetOption (uint16_t if_id, int32_t option) |
| Event on set interface option (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSYS_GetOption (uint16_t if_id, int32_t option) |
| Event on get interface option (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSYS_SetDefault (uint16_t if_id, int32_t ip_version) |
| Event on set default interface (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSYS_SetHostName (const char *name, uint32_t length) |
| Event on set local host name (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSYS_UninitSystem (void) |
| Event on network uninitialize start (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSYS_UninitComplete (void) |
| Event on network uninitialize complete (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetMEM_InitMemory (void *base, uint32_t size, uint32_t limit0, uint32_t limit1) |
| Event on initialize memory management (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetMEM_AllocMemory (void *mem, uint32_t size, uint32_t used, uint32_t blocks) |
| Event on request to allocate memory (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetMEM_AllocLimitExceeded (uint32_t size, uint32_t used, uint32_t blocks) |
| Event on memory allocation limit exceeded (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetMEM_AllocOutOfMemory (uint32_t size, uint32_t used, uint32_t blocks) |
| Event on out of memory error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetMEM_ShrinkMemory (void *mem, uint32_t new_size) |
| Event on shrink memory block request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetMEM_FreeMemory (void *mem, uint32_t size, uint32_t used, uint32_t blocks) |
| Event on request to free memory block (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetMEM_FreeInvalidBlock (void *mem) |
| Event on attempt to free an invalid memory (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetMEM_FreeLinkCorrupted (void *link) |
| Event on corrupted internal memory link (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetMEM_UninitMemory (void) |
| Event on de-initialize memory management (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_InitInterface (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet interface initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_MacAddressConfigError (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet MAC address configuration error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_VlanConfigError (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet VLAN configuration error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_VlanInitError (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet VLAN initialization error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_PhyDriverConfigError (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet PHY configuration error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_PhyDriverInitError (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet PHY initialization error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_Ip4ConfigError (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet IPv4 configuration error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_Ip6ConfigError (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet IPv6 configuration error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_ThreadCreateFailed (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet thread create failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_GetOptionInvalidParameter (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet get_option invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SetOptionInvalidParameter (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet set_option invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SetMacAddress (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *mac_addr) |
| Event on Ethernet set interface MAC address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SetVlanIdentifier (uint8_t if_num, uint16_t vlan_id) |
| Event on Ethernet set VLAN identifier (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SetIp4Address (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on Ethernet set interface IPv4 address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SetIp4SubnetMask (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *net_mask) |
| Event on Ethernet set interface IPv4 subnet mask (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SetIp4DefaultGateway (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on Ethernet set interface IPv4 default gateway (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SetIp4PrimaryDNS (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on Ethernet set interface primary DNS server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SetIp4SecondaryDNS (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on Ethernet set interface secondary DNS server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SetIp4Mtu (uint8_t if_num, uint16_t mtu) |
| Event on Ethernet set interface MTU (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SetIp6Address (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on Ethernet set interface IPv6 static address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SetIp6DefaultGateway (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on Ethernet set interface IPv6 default gateway (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SetIp6PrimaryDNS (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on Ethernet set interface primary DNS server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SetIp6SecondaryDNS (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on Ethernet set interface secondary DNS server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SetIp6PrefixLength (uint8_t if_num, uint8_t pref_len) |
| Event on Ethernet set interface IPv6 subnet prefix length (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SetIp6Mtu (uint8_t if_num, uint16_t mtu) |
| Event on Ethernet set interface MTU (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SendFrame (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t length, uint8_t ip_version) |
| Event on Ethernet send frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_LinkDownError (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet link down error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SendDataTooLarge (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t length, uint32_t max_length) |
| Event on Ethernet send payload too large error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SendIp4Disabled (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet send IPv4 disabled error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_Ip4LocalAddressUndefined (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet local IPv4 address undefined (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_Ip4MacAddressUnresolved (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on Ethernet MAC address unresolved (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_EnqueueFrame (uint8_t if_num, uint8_t ca_entry, uint32_t length) |
| Event on enqueued Ethernet frame for unresolved MAC address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SendIp6Disabled (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet send IPv6 disabled error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_Ip6LocalAddressUndefined (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet local IPv6 address undefined (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_Ip6MacAddressUnresolved (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on Ethernet MAC address unresolved (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_InvalidIpVersion (uint8_t if_num, uint8_t ip_version) |
| Event on Ethernet invalid IP version (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_ShowFrameHeader (const void *eth_header) |
| Event on Ethernet display send/receive frame header (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_LinkDownStatus (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet link down status (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_LinkUpStatus (uint8_t if_num, uint8_t link_info) |
| Event on Ethernet link up status (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_ReceiveFrame (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t length) |
| Event on Ethernet receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_VlanInvalid (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet receive VLAN invalid (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_Ip4Disabled (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet receive IPv4 disabled (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_Ip6Disabled (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet receive IPv6 disabled (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_ProtocolUnknown (uint8_t if_num, uint16_t protocol) |
| Event on Ethernet receive protocol unknown (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SendRawFrame (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t length) |
| Event on Ethernet send raw frame (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_SendRawInvalidParameter (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet send raw frame invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_OutputLowLevel (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t length) |
| Event on output Ethernet frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetETH_UninitInterface (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on Ethernet interface de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_InitInterface (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi interface initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_DriverInitFailed (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi failed to initialize the driver (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SetBypassModeFailed (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi failed to activate bypass mode (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_GetMacAddressFailed (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi driver get MAC address failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_DriverMacAddress (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *mac_addr) |
| Event on WiFi driver provided MAC address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_MacAddressConfigError (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi MAC address configuration error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SetMacAddressFailed (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi driver failed to set MAC address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_Ip4ConfigError (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi IPv4 configuration error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_Ip6ConfigError (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi IPv6 configuration error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_ThreadCreateFailed (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi thread create failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_GetOptionInvalidParameter (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi get_option invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SetOptionInvalidParameter (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi set_option invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SetMacAddress (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *mac_addr) |
| Event on WiFi set interface MAC address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SetIp4Address (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on WiFi set interface IPv4 address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SetIp4SubnetMask (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *net_mask) |
| Event on WiFi set interface IPv4 subnet mask (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SetIp4DefaultGateway (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on WiFi set interface IPv4 default gateway (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SetIp4PrimaryDNS (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on WiFi set interface primary DNS server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SetIp4SecondaryDNS (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on WiFi set interface secondary DNS server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SetIp4Mtu (uint8_t if_num, uint16_t mtu) |
| Event on WiFi set interface MTU (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SetIp6Address (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on WiFi set interface IPv6 static address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SetIp6DefaultGateway (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on WiFi set interface IPv6 default gateway (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SetIp6PrimaryDNS (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on WiFi set interface primary DNS server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SetIp6SecondaryDNS (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on WiFi set interface secondary DNS server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SetIp6PrefixLength (uint8_t if_num, uint8_t pref_len) |
| Event on WiFi set interface IPv6 subnet prefix length (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SetIp6Mtu (uint8_t if_num, uint16_t mtu) |
| Event on WiFi set interface MTU (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_Scan (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t max_num) |
| Event on WiFi scan wireless networks (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_ScanWrongMode (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t mode) |
| Event on WiFi scan in wrong mode (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_ScanInvalidParameter (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi scan invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_ScanComplete (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t num) |
| Event on WiFi scan wireless networks complete (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_GetOption (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t opt) |
| Event on WiFi get driver option (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SetOption (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t opt) |
| Event on WiFi set driver option (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_Activate (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t mode) |
| Event on WiFi interface activate (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_ActivateInvalidParameter (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi activate invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_Deactivate (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t mode) |
| Event on WiFi interface deactivate (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_DeactivateInvalidParam (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi deactivate invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_GetNetInfo (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi get network information (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_GetNetInfoWrongMode (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t mode) |
| Event on WiFi get network information in wrong mode (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_GetNetInfoInvalidParam (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi get network information invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SendFrame (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t length, uint8_t ip_version) |
| Event on WiFi send frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_NotConnected (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi station not connected (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SendDataTooLarge (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t length, uint32_t max_length) |
| Event on WiFi send payload too large error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SendIp4Disabled (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi send IPv4 disabled error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_Ip4LocalAddressUndefined (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi local IPv4 address undefined (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_Ip4MacAddressUnresolved (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on WiFi MAC address unresolved (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_EnqueueFrame (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t ca_entry, uint32_t length) |
| Event on enqueued WiFi frame for unresolved MAC address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_SendIp6Disabled (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi send IPv6 disabled error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_Ip6LocalAddressUndefined (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi local IPv6 address undefined (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_Ip6MacAddressUnresolved (uint8_t if_num, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on WiFi MAC address unresolved (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_InvalidIpVersion (uint8_t if_num, uint8_t ip_version) |
| Event on WiFi invalid IP version (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_ShowFrameHeader (const void *eth_header) |
| Event on WiFi display send/receive frame header (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_LinkStateChange (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t state) |
| Event on WiFi connection state change (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_ReceiveFrame (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t length) |
| Event on WiFi receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_Ip4Disabled (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi receive IPv4 disabled (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_Ip6Disabled (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi receive IPv6 disabled (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_ProtocolUnknown (uint8_t if_num, uint16_t protocol) |
| Event on WiFi receive protocol unknown (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_OutputLowLevel (uint8_t if_num, uint32_t length) |
| Event on WiFi output frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_TxQueueOverflow (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi output queue overflow (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_OutputNoMemory (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WIFI output out of memory (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetWiFi_UninitInterface (uint8_t if_num) |
| Event on WiFi interface de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_InitInterface (void) |
| Event on PPP interface initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ThreadCreateFailed (void) |
| Event on PPP thread create failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_GetOptionInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on PPP get_option invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_SetOptionInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on PPP set_option invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_SetIp4Address (const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on PPP set interface IPv4 address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_SetIp4PrimaryDNS (const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on PPP set interface primary DNS server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_SetIp4SecondaryDNS (const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on PPP set interface secondary DNS server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_SetIp4Mtu (uint16_t mtu) |
| Event on PPP set interface MTU (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ReceiveFrame (uint16_t protocol, uint32_t length) |
| Event on PPP receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_FrameTooShort (uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on PPP receive frame too short (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ChecksumFailed (uint32_t length) |
| Event on PPP frame checksum check failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_CtrlByteInvalid (uint8_t ctrl, uint8_t ctrl_valid) |
| Event on PPP frame control byte invalid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_SendFrame (uint16_t protocol, uint32_t length) |
| Event on PPP send frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_InvalidIpVersion (uint8_t ip_version) |
| Event on PPP invalid IP version (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_NetworkLayerDown (void) |
| Event on PPP network layer down (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_SendDataTooLarge (uint32_t length, uint32_t max_length) |
| Event on PPP send payload too large (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_NoMemoryError (void) |
| Event on PPP out of memory for send (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_QueueAddTransmit (void) |
| Event on PPP add frame to transmit queue (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_RejectProtocol (uint16_t protocol) |
| Event on PPP reject unsupported protocol type (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_RejectCode (uint16_t protocol, uint8_t code) |
| Event on PPP reject unsupported cp code (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_Connect (const char *dial_number, uint32_t length) |
| Event on PPP start connecting (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ConnectInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on PPP connect invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ConnectWrongState (void) |
| Event on PPP connect in wrong state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_Listen (void) |
| Event on PPP start listening (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ListenInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on PPP listen invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ListenWrongState (void) |
| Event on PPP listen in wrong state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_Close (void) |
| Event on PPP close connection (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ShowUsername (const char *username, uint32_t length) |
| Event on PPP display username (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ShowPassword (const char *password, uint32_t length) |
| Event on PPP display password (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ModemOffline (void) |
| Event on PPP link change to modem offline (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_DataLinkDown (void) |
| Event on PPP data-link layer down (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_UninitInterface (void) |
| Event on PPP interface de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpInit (void) |
| Event on PPP-LCP initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpSendConfigRequest (void) |
| Event on PPP-LCP send configuration request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpNoRetriesLeft (void) |
| Event on PPP-LCP no retries left for LCP negotiation (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpOptionCharMap (uint32_t char_map) |
| Event on PPP-LCP option character map (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpOptionPfc (void) |
| Event on PPP-LCP option PFC (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpOptionAcfc (void) |
| Event on PPP-LCP option ACFC (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpOptionMagicNumber (uint32_t magic_number) |
| Event on PPP-LCP option magic number (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpOptionAuthPap (void) |
| Event on PPP-LCP option Authentication PAP (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpOptionAuthChapMd5 (void) |
| Event on PPP-LCP option Authentication CHAP (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpSendEchoRequest (uint32_t magic_number) |
| Event on PPP-LCP send echo request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpSendTerminateRequest (void) |
| Event on PPP-LCP send LCP terminate request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpSendFrame (const void *lcp_header) |
| Event on PPP-LCP send frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpReceiveFrame (const void *lcp_header) |
| Event on PPP-LCP receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpDataLinkUp (void) |
| Event on PPP-LCP data-link layer established (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpOptionMru (uint16_t mru_size) |
| Event on PPP-LCP option MRU (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpOptionAuth (uint16_t auth_type) |
| Event on PPP-LCP option authentication type (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpOptionAuthChapNotMd5 (void) |
| Event on PPP-LCP option CHAP authentication not MD5 type (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpOptionUnknown (uint8_t lcp_option) |
| Event on PPP-LCP unknown option received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpSendReject (void) |
| Event on PPP-LCP send reject (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpSendNak (void) |
| Event on PPP-LCP send not acknowledge (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpSendAck (void) |
| Event on PPP-LCP send acknowledge (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpWrongAckReceived (uint8_t id, uint8_t id_valid) |
| Event on PPP-LCP wrong acknowledge received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpWrongNakReceived (uint8_t id, uint8_t id_valid) |
| Event on PPP-LCP wrong not-acknowledge received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpConfigAuthFailed (void) |
| Event on PPP-LCP authentication type negotiation failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpWrongRejectReceived (uint8_t id, uint8_t id_valid) |
| Event on PPP-LCP wrong reject received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpEchoMagicNumber (uint32_t magic_number) |
| Event on PPP-LCP echo magic number (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpWrongPeerMagicNumber (uint32_t magic, uint32_t magic_valid) |
| Event on PPP-LCP wrong peer magic number (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpSendEchoReply (void) |
| Event on PPP-LCP send echo reply (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpWrongEchoReplyReceived (uint8_t id, uint8_t id_valid) |
| Event on PPP-LCP wrong echo reply received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpSendTerminateAck (void) |
| Event on PPP-LCP send terminate acknowledge (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_LcpUninit (void) |
| Event on PPP-LCP de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_PapInit (void) |
| Event on PPP-PAP initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_PapSendAuthRequest (const char *peer_id, uint32_t length) |
| Event on PPP-PAP send authentication request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_PapShowPassword (const char *password, uint32_t length) |
| Event on PPP-PAP display password (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_PapSendFrame (const void *pap_header) |
| Event on PPP-PAP send frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_PapReceiveFrame (const void *pap_header) |
| Event on PPP-PAP receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_PapLoginSuccess (void) |
| Event on PPP-PAP login success (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_PapLoginFailed (void) |
| Event on PPP-PAP login failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_PapWrongAckReceived (uint8_t id, uint8_t id_valid) |
| Event on PPP-PAP wrong acknowledge received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_PapWrongNakReceived (uint8_t id, uint8_t id_valid) |
| Event on PPP-PAP wrong not-acknowledge received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_PapUninit (void) |
| Event on PPP-PAP de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ChapInit (void) |
| Event on PPP-CHAP initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ChapSendChallenge (const char *name, uint32_t length) |
| Event on PPP-CHAP send challenge (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ChapSendFrame (const void *chap_header) |
| Event on PPP-CHAP send frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ChapReceiveFrame (const void *chap_header) |
| Event on PPP-CHAP receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ChapWrongResponseReceived (uint8_t id, uint8_t id_valid) |
| Event on PPP-CHAP wrong response received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ChapWrongSuccessReceived (uint8_t id, uint8_t id_valid) |
| Event on PPP-CHAP wrong success received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ChapWrongFailureReceived (uint8_t id, uint8_t id_valid) |
| Event on PPP-CHAP wrong failure received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ChapLoginSuccess (void) |
| Event on PPP-CHAP login success (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ChapLoginFailed (void) |
| Event on PPP-CHAP login failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_ChapUninit (void) |
| Event on PPP-CHAP de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpInit (void) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpIp4ConfigError (void) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP interface IPv4 configuration error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpSendConfigRequest (void) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP send configuration request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpOptionIpAddress (const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP option IP-address (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpOptionPrimaryDns (const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP option primary DNS server address (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpOptionSecondaryDns (const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP option secondary DNS server address (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpSendFrame (const void *ipcp_header) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP send frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpReceiveFrame (const void *ipcp_header) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpOptionUnknown (uint8_t ipcp_option) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP unknown option received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpSendReject (void) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP send reject (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpSendNak (void) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP send not acknowledge (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpSendAck (void) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP send acknowledge (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpWrongAckReceived (uint8_t id, uint8_t id_valid) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP wrong acknowledge received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpNetworkLayerUp (void) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP network-layer established (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpWrongNakReceived (uint8_t id, uint8_t id_valid) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP wrong not-acknowledge received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpWrongRejectReceived (uint8_t id, uint8_t id_valid) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP wrong reject received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpWrongSubnet (const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP advertised IP-address not in subnet (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpPrimaryDnsRejected (void) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP primary DNS server option rejected (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpSecondaryDnsRejected (void) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP secondary DNS server option rejected (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpIpAddressRejected (void) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP IP-address option rejected (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpNotRequestedOption (uint8_t ipcp_option) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP not requested option rejected (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetPPP_IpcpUninit (void) |
| Event on PPP-IPCP de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_InitInterface (void) |
| Event on SLIP interface initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_Ip4ConfigError (void) |
| Event on SLIP IPv4 configuration error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_ThreadCreateFailed (void) |
| Event on SLIP thread create failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_GetOptionInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on SLIP get_option invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_SetOptionInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on SLIP set_option invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_SetIp4Address (const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on SLIP set interface IPv4 address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_SetIp4PrimaryDNS (const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on SLIP set interface primary DNS server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_SetIp4SecondaryDNS (const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on SLIP set interface secondary DNS server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_SetIp4Mtu (uint16_t mtu) |
| Event on SLIP set interface MTU (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_Connect (const char *dial_number, uint32_t length) |
| Event on SLIP start connecting (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_ConnectInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on SLIP connect invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_ConnectWrongState (void) |
| Event on SLIP connect in wrong state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_Listen (void) |
| Event on SLIP start listening (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_ListenWrongState (void) |
| Event on SLIP listen in wrong state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_Close (void) |
| Event on SLIP close connection (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_SendFrame (uint32_t length, uint8_t ip_version) |
| Event on SLIP send frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_InvalidIpVersion (uint8_t ip_version) |
| Event on SLIP invalid IP version (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_SendDataTooLarge (uint32_t length, uint32_t max_length) |
| Event on SLIP send payload too large (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_NoMemoryError (void) |
| Event on SLIP out of memory for send (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_QueueAddTransmit (void) |
| Event on SLIP add frame to transmit queue (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_ModemOffline (void) |
| Event on SLIP link change to modem offline (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_ReceiveFrame (uint32_t length) |
| Event on SLIP receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSLIP_UninitInterface (void) |
| Event on SLIP interface de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetLOOP_InitInterface (void) |
| Event on Loopback interface initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetLOOP_SendFrame (uint32_t length, uint8_t ip_version) |
| Event on Loopback send frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetLOOP_NoMemoryError (void) |
| Event on Loopback out of memory for send (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetLOOP_ReceiveFrame (uint32_t length, uint8_t ip_version) |
| Event on Loopback receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetLOOP_UninitInterface (void) |
| Event on Loopback interface de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP4_InitCore (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on IP4 core initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP4_ReceiveFrame (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length) |
| Event on IP4 receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP4_FrameTooShort (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on IP4 receive frame too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP4_InvalidIpVersion (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t ip_version) |
| Event on IP4 invalid protocol version (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP4_ShowFrameHeader (const void *ip4_header) |
| Event on IP4 display frame header (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP4_SourceIpAddressInvalid (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on IP4 source IP address invalid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP4_WrongMulticastProtocol (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t ip4_protocol) |
| Event on IP4 wrong multicast protocol type (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP4_WrongBroadcastProtocol (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t ip4_protocol) |
| Event on IP4 wrong broadcast protocol type (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP4_WrongDestinationAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on IP4 wrong destination address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP4_ChecksumFailed (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length) |
| Event on IP4 header checksum check failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP4_FragmentDfFlagSet (uint16_t if_id, uint16_t frag) |
| Event on IP4 receive fragmented frame with DF-flag set (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP4_FragmentationDisabled (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on IP4 receive fragmented frame (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP4_SendFrame (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t ip4_protocol, uint32_t length) |
| Event on IP4 send frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP4_ProtocolUnknown (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t ip4_protocol) |
| Event on IP4 unknown protocol type in sending frame (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP4_DestinationAddressNull (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on IP4 destination address not provided (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP4_SetDefaultInterface (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on IP4 set default interface for internet access (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP4_UninitCore (void) |
| Event on IP4 core de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_ReceiveFrame (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length) |
| Event on ICMP receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_ShowFrameHeader (const void *icmp_header) |
| Event on ICMP display send/receive frame header (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_FrameTooShort (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on ICMP receive frame is too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_ChecksumFailed (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length) |
| Event on ICMP frame checksum check failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_EchoRequestWrongCode (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t code, uint8_t code_valid) |
| Event on ICMP receive wrong code in echo request (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_EchoRequestReceived (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t data_length) |
| Event on ICMP receive echo request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_EchoReplyDisabled (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ICMP sending echo reply disabled (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_SendEchoReply (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ICMP send echo reply (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_EchoReplyReceived (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t data_length) |
| Event on ICMP receive echo reply (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_EchoReplyWrongState (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ICMP receive echo reply in wrong state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_EchoReplyWrongCode (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t code, uint8_t code_valid) |
| Event on ICMP receive wrong code in echo reply (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_EchoReplyWrongIpAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on ICMP wrong source IPv4 address in echo reply (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_EchoReplyWrongId (uint16_t if_id, uint16_t eid, uint16_t eid_valid) |
| Event on ICMP wrong echo identifier in echo reply (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_EchoReplyWrongPayload (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ICMP invalid payload data in echo reply (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_MessageTypeUnknown (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t icmp_type) |
| Event on ICMP message type unknown (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_SendEchoRequest (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ICMP send echo request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_PingInit (void) |
| Event on Ping client initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_PingEcho (const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on Ping echo request (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_PingTargetNotValid (void) |
| Event on Ping target name not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_PingDnsError (void) |
| Event on Ping host name resolver error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_PingInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on Ping invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_PingClientBusy (void) |
| Event on Ping client busy (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_PingSendRequest (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on Ping send echo request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_PingRetransmitRequest (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on Ping retransmit echo request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_PingTimeout (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on Ping client timeout (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP_PingUninit (void) |
| Event on Ping client de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_InitManager (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t num_entries) |
| Event on IGMP manager initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_Join (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on IGMP join group membership (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_AlreadyInGroup (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t group_id) |
| Event on IGMP join already a member (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_NoFreeEntries (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t num_used) |
| Event on IGMP join no free entries available (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_SendReport (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on IGMP send report message (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_Leave (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on IGMP leave group membership (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_NotInGroup (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on IGMP leave not a member (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_SendLeave (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on IGMP send leave message (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_ReceiveFrame (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t message_type, uint32_t length) |
| Event on IGMP receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_FrameTooShort (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on IGMP receive frame is too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_ChecksumFailed (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length) |
| Event on IGMP frame checksum check failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_GroupSpecificQuery (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on IGMPv2 group specific query (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_DestAddressWrong (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on IGMPv2 destination address wrong (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_DelayedReportScheduled (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t max_time) |
| Event on IGMPv2 report message delayed (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_GeneralQuery (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on IGMPv1 general query (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_StartModeIGMPv1 (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on start IGMPv1 mode (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_MaxTimeForReport (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t max_time) |
| Event on IGMPv2 maximum time for report messages (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_GroupReportsScheduled (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t n_reports) |
| Event on IGMP scheduled reports for all active groups (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_ReportReceived (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on IGMP received report message (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_OwnReportCanceled (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t group_id) |
| Event on own report canceled (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_StartModeIGMPv2 (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on start IGMPv2 mode (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_SendDelayedReport (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on IGMP send delayed report message (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIGMP_UninitManager (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on IGMP manager de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_InitService (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NBNS name service initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_GetSocketFailed (void) |
| Event on NBNS failed to allocate UDP socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_ReceiveFrame (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length) |
| Event on NBNS receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_WrongRemotePort (uint16_t if_id, uint16_t port, uint16_t port_valid) |
| Event on NBNS wrong remote UDP port (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_FrameTooShort (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on NBNS receive frame is too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_NetBiosDisabled (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NBNS receive frame for NetBIOS disabled (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_NameQueryRequest (const char *q_name, uint32_t length) |
| Event on NBNS name query request received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_QueryFromAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on NBNS name query from IP-address (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_NameQueryResponse (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on NBNS response to a name query (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_WrongTransactionId (uint16_t if_id, uint16_t tid, uint16_t tid_valid) |
| Event on NBNS client wrong transaction identifier (TID) received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_ResolveInvalidParameter (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NBNS resolve request with invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_ResolveNetBiosDisabled (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NBNS resolve request with NetBIOS disabled (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_ResolveClientBusy (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NBNS resolve request with client busy (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_Resolve (const char *host_name, uint32_t length) |
| Event on NBNS resolve host requested (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_ResolvedFromCache (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on NBNS address resolved from cache (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_ResolveTimeoutExpired (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NBNS resolve request timeout expired (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_ResolvedAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on NBNS address successfully resolved (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_ClearCacheInvalidParam (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NBNS clear cache request with invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_ClrCacheNetBiosDisabled (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NBNS clear cache request with NetBIOS disabled (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_ClearCacheClientBusy (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NBNS clear cache request with client busy (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_ClearCache (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t deleted, uint32_t available) |
| Event on NBNS clear cache requested (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_ResolveRetransmit (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NBNS resolve address retransmit (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNBNS_UninitService (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NBNS name service de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_InitClient (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t bootfile, uint8_t ntp_servers, uint8_t vcid) |
| Event on DHCP client initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_GetSocketFailed (void) |
| Event on DHCP failed to allocate UDP socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_StartClient (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on DHCP client start (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_StopClient (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on DHCP client stop (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ClientState (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t state) |
| Event on DHCP indication of client state (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_NextState (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t state) |
| Event on DHCP transition to next state (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_StateRetransmit (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t state) |
| Event on DHCP retransmit in current state (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ChangeStateOnTimeout (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t current, uint8_t next) |
| Event on DHCP state timeout and transit to next state (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_AutoIpAddressProbe (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on DHCP address probe for AutoIP mode (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_AutoIpSuccess (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *auto_lm) |
| Event on DHCP assign AutoIP address success (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_T2Expired (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t state) |
| Event on DHCP timer T2 expired (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_LeaseExpired (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t state) |
| Event on DHCP address lease time expired (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_SendDhcpMessage (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t msg_type, uint8_t broadcast) |
| Event on DHCP send message (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ReceiveFrame (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr, uint32_t length) |
| Event on DHCP receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_WrongServerPort (uint16_t if_id, uint16_t port, uint16_t port_valid) |
| Event on DHCP wrong server UDP port (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_FrameTooShort (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on DHCP receive frame too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_MisformedReply (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on DHCP receive misformed reply (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_WrongTransactionId (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t xid, uint32_t xid_valid) |
| Event on DHCP receive wrong transaction identifier (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_WrongClientHwAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *chaddr) |
| Event on DHCP receive wrong Client Hardware Address (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_WrongMagicCookie (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t cookie, uint32_t cookie_valid) |
| Event on DHCP receive wrong BOOTP Magic Cookie (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_InvalidMessageType (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t msg_type, uint8_t msg_valid) |
| Event on DHCP receive invalid message type (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ViewMessage (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t msg_type) |
| Event on DHCP display message type (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_FileOverloadOptions (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t msg_type) |
| Event on DHCP receive options overloaded to "File" field (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_SnameOverloadOptions (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t msg_type) |
| Event on DHCP receive options overloaded to "Sname" field (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_MissingServerId (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t msg_type) |
| Event on DHCP receive message with no Server ID (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ForwardedMessage (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t msg_type) |
| Event on DHCP receive forwarded message (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_OfferedAddressInvalid (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on DHCP receive message offering an invalid IP address (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ViewRelayAgentAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on DHCP display relay agent IP address (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ViewOfferedAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on DHCP display offered IP address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ServerAddressNotSelected (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on DHCP receive message from not selected server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_AssignedAddrNotRequested (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on DHCP receive wrong assigned IP address in DHCP_ACK (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ViewAssignedAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on DHCP display assigned IP address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ViewServerId (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on DHCP display Server Identifier (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ViewNetMask (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *net_mask) |
| Event on DHCP display Network Mask (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ViewGatewayAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on DHCP display gateway IPv4 address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ViewDnsServers (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *dns_list) |
| Event on DHCP display DNS server addresses (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ViewLeaseTime (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t lease_time) |
| Event on DHCP display address lease time (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ViewTimeT1 (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t t1_time) |
| Event on DHCP display renewal time T1 (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ViewTimeT2 (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t t2_time) |
| Event on DHCP display rebinding time T2 (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ViewBootfileName (const uint8_t *bootfile, uint32_t length) |
| Event on DHCP display Bootfile Name (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_ViewNtpServerList (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ntp_list, uint32_t length) |
| Event on DHCP display list of NTP server addresses (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_SetOptionInvalidParam (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on DHCP set_option invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_SetOptionInvalidState (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t state) |
| Event on DHCP set_option invalid client state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_SetOptionClientIdDefault (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t type) |
| Event on DHCP set_option with default Client-identifier (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_SetOptionClientId (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t type, uint32_t length) |
| Event on DHCP set_option with user Client-identifier (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP_UninitClient (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on DHCP client de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_InitCache (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t num_entries) |
| Event on ARP cache initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_ReceiveFrame (uint16_t if_id, uint16_t opcode, uint32_t length) |
| Event on ARP receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_FrameTooShort (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on ARP receive frame is too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_FrameCorrupted (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ARP received frame corrupted (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_ShowFrameHeader (const void *arp_header) |
| Event on ARP display send/receive frame header (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_SenderAddressInvalid (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ARP invalid IP or MAC address of sender received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_CacheEntryUpdate (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t entry) |
| Event on ARP cache entry update (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_ProbeResponseReceived (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on ARP probe response received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_WrongIpAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on ARP wrong destination IP address received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_WrongMacAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *mac_addr) |
| Event on ARP wrong destination MAC address received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_OpcodeUnknown (uint16_t if_id, uint16_t opcode) |
| Event on ARP unknown opcode received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_SendReply (uint16_t if_id, uint16_t opcode) |
| Event on ARP send reply message (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_CacheEntryRefreshed (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t entry) |
| Event on ARP cache entry refreshed (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_WrongResponse (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ARP wrong response received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_SendRequest (uint16_t if_id, uint16_t opcode) |
| Event on ARP send request message (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_CacheAllocFailed (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ARP allocate free cache entry failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_CacheIpRefreshed (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on ARP refresh cached IP address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_CacheAdd (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr, const uint8_t *mac_addr) |
| Event on ARP add host address to ARP cache (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_GatewayUnknown (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on ARP cache add gateway unknown (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_CacheEntryAdded (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t entry) |
| Event on ARP cache entry added (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_CacheEarly (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr, const uint8_t *mac_addr) |
| Event on ARP early cache address of the sender (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_CacheFind (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on ARP find IP address in cache (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_UsingGateway (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on ARP use gateway to access external address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_UnresolvedMacAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on ARP unresolved MAC address in cache (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_EntryFound (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t entry) |
| Event on ARP cache entry found (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_CacheIp (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on netARP_CacheIP execute (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_CacheIpInvalidParameter (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on netARP_CacheIP invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_CacheMac (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *mac_addr) |
| Event on netARP_CacheMAC execute (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_CacheMacInvalidParameter (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on netARP_CacheMAC invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_UnresolvedIpAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *mac_addr) |
| Event on ARP unresolved IP address in cache (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_GetIp (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *mac_addr, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on netARP_GetIP resolving success (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_GetIpInvalidParameter (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on netARP_GetIP invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_GetIpEntryNotFound (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *mac_addr) |
| Event on netARP_GetIP entry with MAC address not found in cache (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_GetMac (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr, const uint8_t *mac_addr) |
| Event on netARP_GetMAC resolving success (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_GetMacInvalidParameter (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on netARP_GetMAC invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_GetMacEntryNotFound (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on netARP_GetMAC entry with IP address not found in cache (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_Probe (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on netARP_Probe execute (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_ProbeInvalidParameter (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on netARP_Probe invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_ProbeBusy (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ARP probe process busy (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_ProbeRetransmit (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on ARP probe retransmit (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_ProbeTimeout (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on ARP probe timeout (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_ClearCache (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t deleted, uint32_t available) |
| Event on ARP clear cache request (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_ClearCacheInvalidParam (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on netARP_ClearCache invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_ClearCacheClientBusy (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ARP clear cache client busy (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_CacheEntryTimeout (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t entry, const uint8_t *ip4_addr, const uint8_t *mac_addr, uint32_t type) |
| Event on ARP cache entry timeout (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_EntryReleased (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t entry) |
| Event on ARP cache entry released (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_ResolveEntry (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t entry) |
| Event on resolve ARP cache entry (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_RefreshEntry (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t entry) |
| Event on refresh ARP cache entry (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetARP_UninitCache (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ARP cache de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP6_InitCore (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on IP6 core initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP6_ReceiveFrame (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length) |
| Event on IP6 receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP6_FrameTooShort (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on IP6 receive frame too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP6_InvalidIpVersion (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t ip_version) |
| Event on IP6 invalid protocol version (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP6_ShowFrameHeader (const void *ip6_header) |
| Event on IP6 display frame header (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP6_WrongDestinationAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on IP6 wrong destination address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP6_InterfaceNotSupported (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on IP6 network interface not supported (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP6_WrongMulticastProtocol (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t ip6_protocol) |
| Event on IP6 wrong multicast protocol type (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP6_FragmentationDisabled (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on IP6 receive fragmented frame (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP6_SendFrame (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t ip6_protocol, uint32_t length) |
| Event on IP6 send frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP6_ProtocolUnknown (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t ip6_protocol) |
| Event on IP6 unknown protocol type in sending frame (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP6_SourceAddressNull (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on IP6 source address not provided (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP6_DestinationAddressNull (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on IP6 destination address not provided (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP6_SetDefaultInterface (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on IP6 set default interface for internet access (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetIP6_UninitCore (void) |
| Event on IP6 core de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_ReceiveFrame (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length) |
| Event on ICMP6 receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_ShowFrameHeader (const void *icmp6_header) |
| Event on ICMP6 display send/receive frame header (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_FrameTooShort (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on ICMP6 receive frame is too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_ChecksumFailed (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length) |
| Event on ICMP6 frame checksum check failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_EchoRequestWrongCode (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t code, uint8_t code_valid) |
| Event on ICMP6 wrong code in echo request received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_EchoRequestReceived (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t data_length) |
| Event on ICMP6 echo request received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_EchoReplyDisabled (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ICMP6 sending echo reply disabled (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_SendEchoReply (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ICMP6 send echo reply (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_EchoReplyReceived (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t data_length) |
| Event on ICMP6 echo reply received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_EchoReplyWrongState (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ICMP6 echo reply received in wrong ping process state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_EchoReplyWrongCode (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t code, uint8_t code_valid) |
| Event on ICMP6 wrong code in echo reply received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_EchoReplyWrongIpAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on ICMP6 wrong source IPv6 address of echo reply (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_EchoReplyWrongId (uint16_t if_id, uint16_t eid, uint16_t eid_valid) |
| Event on ICMP6 wrong echo identifier value in echo reply (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_EchoReplyWrongPayload (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ICMP6 echo reply payload data invalid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_MessageDiscarded (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t type) |
| Event on ICMP6 router solicitation message discarded (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_WrongHopLimit (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t hop_limit, uint8_t hop_valid) |
| Event on ICMP6 wrong hop limit in discover message (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_WrongCode (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t code, uint8_t code_valid) |
| Event on ICMP6 wrong code in discover message (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_MessageTypeUnknown (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t type) |
| Event on ICMP6 message type unknown (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_SendFrame (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length) |
| Event on ICMP6 send frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_PingEcho (const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on ICMP6 ping echo request (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_PingTargetNotValid (void) |
| Event on ICMP6 ping target name not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_PingDnsError (void) |
| Event on ICMP6 ping host name resolver error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_PingInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on ICMP6 ping invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_PingClientBusy (void) |
| Event on ICMP6 ping client busy (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_PingSendRequest (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ICMP6 send echo request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_PingRetransmitRequest (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ICMP6 retransmit echo request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetICMP6_PingTimeout (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on ICMP6 timeout on send echo request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_InitClient (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t vclass) |
| Event on DHCP6 client initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_GetSocketFailed (void) |
| Event on DHCP6 failed to allocate UDP socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_StartClient (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t mode) |
| Event on DHCP6 client start (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_StopClient (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on DHCP6 client stop (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_ClientState (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t state) |
| Event on DHCP6 indication of client state (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_NextState (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t state) |
| Event on DHCP6 transition to next state (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_NextStateDelay (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t state, uint16_t delay) |
| Event on DHCP6 transition to next state with random delay (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_ChangeStateLinkDown (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t state) |
| Event on DHCP6 change state on link-down (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_NoAddressAvailable (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t state) |
| Event on DHCP6 receive status no address available (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_StateRetransmit (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t state) |
| Event on DHCP6 retransmit request in current state (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_StateTimeout (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t state) |
| Event on DHCP6 timeout in current state (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_ChangeStateOnTimeout (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t current, uint8_t next) |
| Event on DHCP6 state timeout and transit to next state (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_T1Expired (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t state) |
| Event on DHCP6 timer T1 expired (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_T2Expired (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t state) |
| Event on DHCP6 timer T2 expired (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_SendDhcpMessage (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t msg_type, uint32_t xid) |
| Event on DHCP6 send message (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_ReceiveFrame (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length) |
| Event on DHCP6 receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_FrameTooShort (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on DHCP6 receive frame too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_WrongTransactionId (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t xid, uint32_t xid_valid) |
| Event on DHCP6 receive wrong transaction identifier (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_MessageTypeUnknown (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t msg_type) |
| Event on DHCP6 receive unknown message type (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_ShowMessage (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t msg_type, uint32_t xid) |
| Event on DHCP6 display message information (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_InvalidMessageType (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t msg_type, uint8_t msg_valid) |
| Event on DHCP6 receive invalid message type (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_WrongClientId (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t msg_type) |
| Event on DHCP6 receive wrong client identifier (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_ServerNotChosen (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t msg_type) |
| Event on DHCP6 server not chosen in DISCOVER, REBIND state (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_StatusCode (uint16_t if_id, uint16_t status) |
| Event on DHCP6 receive option status code (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_WrongServerId (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t msg_type) |
| Event on DHCP6 receive wrong server identifier (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_ShowDnsServers (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *dns_list) |
| Event on DHCP6 display DNS server addresses (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_MissingServerId (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t msg_type) |
| Event on DHCP6 missing server identifier option (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_WrongIaid (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t iaid, uint32_t iaid_valid) |
| Event on DHCP6 receive wrong IAID (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_ShowIanaOffer (const void *iana_offer) |
| Event on DHCP6 display IANA offer (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_OfferTimerCheckFailed (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on DHCP6 offer address timer check failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDHCP6_UninitClient (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on DHCP6 client de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_InitCache (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t num_entries) |
| Event on NDP cache initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_FrameCheckFailed (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t msg_type) |
| Event on NDP discovery frame consistency check failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_AddressNotLinkLocal (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on NDP receive address not link-local (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_RouterAdvertisement (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t hop_limit, uint8_t flags, uint16_t lifetime) |
| Event on NDP receive Router Advertisement (RA) message (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_OptionMtu (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t mtu) |
| Event on NDP option Maximum transmission unit (MTU) (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_OptionSourceMacAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *src_addr) |
| Event on NDP option Source link-layer (MAC) address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_OptionPrefixInfo (const uint8_t *opt_prefix) |
| Event on NDP option address prefix info (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_PrefixInfoNotValid (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NDP prefix information option not valid (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_WrongTargetAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *targ_addr) |
| Event on NDP receive wrong target address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_NeighborSolicitation (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *targ_addr) |
| Event on NDP receive Neighbor Solicitation (NS) message (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_ProbeRequest (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NDP receive probe request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_NeighborAdvertisement (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *targ_addr) |
| Event on NDP receive Neighbor Advertisement (NA) message (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_ProbeResponse (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NDP receive probe response (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_WrongDestinationAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *dst_addr) |
| Event on NDP receive wrong destination address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_SendReply (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *targ_addr) |
| Event on NDP send advertisement reply to solicitation message (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_ShowFlags (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t flags) |
| Event on NDP display advertisement message flags (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_SendRequest (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t type) |
| Event on NDP send solicitation request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_ShowTargetAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *targ_addr) |
| Event on NDP display target IPv6 address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_OptionTargetMacAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *targ_addr) |
| Event on NDP option target link-layer (MAC) address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_CacheEntryUpdate (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t entry) |
| Event on NDP cache entry update (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_WrongResponse (uint16_t if_id, uint8_t msg_type) |
| Event on NDP wrong response received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_MakeLinkLocalAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *local_addr) |
| Event on NDP make link-local address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_MakeTempAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *temp_addr) |
| Event on NDP make temporary address (SLAAC) using prefix info (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_CacheIpRefreshed (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on NDP cached IP address refreshed (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_CacheAdd (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr, const uint8_t *mac_addr, uint8_t type) |
| Event on NDP add entry to NDP cache (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_RouterListFull (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t max_count) |
| Event on NDP cache add router list full (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_CacheAllocFailed (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NDP allocate free cache entry failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_CacheEntryAdded (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t entry, uint32_t timeout) |
| Event on NDP cache entry added (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_CacheEntryDeleted (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t entry, const uint8_t *ip6_addr, uint8_t type) |
| Event on NDP cache entry deleted (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_CacheEntryRefreshed (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t entry, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on NDP cache entry refreshed (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_CacheFind (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on NDP find IP address in cache (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_GatewayUnknown (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on NDP cache add gateway unknown (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_UsingGateway (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on NDP using gateway to access external address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_UnresolvedMacAddress (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on NDP unresolved MAC address in cache (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_EntryFound (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t entry) |
| Event on NDP cache entry found (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_CacheIp (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on netNDP_CacheIP execute (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_CacheIpInvalidParameter (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on netNDP_CacheIP invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_GetIp (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *mac_addr, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on netNDP_GetIP resolving success (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_GetIpInvalidParameter (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on netNDP_GetIP invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_GetIpEntryNotFound (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *mac_addr) |
| Event on netNDP_GetIP entry with MAC address not found in cache (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_GetMac (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr, const uint8_t *mac_addr) |
| Event on netNDP_GetMAC resolving success (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_GetMacInvalidParameter (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on netNDP_GetMAC invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_GetMacEntryNotFound (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on netNDP_GetMAC entry with IP address not found in cache (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_Probe (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on netNDP_Probe execute (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_ProbeInvalidParameter (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on netNDP_Probe invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_ProbeBusy (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NDP probe process busy (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_ProbeRetransmit (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on NDP probe retransmit (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_ProbeTimeout (uint16_t if_id, const uint8_t *ip6_addr) |
| Event on NDP probe timeout (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_ClearCache (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t deleted, uint32_t available) |
| Event on NDP clear cache request (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_ClearCacheInvalidParam (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on netNDP_ClearCache invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_ClearCacheClientBusy (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NDP clear cache client busy (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_CacheEntryTimeout (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t entry, const uint8_t *ip6_addr, const uint8_t *mac_addr, uint32_t type) |
| Event on NDP cache entry timeout (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_EntryReleased (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t entry) |
| Event on NDP cache entry released (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_ResolveEntry (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t entry) |
| Event on resolve NDP cache entry (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_RefreshEntry (uint16_t if_id, uint32_t entry) |
| Event on refresh NDP cache entry (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetNDP_UninitCache (uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on NDP cache de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_InitSockets (uint32_t num_sockets) |
| Event on UDP socket initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_GetSocket (int32_t socket, uint32_t num_socks) |
| Event on UDP allocate a free socket (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_GetSocketInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on UDP get socket failed, invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_NoSocketAvailable (uint32_t num_socks) |
| Event on UDP get socket failed, no free socket available (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_ReleaseSocket (int32_t socket) |
| Event on UDP release socket (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_ReleaseSocketNotValid (int32_t socket) |
| Event on UDP release failed, not valid socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_ReleaseSocketWrongState (int32_t socket, uint8_t state) |
| Event on UDP release failed, wrong socket state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_OpenSocket (int32_t socket, uint16_t port) |
| Event on UDP open socket for communication (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_OpenSocketNotValid (int32_t socket) |
| Event on UDP open failed, not valid socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_OpenSocketWrongState (int32_t socket, uint8_t state) |
| Event on UDP open socket failed, wrong socket state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_AssignLocalPort (int32_t socket, uint16_t local_port) |
| Event on UDP local port assigned in open socket request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_OpenLocalPortInUse (int32_t socket, uint16_t port) |
| Event on UDP open socket failed, requested port already used (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_CloseSocket (int32_t socket) |
| Event on UDP close socket (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_CloseSocketNotValid (int32_t socket) |
| Event on UDP close socket failed, not valid socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SetOptionSocket (int32_t socket, int32_t option, uint32_t val) |
| Event on UDP set socket option (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SetOptionSocketNotValid (int32_t socket) |
| Event on UDP set socket option failed, not valid socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SetOptionSocketWrongState (int32_t socket, uint8_t state) |
| Event on UDP set socket option failed, wrong socket state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SetOptionTos (int32_t socket, uint8_t ip4_tos) |
| Event on UDP set socket option Type Of Service for IPv4 (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SetOptionTtl (int32_t socket, uint8_t ip4_ttl) |
| Event on UDP set socket option Time To Live for IPv4 (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SetOptionTclass (int32_t socket, uint8_t ip6_tclass) |
| Event on UDP set socket option Traffic Class for IPv6 (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SetOptionHopLimit (int32_t socket, uint8_t ip6_hoplimit) |
| Event on UDP set socket option Hop Limit for IPv6 (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SetOptionChecksum (int32_t socket, uint32_t checksum) |
| Event on UDP set socket option checksum calculation options (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SetOptionInterface (int32_t socket, uint16_t if_id) |
| Event on UDP set socket option broadcast interface (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SetOptionWrongOption (int32_t socket, int32_t udp_option) |
| Event on UDP wrong set socket option (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SetOptionWrongValue (int32_t socket, uint32_t opt_value) |
| Event on UDP wrong value for set socket option (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_GetBufferFailed (uint16_t mem_size) |
| Event on UDP get buffer failed, out of memory (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SendFrame (int32_t socket, uint32_t length) |
| Event on UDP send frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SendBufferInvalid (int32_t socket) |
| Event on UDP send buffer is invalid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SendSocketNotValid (int32_t socket) |
| Event on UDP send socket handle is not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SendAddressUnspecified (int32_t socket) |
| Event on UDP send destination address not specified (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SendPortUndefined (int32_t socket) |
| Event on UDP send port undefined (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SendSocketNotOpen (int32_t socket) |
| Event on UDP send socket not open, invalid socket state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SendZeroLengthFrame (int32_t socket) |
| Event on UDP send 0-length frame, frame is dumped (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SendNoRouteFound (int32_t socket) |
| Event on UDP send failed, no route to destination found (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_SendSizeTruncated (int32_t socket, uint32_t new_length) |
| Event on UDP send truncated over-size packet (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_ShowFrameHeader (const void *udp_header) |
| Event on UDP display send/receive frame header (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_ReceiveFrame (uint32_t length, uint8_t ip_version) |
| Event on UDP receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_FrameTooShort (uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on UDP receive frame too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_MapFrameToSocket (int32_t socket) |
| Event on UDP received frame mapped to a socket (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_FrameNotMapped (uint32_t length) |
| Event on UDP received frame not mapped, no open sockets found (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_LinkLayerAddressed (int32_t socket) |
| Event on UDP received frame link-layer addressed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_ChecksumFailed (int32_t socket) |
| Event on UDP frame checksum check failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetUDP_UninitSockets (void) |
| Event on UDP de-initialize available sockets (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_InitSockets (uint32_t num_sockets, uint16_t max_segsize) |
| Event on TCP socket initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_GetSocket (int32_t socket, uint32_t num_socks) |
| Event on TCP allocate a free socket (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_GetSocketInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on TCP get socket failed, invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_NoSocketAvailable (uint32_t num_socks) |
| Event on TCP get socket failed, no free socket available (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ReleaseSocket (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP release socket (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ReleaseSocketNotValid (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP release failed, not valid socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ReleaseSocketWrongState (int32_t socket, int32_t state) |
| Event on TCP release failed, wrong socket state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ListenSocket (int32_t socket, uint16_t port) |
| Event on TCP listen socket request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ListenSocketNotValid (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP listen failed, not valid socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ListenPortUndefined (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP listen failed, listening port undefined (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ListenSocketWrongState (int32_t socket, int32_t state) |
| Event on TCP listen failed, wrong socket state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ConnectSocket (int32_t socket, uint16_t local_port) |
| Event on TCP connect socket request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ConnectSocketNotValid (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP connect failed, not valid socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ConnectAddressUnspecified (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP connect failed, address unspecified (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ConnectPortUndefined (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP connect failed, port undefined (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ShowNetAddress (const void *net_addr) |
| Event on TCP display net address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ConnectLocalPortInvalid (int32_t socket, uint16_t local_port) |
| Event on TCP connect failed, local port invalid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_AssignLocalPort (int32_t socket, uint16_t local_port) |
| Event on TCP local port assigned in socket connect request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ConnectSocketWrongState (int32_t socket, int32_t state) |
| Event on TCP connect failed, wrong socket state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ConnectNoRouteFound (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP connect failed, no route to destination found (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ShowRttVariables (int32_t socket, int16_t sa, int16_t sv) |
| Event on TCP display RTT (round trip time) estimation variables (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_GetBufferFailed (uint16_t mem_size) |
| Event on TCP get buffer failed, out of memory (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SendFrame (int32_t socket, uint32_t length) |
| Event on TCP send frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SendBufferInvalid (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP send failed, invalid buffer (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SendSocketNotValid (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP send failed, socket handle not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SendSocketNotConnected (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP send failed, socket not connected (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SendSocketClosing (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP send failed, socket closing (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SendReenteredCall (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP send failed, called from a callback function (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SendDataUnacked (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP send failed, unacked data pending (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SendMssExceeded (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP send failed, Maximum Segment Size exceeded (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SendZeroLengthFrame (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP send 0-length frame, frame dumped (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_CloseSocket (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP close socket (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_CloseSocketNotValid (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP close socket failed, not valid socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_CloseDataUnacked (int32_t socket, uint32_t unack_length) |
| Event on TCP close pended, unacked data exist (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_CloseSocketWrongState (int32_t socket, int32_t state) |
| Event on TCP close failed, wrong socket state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_AbortSocket (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP abort socket (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_AbortSocketNotValid (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP abort failed, not valid socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_AbortSocketWrongState (int32_t socket, int32_t state) |
| Event on TCP abort failed, wrong socket state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SendReadySocketNotValid (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP send ready failed, not valid socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SendReadyReenteredCall (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP send ready failed, called from a callback function (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ResetWindowSocketNotValid (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP reset window failed, not valid socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ResetWindowNotConnected (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP reset window failed, invalid socket state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ResetWindowNoFlowControl (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP reset window failed, flow-control not enabled (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ResetWindowUpdate (int32_t socket, uint16_t window_size) |
| Event on TCP reset window update (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SetOptionSocket (int32_t socket, int32_t option, uint32_t val) |
| Event on TCP set socket option (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SetOptionSocketNotValid (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP set socket option failed, not valid socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SetOptionSocketWrongState (int32_t socket, int32_t state) |
| Event on TCP set socket option failed, wrong socket state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SetOptionTos (int32_t socket, uint8_t ip4_tos) |
| Event on TCP set socket option Type Of Service for IPv4 (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SetOptionTclass (int32_t socket, uint8_t ip6_tclass) |
| Event on TCP set socket option Traffic Class for IPv6 (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SetOptionTimeout (int32_t socket, uint16_t timeout) |
| Event on TCP set socket option connection timeout (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SetOptionKeepAlive (int32_t socket, uint32_t enable) |
| Event on TCP set socket keep-alive option (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SetOptionFlowControl (int32_t socket, uint32_t enable) |
| Event on TCP set socket flow-control option (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SetOptionDelayedAck (int32_t socket, uint32_t enable) |
| Event on TCP set socket delayed-acknowledge option (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SetOptionWrongOption (int32_t socket, int32_t tcp_option) |
| Event on TCP wrong set socket option (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SetOptionWrongValue (int32_t socket, uint32_t opt_value) |
| Event on TCP wrong value for set socket option (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SendDelayedAck (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP send delayed-acknowledge (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SendKeepAliveProbe (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP send keep-alive probe (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_KeepAliveTimeoutClosing (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP keep-alive timeout no response, close socket (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_CallbackEventAck (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP acknowledge callback notification to the user (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ResendOnTimeout (int32_t socket, uint32_t length) |
| Event on TCP resend data on timeout (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ShowCongestionVariables (int32_t socket, uint16_t cwnd, uint16_t ssth) |
| Event on TCP display congestion avoidance/control variables (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_TimeoutInState (int32_t socket, int32_t state) |
| Event on TCP timeout expired in current state (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_TwaitTimeoutClosing (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP timeout in TIME_WAIT state, closing socket (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ClosingTimeout (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP timeout in CLOSING, FIN_WAIT_1 or LAST_ACK state (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_NoRetriesLeft (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP no retries left (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ReceiveFrame (uint32_t length, uint8_t ip_version) |
| Event on TCP receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_FrameTooShort (uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on TCP receive frame too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_FrameNotMapped (uint32_t length) |
| Event on TCP received frame not mapped, no active socket found (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_MapFrameToSocket (int32_t socket, int32_t state) |
| Event on TCP received frame mapped to a socket (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ChecksumFailed (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP frame checksum check failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ShowFrameHeader (const void *tcp_header) |
| Event on TCP display send/receive frame header (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_RstInWindow (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP RST-flag received within current receive window (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_RstNotValid (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP RST-flag received outside current receive window (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_RepeatedSynAck (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP repeated SYN+ACK-flags received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_AckNotSet (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP ACK-flag not set in received frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ShowSendWindow (int32_t socket, uint16_t send_window) |
| Event on TCP display current sending window size (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_KeepAliveSegment (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP keep-alive frame received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_RetransmittedSegment (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP retransmitted frame received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_OutOfRangeSegment (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP out of range segment received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ZeroWindowProbe (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP zero-window probe received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_RemotePeerClosing (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP FIN-flag received, remote peer wants to close (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ShowReceiveWindow (int32_t socket, uint16_t rec_window) |
| Event on TCP display current receiving window size (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_InvalidAck (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP ACK-flag set received, invalid in state LISTEN (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SynNotSet (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP SYN-flag not set in received frame (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_UserConnectionReject (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP user rejected inbound connection (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_NextState (int32_t socket, int32_t state) |
| Event on TCP transition to next state (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_WrongSynAck (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP SYN+ACK-flags set but wrong ack number (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_WrongAckNumber (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP ACK-flag set but wrong ack number (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_WrongSeqNumber (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP ACK-flag set but wrong seq number (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_RepeatedSyn (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP repeated SYN-flag set frame received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_FrameUnrecognised (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP unrecognised frame received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SimultOpenNextState (int32_t socket, int32_t state) |
| Event on TCP SYN-flag set received in simultaneous open (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_WrongFinAck (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP frame with FIN+ACK-flags set but wrong ack number (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_FinAckNextState (int32_t socket, int32_t state) |
| Event on TCP frame with FIN+ACK-flags received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SimultCloseNextState (int32_t socket, int32_t state) |
| Event on TCP frame with FIN-flag received in simultaneous close (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_AckNextState (int32_t socket, int32_t state) |
| Event on TCP frame with ACK-flag received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_FinNextState (int32_t socket, int32_t state) |
| Event on TCP frame with FIN-flag received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_PshAckInHalfOpen (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP PSH+ACK-flags received in half open state FIN_WAIT_2 (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_RepeatedFin (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP repeated FIN-flag received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_LastAckNextState (int32_t socket, int32_t state) |
| Event on TCP last ACK-flag received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_RstReceived (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP RST-flag received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_InvalidState (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP socket in invalid state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SendData (int32_t socket, uint16_t length) |
| Event on TCP send data frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SendControl (int32_t socket) |
| Event on TCP send control frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_SendReset (void) |
| Event on TCP send reset to remote host for unmapped frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ParseHeaderOptions (int32_t socket, uint32_t opt_length) |
| Event on TCP parse header options (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_OptionMss (int32_t socket, uint32_t mss) |
| Event on TCP header option MSS (maximum segment size) (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_DuplicateAck (int32_t socket, uint32_t dup_acks) |
| Event on TCP duplicate acknowledge processing (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_FastRetransmit (int32_t socket, uint32_t data_length) |
| Event on TCP fast retransmit, received 3 duplicate acks (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_DataAcked (int32_t socket, uint32_t ack_length) |
| Event on TCP data acknowledge processing (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_ResendData (int32_t socket, uint32_t length, uint32_t tout) |
| Event on TCP resend data from transmit queue (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_MapSocketWrongFlagsSet (void) |
| Event on TCP map socket failed, wrong TCP flags set (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_MapSocketSynNotSet (void) |
| Event on TCP map socket failed, SYN-flag not set (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_MapSocketNoListenSocket (void) |
| Event on TCP map socket failed, no listening sockets found (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTCP_UninitSockets (void) |
| Event on TCP de-initialize available sockets (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_InitSockets (uint32_t num_socks) |
| Event on BSD sockets API initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SocketCreate (int32_t sock, int32_t type) |
| Event on BSD socket create (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SocketInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on BSD socket create failed, invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_NoSocketAvailable (uint32_t num_socks) |
| Event on BSD socket create failed, no free socket available (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_BindSocket (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD bind socket (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_BindSocketNotValid (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD bind failed, socket not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_BindInvalidParameter (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD bind failed, invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_BindSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD bind failed, socket not created (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_BindSocketAlreadyBound (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD bind failed, socket already bound (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_BindSocketConnected (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD bind failed, socket already connected (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_BindPortInUse (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD bind failed, port in use (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ViewNetAddress (const void *net_addr) |
| Event on BSD display network address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ListenSocket (int32_t sock, int32_t backlog) |
| Event on BSD listen socket (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ListenSocketNotValid (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD listen failed, socket not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ListenInvalidParameter (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD listen failed, invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ListenSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD listen failed, socket not created (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ListenSocketNotBound (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD listen failed, socket not bound (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ListenSocketNotStreamType (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD listen failed, socket not stream type (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ListenSockAlreadyListens (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD listen failed, socket already listens (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ListenBacklogCreateFailed (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD listen failed, creating socket backlog failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocket (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD accept socket (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotValid (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD accept failed, socket not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD accept failed, socket not created (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotListening (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD accept failed, socket not listening (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketNotStreamType (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD accept failed, socket not stream type (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketLocked (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD accept failed, socket locked by another thread (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_AcceptChildSockConnected (int32_t child_sock) |
| Event on BSD accept success, child socket connected (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketClosed (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD accept failed, socket closed by peer (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_AcceptSocketKilled (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD accept failed, socket killed locally (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocket (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD connect socket (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketNotValid (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD connect failed, socket not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ConnectInvalidParameter (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD connect failed, invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketLocked (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD connect failed, socket locked by another thread (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD connect failed, socket not created (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketWrongState (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD connect failed, wrong socket state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ConnectDatagramSuccess (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD connect success, datagram socket connected (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ConnectStreamSuccess (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD connect success, stream socket connected (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ConnectStreamTimeout (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD connect failed, connect request has timed out (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ConnectStreamRefused (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD connect failed, remote host refused connection (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_ConnectSocketKilled (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD connect failed, socket killed locally (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendSocket (int32_t sock, uint32_t length) |
| Event on BSD send socket (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendSocketNotValid (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD send failed, socket not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendInvalidParameter (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD send failed, invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD send failed, socket not created (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendSocketLocked (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD send failed, socket locked by another thread (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendSocketNotConnected (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD send failed, socket not connected (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendSocketWrongState (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD send failed, wrong socket state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendSocketClosed (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD send failed, socket closed by peer (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendCompleteNonBlocking (int32_t sock, uint32_t num, uint32_t length) |
| Event on BSD send complete non-blocking mode (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendSocketKilled (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD send failed, socket killed locally (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendStreamError (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD send failed, stream socket unspecified error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendtoInvalidParameter (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD sendto failed, invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendDestAddressUndefined (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD send failed, destination address unspecified (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendtoMsgTooLarge (int32_t sock, uint32_t length) |
| Event on BSD sendto message too large (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendtoNoMemory (int32_t sock, uint32_t length) |
| Event on BSD sendto out of memory (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendDatagramError (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD send failed, datagram socket unspecified error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendCompleteBlocking (int32_t sock, uint32_t num) |
| Event on BSD send complete in blocking mode (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendTimeoutBlocking (int32_t sock, uint32_t num, uint32_t length) |
| Event on BSD send timeout in blocking mode (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendNoMemory (int32_t sock, uint32_t num, uint32_t length) |
| Event on BSD send out of memory (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocket (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD sendmsg socket (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocketNotValid (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD sendmsg failed, socket not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendmsgInvalidParameter (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD sendmsg failed, invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD sendmsg failed, socket not created (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocketLocked (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD sendmsg failed, socket locked by another thread (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendmsgDestAddrUndefined (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD sendmsg failed, destination address unspecified (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendmsgMsgTooLarge (int32_t sock, uint32_t length) |
| Event on BSD sendmsg message too large (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendmsgNoMemory (int32_t sock, uint32_t length) |
| Event on BSD sendmsg out of memory (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendmsgDatagramError (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD sendmsg failed, datagram socket unspecified error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendmsgSocketKilled (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD sendmsg failed, socket killed locally (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SendmsgComplete (int32_t sock, uint32_t num) |
| Event on BSD sendmsg complete (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvSocket (int32_t sock, uint32_t length) |
| Event on BSD recv socket (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketNotValid (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD recv failed, socket not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvInvalidParameter (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD recv failed, invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD recv failed, socket not created (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketNotConnected (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD recv failed, socket not connected (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketWrongState (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD recv failed, wrong socket state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketLocked (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD recv failed, socket locked by another thread (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketClosed (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD recv failed, socket closed by peer (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvTimeout (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD recv timeout (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvSocketKilled (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD recv failed, socket killed locally (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvQueueFree (int32_t sock, uint32_t length) |
| Event on BSD recv queue free (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvComplete (int32_t sock, uint32_t length) |
| Event on BSD recv complete (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocket (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD recvmsg socket (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketNotValid (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD recvmsg failed, socket not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgInvalidParameter (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD recvmsg failed, invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD recvmsg failed, socket not created (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketLocked (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD recvmsg failed, socket locked by another thread (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketWrongState (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD recvmsg failed, wrong socket state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgTimeout (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD recvmsg timeout (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgSocketKilled (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD recvmsg failed, socket killed locally (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_RecvmsgComplete (int32_t sock, uint32_t length) |
| Event on BSD recvmsg complete (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_Closesocket (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD closesocket (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_CloseSocketNotValid (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD closesocket failed, socket not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_CloseSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD closesocket failed, socket not created (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_Select (int32_t nfds) |
| Event on BSD select (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SelectInvalidParameter (int32_t nfds) |
| Event on BSD select failed, invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SelectSuspendFailed (int32_t nfds) |
| Event on BSD select suspend failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SelectComplete (int32_t n_ready) |
| Event on BSD select complete non-blocking (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SelectCompleteBlocking (int32_t n_ready) |
| Event on BSD select complete blocking (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_Getpeername (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD getpeername (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetpeerSocketNotValid (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD getpeername failed, socket not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetpeerSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD getpeername failed, socket not created (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetpeerInvalidParameter (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD getpeername failed, invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetpeerSocketNotConnected (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD getpeername failed, socket not connected (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_Getsockname (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD getsockname (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetsockSocketNotValid (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD getsockname failed, socket not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetsockSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD getsockname failed, socket not created (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetsockInvalidParameter (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD getsockname failed, invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetsockSocketNotBound (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD getsockname failed, socket not bound (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_Setsockopt (int32_t sock, int32_t level, int32_t optname) |
| Event on BSD setsockopt (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SetoptSocketNotValid (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD setsockopt failed, socket not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SetoptInvalidParameter (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD setsockopt failed, invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SetoptSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD setsockopt failed, socket not created (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SetoptOptionNotSupported (int32_t sock, int32_t level, int32_t optname) |
| Event on BSD setsockopt failed, option not supported by the protocol (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SetoptKeepAlive (int32_t sock, uint32_t enable) |
| Event on BSD setsockopt keep-alive option (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SetoptRecvTimeout (int32_t sock, uint32_t timeout) |
| Event on BSD setsockopt receive timeout (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SetoptSendTimeout (int32_t sock, uint32_t timeout) |
| Event on BSD setsockopt send timeout (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp4Tos (int32_t sock, uint8_t ip4_tos) |
| Event on BSD setsockopt TOS for IPv4 (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp4Ttl (int32_t sock, uint8_t ip4_ttl) |
| Event on BSD setsockopt TTL for IPv4 (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp4RecvDstAddr (int32_t sock, uint32_t enable) |
| Event on BSD setsockopt receive destination address for IPv4 (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp6Tclass (int32_t sock, uint8_t ip6_tclass) |
| Event on BSD setsockopt Traffic Class for IPv6 (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp6HopLimit (int32_t sock, uint8_t ip6_hoplimit) |
| Event on BSD setsockopt Hop Limit for IPv6 (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp6RecvDstAddr (int32_t sock, uint32_t enable) |
| Event on BSD setsockopt receive destination address for IPv6 (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SetoptIp6Only (int32_t sock, uint32_t enable) |
| Event on BSD setsockopt IPv6 only for IPv6 socket (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_SetoptSocketBound (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD setsockopt failed, socket already bound (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_Getsockopt (int32_t sock, int32_t level, int32_t optname) |
| Event on BSD getsockopt (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetoptSocketNotValid (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD getsockopt failed, socket not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetoptInvalidParameter (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD getsockopt failed, invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetoptSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD getsockopt failed, socket not created (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetoptOptionNotSupported (int32_t sock, int32_t level, int32_t optname) |
| Event on BSD getsockopt failed, option not supported by the protocol (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_Ioctlsocket (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD ioctlsocket control (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_IoctlSocketNotValid (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD ioctlsocket control failed, socket not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_IoctlInvalidParameter (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD ioctlsocket control failed, invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_IoctlSocketNotCreated (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD ioctlsocket control failed, socket not created (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_IoctlSocketNotStreamType (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD ioctlsocket control failed, socket not stream type (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_IoctlNonBlocking (int32_t sock, uint32_t enable) |
| Event on BSD ioctlsocket enable non-blocking mode (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_IoctlDelayAck (int32_t sock, uint32_t enable) |
| Event on BSD ioctlsocket enable TCP delay-ack mode (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_IoctlKeepAlive (int32_t sock, uint32_t enable) |
| Event on BSD ioctlsocket enable TCP keep-alive mode (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_IoctlFlowControl (int32_t sock, uint32_t enable) |
| Event on BSD ioctlsocket enable TCP flow-control mode (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_CbfuncTcpEvent (int32_t sock, int32_t tcp_event) |
| Event on BSD callback TCP function events (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_CbfuncTcpQueueAdd (int32_t sock, uint32_t length) |
| Event on BSD callback TCP data received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_CbfuncTcpNoMemory (int32_t sock) |
| Event on BSD callback no memory for TCP data (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_CbfuncUdpQueueAdd (int32_t sock, uint32_t length) |
| Event on BSD callback UDP data received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_CbfuncUdpDumpData (int32_t sock, uint32_t length) |
| Event on BSD callback no memory for UDP data (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_UninitSockets (void) |
| Event on BSD de-initialize available sockets (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetHostInit (void) |
| Event on BSD hostname resolver initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetHostByName (const char *hostname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on BSD gethostbyname (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetHostNameResolved (void) |
| Event on BSD hostname resolved successfully (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetHostNameNotExisting (void) |
| Event on BSD requested hostname not existing (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetHostResolverTimeout (void) |
| Event on BSD resolver timeout expired (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetHostResolverError (void) |
| Event on BSD resolver protocol error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetHostResolverBusy (void) |
| Event on BSD resolver busy error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetHostInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on BSD gethostbyname invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetBSD_GetHostUninit (void) |
| Event on BSD hostname resolver de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_InitServer (uint32_t num_sessions, uint16_t port) |
| Event on HTTP server initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_ViewRootFolder (const char *root_folder, uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server display root folder (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_GetSocketFailed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on HTTP server failed to allocate TCP socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_SetRootPath (const char *path, uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server netHTTPs_SetRootPath (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_SetUsername (const char *username, uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server netHTTPs_SetUsername (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_SetPassword (const char *password, uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server netHTTPs_SetPassword (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_StartService (uint16_t port) |
| Event on HTTP server start service (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_StopService (void) |
| Event on HTTP server stop service (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_FileNotFound (uint8_t session) |
| Event on HTTP server requested resource file not found (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_FileAccessForbidden (uint8_t session) |
| Event on HTTP server access to requested resource not allowed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_FileCached (uint8_t session) |
| Event on HTTP server requested resource file cached on the client (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_CloseSession (uint8_t session) |
| Event on HTTP server session close (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_SendFile (uint8_t session) |
| Event on HTTP server send a resource file (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_CgiSendFile (uint8_t session) |
| Event on HTTP server CGI send dynamic resource file (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_CgiIncludeFile (uint8_t session) |
| Event on HTTP server CGI include a file (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_CgiStopEngine (uint8_t session) |
| Event on HTTP server stop CGI script interpreter engine (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_CgiScriptError (uint8_t session) |
| Event on HTTP server CGI script error found (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_UnauthorizedAccess (uint8_t session) |
| Event on HTTP server unauthorized access (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_MethodNotImplemented (uint8_t session) |
| Event on HTTP server requested method not implemented (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_UserAccessDenied (const void *net_addr) |
| Event on HTTP server user denied access (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_SetCookie (const char *cookie, uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server netCGI_SetCookie (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_SessionOpen (uint8_t session) |
| Event on HTTP server session open (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_SocketAborted (uint8_t session) |
| Event on HTTP server socket aborted (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_SocketClosed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on HTTP server socket closed (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_ReceiveFrame (uint8_t session, uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_FrameTooShort (uint8_t session, uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on HTTP server receive frame too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_RequestMethod (uint8_t session, uint8_t method) |
| Event on HTTP server display requested method (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_CgiStartEngine (uint8_t session) |
| Event on HTTP server start CGI script interpreter engine (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_RequestedFile (const char *fname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server requested resource file (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_FileOpenDrive (uint32_t drive) |
| Event on HTTP server resource file location (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_ViewFileStatus (uint32_t size, uint32_t lm_time) |
| Event on HTTP server display open file status (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_ViewRedirectionUrl (const char *url, uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server display resource file redirection URL (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_ViewUserCredentials (const char *credentials, uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server display user credentials (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_ViewAcceptLanguage (const char *accept_lang, uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server display accept language http header (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_ViewCookie (const char *cookie, uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server display cookie header (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_ViewXmlType (const char *xml_type, uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server display xml content type header (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_PostXmlEncoded (uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server POST type: xml-encoded (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_PostCompleteMultipacket (uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server POST complete for multipacket POST (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_PostFormUrlEncoded (uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server POST type: www-form-urlencoded (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_PostDataTruncated (uint32_t new_length) |
| Event on HTTP server POST data truncated in buffer mode (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_FileUploadRequested (const char *fname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server file upload requested (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_FileUploadDataReceived (uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server data received in file upload process (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_FileUploadRemaining (uint32_t length) |
| Event on HTTP server file upload remaining data size to complete (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_FileUploadComplete (void) |
| Event on HTTP server file upload completed (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_TlsGetContextFailed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on HTTP server failed to allocate secure TLS context (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetHTTPs_UninitServer (void) |
| Event on HTTP server de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_InitServer (uint32_t num_sessions, uint16_t port, uint16_t idle_tout) |
| Event on FTP server initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_ShowRootFolder (const char *root_folder, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server display root folder (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_GetSocketFailed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server failed to allocate TCP socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_SetRootPath (const char *path, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server netFTPs_SetRootPath (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_SetUsername (const char *username, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server netFTPs_SetUsername (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_SetPassword (const char *password, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server netFTPs_SetPassword (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_UserAccessDenied (const void *net_addr) |
| Event on FTP server user denied access (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_SessionOpen (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server session open (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_SocketAborted (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server socket aborted (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_SocketClosed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server socket closed (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_UnackedDataError (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server unacked data error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_ReceiveFrame (uint8_t session, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_FrameTooShort (uint8_t session, uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on FTP server receive frame too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_ShowCommand (const uint8_t *cmd_client, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server display command string (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_VerifyUsername (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server verify the client username (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_VerifyPassword (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server verify the client password (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_AuthenticationFailed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server authentication failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_UserLoginSuccess (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server user login successful (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_NotAuthenticated (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server command ignored, user not authenticated (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_ShowSystemType (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server show system identification type command (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_NoOperation (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server execute no operation command (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_CurrentDirectory (const char *path, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server display current working directory (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_ChangeDirectory (const char *path, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server change working directory command (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_ChangeDirectoryFailed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server change working directory failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_ChangeDirectoryLevelUp (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server change working directory one level up command (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_MakeDirectory (const char *path, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server make directory command (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_OperationDenied (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server access or operation denied (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_RemoveDirectory (const char *path, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server remove directory command (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_RemoveDirectoryFailed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server remove directory command failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_DirectoryRemoved (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server requested directory successfuly removed (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_ShowDataMode (uint8_t session, uint32_t data_mode) |
| Event on FTP server display transfer data mode (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_ActiveModeStart (uint8_t session, uint16_t port) |
| Event on FTP server start active mode (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_PassiveModeStart (uint8_t session, uint16_t local_port) |
| Event on FTP server start passive mode (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_GetFileSize (const char *fname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server get file size command (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_GetFileLastModifiedTime (const char *fname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server get file last-modified time command (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_ListDirectoryBasic (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server list directory names command (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_ListDirectoryExtended (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server list directory in extended format (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_ReadFile (const char *fname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server read file command (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_FileNotFound (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server requested file not found (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_WriteFile (const char *fname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server write file command (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_AppendFile (const char *fname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server append file command (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_FileCreateFailed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server requested file create failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_DeleteFile (const char *fname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server delete file command (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_FileDeleteFailed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server requested file delete failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_FileDeleted (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server requested file deleted successfuly (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_RenameFileFrom (const char *fname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server rename file from name command (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_RenameFileTo (const char *new_name, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server rename file to new name (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_FileRenamed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server requested file renamed successfuly (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_FileRenameFailed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server requested file rename failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_UnknownCommand (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server unknown command received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_InvalidState (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server session in invalid state, command ignored (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_InboundConnRejected (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server inbound connection rejected for data socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_DataSocketClosed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server data socket closed when transfer completed (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_DataSocketOpen (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server data socket open for data transfer (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_LocalDiskWriteError (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server write to local disk failed, disk full (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_StartService (uint16_t port) |
| Event on FTP server start service (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_StopService (void) |
| Event on FTP server stop service (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_ShowFileFindMask (const char *path, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server display find file(s) mask filter (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_MakeDirectoryFailed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server requested directory create failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_DirectoryCreated (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server requested directory created successfuly (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_ShowFileSize (uint8_t session, uint32_t file_size) |
| Event on FTP server display requested file size (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_ShowFileLastModifiedTime (uint8_t session, const char *file_time, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server display requested file last-modified time (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_CloseDataConnection (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server closing data connection (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_CloseSession (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server closing session (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_SessionIdle (uint8_t session) |
| Event on FTP server session in idle state (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_ShowPath (const char *path, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP server display an absolute path for file access (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPs_UninitServer (void) |
| Event on FTP server de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_InitClient (uint32_t mode) |
| Event on FTP client initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_GetSocketFailed (void) |
| Event on FTP client failed to allocate TCP socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_Connect (const void *net_addr) |
| Event on FTP client netFTPc_Connect to the server (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_ConnectInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on netFTPc_Connect invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_ConnectClientBusy (void) |
| Event on netFTPc_Connect failed, client busy (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_InboundConnRejected (int32_t socket) |
| Event on FTP client inbound connection rejected (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_SocketAborted (int32_t socket) |
| Event on FTP client socket aborted (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_SocketConnected (int32_t socket) |
| Event on FTP client socket connected (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_SocketClosed (int32_t socket) |
| Event on FTP client socket closed (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_ReceiveFrame (int32_t socket, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP client received frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_FrameTooShort (uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on FTP receive frame is too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_ShowReplyCode (const uint8_t *reply_code) |
| Event on FTP client display numeric reply code received from server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_ResponseFragmented (void) |
| Event on FTP client response divided into multiple frames (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_ServerReady (void) |
| Event on FTP client server ready response (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_UserOkNeedPassword (void) |
| Event on FTP client username ok, password needed (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_UserLoginFailed (void) |
| Event on FTP client user login to server failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_UserLoginSuccess (void) |
| Event on FTP client user login successful (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_WorkingDirectoryInvalid (void) |
| Event on FTP client change working directory failed, invalid path (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_ExecuteUserCommand (uint8_t command) |
| Event on FTP client server ready response (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_BinaryModeEnabled (void) |
| Event on FTP client binary transfer mode enabled (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_PasvCommandFailed (void) |
| Event on FTP client PASV command failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_PassiveModeStart (uint16_t port) |
| Event on FTP client start passive server mode (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_PortCommandFailed (void) |
| Event on FTP client PORT command failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_ActiveModeStart (uint16_t local_port) |
| Event on FTP client start active server mode (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_FileNotFoundOnServer (void) |
| Event on FTP client error, requested file not found on server (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_OperationNotAllowed (void) |
| Event on FTP client error, operation not allowed on server (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_AboutToOpenDataConn (int32_t socket) |
| Event on FTP client about to open data connection (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_DataConnAlreadyOpen (int32_t socket) |
| Event on FTP client data connection already opened (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_TransferAborted (void) |
| Event on FTP client data transfer aborted (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_TransferCompleted (void) |
| Event on FTP client data transfer completed successfully (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_FileDeleted (void) |
| Event on FTP client file deleted on the server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_NewNameRequired (void) |
| Event on FTP client new name required to rename a file on the server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_FileOrDirectoryRenamed (void) |
| Event on FTP client file or directory renamed successfully on the server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_DirectoryCreated (void) |
| Event on FTP client directory successfully created on the server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_FileOrPathNotFound (void) |
| Event on FTP client requested file or path not found on the server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_DirectoryRemoved (void) |
| Event on FTP client directory removed on the server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_CommandErrorResponse (void) |
| Event on FTP client command error response received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_WrongResponse (const uint8_t *response, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP client wrong response received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_DataSocketClosed (int32_t socket) |
| Event on FTP client data socket closed (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_DataSocketOpened (int32_t socket) |
| Event on FTP client data socket opened (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_LocalDiskWriteError (void) |
| Event on FTP client write to local disk failed, disk full (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_ClientStopTimeoutExpired (void) |
| Event on FTP client stop operation timeout expired (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_LocalPortAssigned (uint16_t local_port) |
| Event on FTP client local port assigned for server active mode (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_OpenLocalFile (const char *local_fname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP client open local file (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_LocalFileCreateFailed (void) |
| Event on FTP client local file create failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_LocalFileNotFound (void) |
| Event on FTP client local file not found (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_OpenDataConnFailed (int32_t socket) |
| Event on FTP client open data connection failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_SendCommand (const uint8_t *command, uint32_t length) |
| Event on FTP client send command to server (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_ClientCloseSocket (int32_t socket) |
| Event on FTP client close control socket (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_ClientDone (uint8_t cb_event) |
| Event on FTP client completed operation (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_CloseLocalFile (void) |
| Event on FTP client close local file (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetFTPc_UninitClient (void) |
| Event on FTP client de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_InitServer (uint32_t num_sessions, uint16_t port, uint16_t idle_tout) |
| Event on Telnet server initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_GetSocketFailed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on Telnet server failed to allocate TCP socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_SetUsername (const char *username, uint32_t length) |
| Event on Telnet server netTELNETs_SetUsername (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_SetPassword (const char *password, uint32_t length) |
| Event on Telnet server netTELNETs_SetPassword (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_StartService (uint16_t port) |
| Event on Telnet server start service (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_StopService (void) |
| Event on Telnet server stop service (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_CloseSession (uint8_t session) |
| Event on Telnet server session close (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_ProcessData (uint8_t session, uint32_t length) |
| Event on Telnet server process client data (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_ProcessCommand (const char *command, uint32_t length) |
| Event on Telnet server process client command (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_EchoBackspace (uint8_t session) |
| Event on Telnet server echo backspace (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_CommandHistory (const char *command, uint32_t length) |
| Event on Telnet server process command history (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_EchoCharacters (uint8_t *line_buffer, uint32_t num_char) |
| Event on Telnet server echo the characters from command line buffer (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_LineBufferUsage (uint8_t session, uint32_t num_char) |
| Event on Telnet server display command line buffer usage (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_SendAuthorizationRequest (uint8_t session) |
| Event on Telnet server send authorization request to the client (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_SendInitialHeader (uint8_t session) |
| Event on Telnet server send initial telnet header to the client (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_LoginTimeoutExpired (uint8_t session) |
| Event on Telnet server login timeout expired (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_ShowPassword (const char *password, uint32_t length) |
| Event on Telnet server display password of the client (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_AuthenticationFailed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on Telnet server user authentication failed, invalid credentials (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_UserLoginSuccess (uint8_t session) |
| Event on Telnet server user login successful (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_ShowUsername (const char *username, uint32_t length) |
| Event on Telnet server display username of the client (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_NegotiateStart (uint8_t session) |
| Event on Telnet server option negotiation start (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_NegotiateFailed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on Telnet server option negotiation failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_UserAccessDenied (const void *net_addr) |
| Event on Telnet server user denied access (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_SessionOpen (uint8_t session) |
| Event on Telnet server session open (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_SocketAborted (uint8_t session) |
| Event on Telnet server socket aborted (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_SocketClosed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on Telnet server socket closed (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_ReceiveFrame (uint8_t session, uint32_t length) |
| Event on Telnet server receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_NegotiateSuccess (uint8_t session) |
| Event on Telnet server option negotiation success (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTeln_UninitServer (void) |
| Event on Telnet server de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_InitServer (uint32_t num_sessions, uint16_t port, uint8_t firewall_en) |
| Event on TFTP server initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_ShowRootFolder (const char *root_folder, uint32_t length) |
| Event on TFTP server display root folder (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_GetSocketFailed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on TFTP server failed to allocate UDP socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_SetRootPath (const char *path, uint32_t length) |
| Event on TFTP server netTFTPs_SetRootPath (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_StartService (uint16_t port) |
| Event on TFTP server start service (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_StopService (void) |
| Event on TFTP server stop service (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_TimeoutExpiredAbort (uint8_t session) |
| Event on TFTP server session timeout expired, abort transfer (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_SendBlock (uint8_t session, uint32_t block_nr, uint32_t length) |
| Event on TFTP server send block (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_ReceiveFrame (int32_t socket, uint32_t length) |
| Event on TFTP server receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_FrameTooShort (uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on TFTP server receive frame too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_UserAccessDenied (const void *net_addr) |
| Event on TFTP server user denied access (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_AccessDeniedNoResources (void) |
| Event on TFTP server denied client access on out of resources (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_ShowClientAddress (const void *net_addr) |
| Event on TFTP server display client IP address and port number (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_OperationRequest (uint8_t session, uint16_t tftp_opcode) |
| Event on TFTP server process operation request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_SessionRestart (uint8_t session) |
| Event on TFTP server session restart, maybe our response was lost (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_InvalidTransferId (uint8_t session) |
| Event on TFTP server invalid transfer id (TID) detected (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_ErrorCodeReceived (uint8_t session, uint16_t error_code) |
| Event on TFTP server error code received from the client (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_IllegalOpcodeReceived (uint8_t session, uint16_t tftp_opcode) |
| Event on TFTP server illegal operation code received from the client (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_FileRequested (const char *fname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on TFTP server received file request from the client (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_TransferBlockSize (uint8_t session, uint16_t block_size) |
| Event on TFTP server display transfer block size (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_TransferModeNotBinary (uint8_t session) |
| Event on TFTP server transfer mode not set to binary (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_LocalFileNotFound (uint8_t session) |
| Event on TFTP server error, requested file not found on server (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_LocalFileCreateFailed (uint8_t session) |
| Event on TFTP server local file create failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_ReceiveDataFrame (uint8_t session, uint32_t length) |
| Event on TFTP server receive data frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_DataFrameTooShort (uint8_t session, uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on TFTP server receive data frame too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_DuplicateBlockReceived (uint8_t session, uint32_t block_nr) |
| Event on TFTP server duplicate block received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_TooManyRetries (uint8_t session) |
| Event on TFTP server too many retransmissions (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_BlockReceived (uint8_t session, uint32_t block_nr) |
| Event on TFTP server data block received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_InvalidBlockReceived (uint8_t session, uint32_t block_nr) |
| Event on TFTP server invalid block received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_WriteErrorDiskFull (uint8_t session, uint32_t length) |
| Event on TFTP server write local disk failed, disk full (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_BlockAckReceived (uint8_t session, uint32_t block_nr) |
| Event on TFTP server block acknowledge received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_BlockRetransmit (uint8_t session, uint32_t block_nr) |
| Event on TFTP server block retransmit (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_InvalidBlockAck (uint8_t session, uint32_t block_nr) |
| Event on TFTP server invalid block acknowledge received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_ShowRequestMode (const uint8_t *mode, uint32_t length) |
| Event on TFTP server display received request mode parameter (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_SendOptionAck (uint8_t session, uint32_t block_size) |
| Event on TFTP server send option acknowledgment (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_SendBlockAck (uint8_t session, uint16_t block_nr) |
| Event on TFTP server send block acknowledgment (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_SendError (uint8_t session, uint16_t error_nr) |
| Event on TFTP server send error code (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_AbortSession (uint8_t session) |
| Event on TFTP server abnormal session close on error (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_CloseSession (uint8_t session) |
| Event on TFTP server normal session close (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPs_UninitServer (void) |
| Event on TFTP server de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_InitClient (void) |
| Event on TFTP client initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_GetSocketFailed (void) |
| Event on TFTP client failed to allocate UDP socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_PutFile (const char *local_fname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on TFTP client netTFTPc_Put (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_PutRemoteName (const char *fname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on TFTP client netTFTPc_Put remote filename (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_PutInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on netTFTPc_Put invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_PutWrongState (uint8_t state) |
| Event on netTFTPc_Put wrong client state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_ShowServerAddress (const void *net_addr) |
| Event on TFTP client display server IP address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_OpenLocalFile (void) |
| Event on TFTP client open local file (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_OpenLocalFileFailed (void) |
| Event on TFTP client open local file failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_GetFile (const char *fname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on TFTP client netTFTPc_Get (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_GetLocalName (const char *local_fname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on TFTP client netTFTPc_Get local filename (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_GetInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on netTFTPc_Get invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_GetWrongState (uint8_t state) |
| Event on netTFTPc_Get wrong client state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_TimeoutBlockRetransmit (uint32_t block_nr) |
| Event on TFTP client block retransmit on timeout (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_SendBlock (uint32_t block_nr, uint32_t length) |
| Event on TFTP client send block (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_StopClient (void) |
| Event on TFTP client stop operation (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_CloseLocalFile (void) |
| Event on TFTP client close local file (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_WrongServerAddress (const void *net_addr) |
| Event on TFTP client wrong server IP address (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_WrongServerPort (uint16_t udp_port) |
| Event on TFTP client wrong server port (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_ServerTidAssigned (uint16_t tid) |
| Event on TFTP client assigned transfer identifier (TID) of the server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_FrameTooShort (uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on TFTP client receive frame too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_ReceiveFrame (uint32_t length) |
| Event on TFTP client receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_ErrorCodeReceived (uint16_t error_code) |
| Event on TFTP client error code received from server (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_DuplicateBlockAck (uint32_t block_nr) |
| Event on TFTP client duplicate block acknowledge received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_InvalidBlockAck (uint32_t block_nr) |
| Event on TFTP client invalid block acknowledge received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_BlockAckReceived (uint32_t block_nr) |
| Event on TFTP client block acknowledge received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_DuplicateBlockReceived (uint32_t block_nr) |
| Event on TFTP client duplicate block received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_InvalidBlockReceived (uint32_t block_nr) |
| Event on TFTP client invalid block received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_BlockReceived (uint32_t block_nr) |
| Event on TFTP client block data received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_WriteErrorDiskFull (uint32_t length) |
| Event on TFTP client write local disk failed, disk full (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_IllegalServerOperation (void) |
| Event on TFTP client deteced illegal server operation (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_SendRequest (uint16_t tftp_opcode) |
| Event on TFTP client send operation request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_OptionBlockSize (uint16_t block_size) |
| Event on TFTP client add block size option (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_SendAck (uint16_t block_nr) |
| Event on TFTP client send acknowledgment (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_SendError (uint16_t error_nr) |
| Event on TFTP client send error code (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_OptionAckReceived (void) |
| Event on TFTP client option acknowledgment received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetTFTPc_UninitClient (void) |
| Event on TFTP client de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_InitClient (void) |
| Event on SMTP client initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_GetSocketFailed (void) |
| Event on SMTP client failed to allocate TCP socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_Connect (const void *net_addr) |
| Event on SMTP client netSMTPc_Connect to the server (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_ConnectInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on netSMTPc_Connect invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_ConnectClientBusy (void) |
| Event on netSMTPc_Connect failed, client busy (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SendMail (uint8_t num_rcpt) |
| Event on SMTP client netSMTPc_SendMail to mail server (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SendMailInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on netSMTPc_SendMail invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SendMailTlsNotEnabled (void) |
| Event on netSMTPc_SendMail secure TLS not enabled (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SendMailClientBusy (void) |
| Event on netSMTPc_SendMail failed, client busy (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SendMailNoRecipients (void) |
| Event on netSMTPc_SendMail failed, mail recipient not specified (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SendMailServerNotValid (void) |
| Event on netSMTPc_SendMail failed, mail server not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SendMailDnsError (void) |
| Event on netSMTPc_SendMail failed, DNS host resolver error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SendMailAttachNotEnabled (void) |
| Event on netSMTPc_SendMail failed, support for attachments not enabled (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SendMailAttachFailed (const char *fname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on netSMTPc_SendMail attach file failed, fopen failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SendMailMultipart (uint8_t num_files) |
| Event on SMTP client netSMTPc_SendMail multipart with attachments (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SendMailAttachment (const char *fname, uint32_t length) |
| Event on netSMTPc_SendMail attach file (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_InboundConnRejected (int32_t socket) |
| Event on SMTP client inbound connection rejected (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SocketAborted (int32_t socket) |
| Event on SMTP client socket aborted (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SocketConnected (int32_t socket) |
| Event on SMTP client socket connected (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SocketClosed (int32_t socket) |
| Event on SMTP client socket closed (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_ReceiveFrame (int32_t socket, uint32_t length) |
| Event on SMTP client received frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_UnackedDataError (int32_t socket) |
| Event on SMTP client unacked data error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_FrameTooShort (uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on SMTP receive frame is too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_ServerReady (void) |
| Event on SMTP client server ready response (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_EsmtpModeNotSupported (void) |
| Event on SMTP client Extended SMTP mode (ESMTP) not supported (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_EhloResponseFragmented (void) |
| Event on SMTP client EHLO response divided into multiple frames (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_EsmtpModeActive (void) |
| Event on SMTP client Extended SMTP mode (ESMTP) active (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_StartAuthentication (uint8_t auth_mode) |
| Event on SMTP client start authentication (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_AuthenticationDenied (void) |
| Event on SMTP client authentication denied by the user (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_AuthMethodNotSupported (uint8_t auth_mode) |
| Event on SMTP client authentication method not supported (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SmtpModeActive (void) |
| Event on SMTP client basic SMTP mode active (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_AuthenticationSuccessful (void) |
| Event on SMTP client authentication completed successfully (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_AuthenticationFailed (void) |
| Event on SMTP client authentication failed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_ServerAcknowledge (void) |
| Event on SMTP client received server acknowledgment (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_WrongResponse (const uint8_t *response, uint32_t length) |
| Event on SMTP client received wrong response from server (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_ClientStopTimeoutExpired (void) |
| Event on SMTP client stop operation, timeout expired (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SendMessageBody (void) |
| Event on SMTP client send message body start (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SendMessageEnd (void) |
| Event on SMTP client send end of message sequence (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_SendCommand (const uint8_t *command, uint32_t length) |
| Event on SMTP client send command to server (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_ClientCloseSocket (int32_t socket) |
| Event on SMTP client close socket (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_ClientDone (uint8_t cb_event) |
| Event on SMTP client completed operation (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_TlsSupportIndicated (void) |
| Event on SMTP client TLS support indicated by the server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_StartTlsAccepted (void) |
| Event on SMTP client STARTTLS command accepted by the server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_TlsGetContextFailed (void) |
| Event on SMTP client failed to allocate secure TLS context (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_TlsModeStarted (void) |
| Event on SMTP client started secure TLS mode (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_TlsModeEstablished (uint8_t tls_id) |
| Event on SMTP client established secure TLS session (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSMTP_UninitClient (void) |
| Event on SMTP client de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_InitClient (uint32_t num_entries) |
| Event on DNS client initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_GetSocketFailed (void) |
| Event on DNS client failed to allocate UDP socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_ChangeDnsServer (int32_t server) |
| Event on DNS client change active DNS server (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_ClientStopTimeoutExpired (void) |
| Event on DNS client stop operation timeout expired (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_ReceiveFrame (const void *net_addr, uint32_t length) |
| Event on DNS client receive frame from the server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_WrongServerPort (uint16_t udp_port) |
| Event on DNS client wrong server port (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_FrameTooShort (uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on DNS client receive frame is too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_WrongServerAddress (void) |
| Event on DNS client wrong DNS server address received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_ShowFrameHeader (const void *dns_header) |
| Event on DNS client display send/receive frame header (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_WrongTransactionId (uint16_t tid, uint16_t tid_valid) |
| Event on DNS client wrong transaction identifier (TID) received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_DnsRequestReceived (void) |
| Event on DNS client received a DNS request (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_OpcodeNotQuery (void) |
| Event on DNS client OPCODE in a response is not QUERY (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_MessageTruncated (void) |
| Event on DNS client truncated response message received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_NoSuchNameFound (void) |
| Event on DNS client no such name found message received (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_RcodeAndRecursion (void) |
| Event on DNS client RCODE not zero and recursion available received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_MoreAnswersReceived (void) |
| Event on DNS client more than one answer received (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_QnameNotTheSame (void) |
| Event on DNS client QNAME in a response not the same as requested (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_QtypeNotTheSame (void) |
| Event on DNS client QTYPE in a response not the same as requested (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_QclassNotInet (void) |
| Event on DNS client QCLASS in a response is not CLASS_INET (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_GotHostAddress (const void *net_addr, uint32_t ttl) |
| Event on DNS client receive resolved IP address (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_GotAuthorityAddress (const void *net_addr) |
| Event on DNS client receive IP address of the authority (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_RecordTypeNotSupported (uint16_t rr_type) |
| Event on DNS client can not handle resource record type (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_Resolve (const char *host_name, uint32_t length) |
| Event on DNS client resolve host requested (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_ResolveInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on DNS client invalid parameter for resolve request (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_ResolveClientBusy (void) |
| Event on DNS client resolve request failed, client busy (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_ResolvedAddress (const void *net_addr) |
| Event on DNS client resolved IP address internally (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_ResolveDnsServerUnknown (void) |
| Event on DNS client resolve failed, DNS server unknown (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_SendRequest (const void *net_addr) |
| Event on DNS client send resolve request to the server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_ClearCache (uint32_t deleted, uint32_t available) |
| Event on DNS client clear cache requested (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_ClearCacheClientBusy (void) |
| Event on DNS client clear cache request failed, client busy (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetDNS_UninitClient (void) |
| Event on DNS client de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_InitAgent (void) |
| Event on SNMP agent initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_GetSocketFailed (void) |
| Event on SNMP agent failed to allocate UDP socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_ViewCommunity (const char *community, uint32_t length) |
| Event on SNMP agent display community (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_SetCommunity (const char *community, uint32_t length) |
| Event on netSNMP_SetCommunity (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_SetCommunityInvalidParam (void) |
| Event on netSNMP_SetCommunity invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_SetMibTable (uint32_t num_entries) |
| Event on netSNMP_SetMIB_Table (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_SetMibTableInvalidParam (void) |
| Event on netSNMP_SetMIB_Table invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_Trap (const uint8_t *ip4_addr, uint8_t generic, uint8_t specific, uint16_t nobj) |
| Event on netSNMP_Trap (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_TrapInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on netSNMP_Trap invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_TrapMibTableNotSet (void) |
| Event on netSNMP_Trap invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_TrapMissingSysObjectId (void) |
| Event on netSNMP_Trap missing 'sysObjectID' object in MIB table (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_TrapGenericTrapInvalid (uint8_t generic, uint8_t max_generic) |
| Event on netSNMP_Trap generic trap invalid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_TrapTooManyObjects (int32_t nobj, int32_t max_nobj) |
| Event on netSNMP_Trap maximum number of objects exceeded (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_TrapObjectNotExisting (int32_t obj, int32_t max_obj) |
| Event on netSNMP_Trap requested TLV object not existing in MIB table (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_TrapMessageTooBig (uint16_t size, uint16_t max_size) |
| Event on netSNMP_Trap generated message too big (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_MibAddObject (int32_t obj, uint8_t obj_type) |
| Event on SNMP add MIB object to SNMP message (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_ViewObjectId (const char *oid, uint32_t length) |
| Event on SNMP display object ID (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_ViewObjectVal (uint8_t type, uint32_t val) |
| Event on SNMP display object value (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_ViewObjectAddr (const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on SNMP display object IP address (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_ViewObjectVar (uint8_t type, const void *value, uint32_t length) |
| Event on SNMP display object value (Detail) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_ReceiveFrame (const uint8_t *ip4_addr, uint32_t length) |
| Event on SNMP receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_FrameTooShort (uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on SNMP receive frame is too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_FrameProtocolError (void) |
| Event on SNMP received frame protocol error detected (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_VersionNotSupported (int32_t version) |
| Event on SNMP received protocol version not supported (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_WrongCommunityReceived (void) |
| Event on SNMP received community wrong (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_InvalidRequestType (uint8_t req_type) |
| Event on SNMP received invalid PDU request type (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_ViewRequest (uint8_t req_type, int32_t req_id) |
| Event on SNMP display received PDU request type and id (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_TooManyObjectsReceived (int32_t nobj, int32_t max_nobj) |
| Event on SNMP received too many TLV objects (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_ObjectNotFound (int32_t obj) |
| Event on SNMP receive message object not found in the MIB table (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_ObjectWrongType (int32_t obj) |
| Event on SNMP receive message object type not the same as in the MIB table (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_ObjectReadOnly (int32_t obj) |
| Event on SNMP write read-only object not allowed (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_ObjectWriteFailed (int32_t obj) |
| Event on SNMP object write attempt failed for unknown reason (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_SendErrorStatus (uint8_t stat, uint8_t obj_index) |
| Event on SNMP send error status response to a SNMP request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_ResponseMessageTooBig (uint16_t size, uint16_t max_size) |
| Event on SNMP response message would be too big (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_SendGetResponse (int32_t req_id) |
| Event on SNMP send get-response to a SNMP request (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNMP_UninitAgent (void) |
| Event on SNMP agent de-initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_InitClient (uint8_t mode) |
| Event on SNTP client initialize (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_GetSocketFailed (void) |
| Event on SNTP failed to allocate UDP socket (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_GetTime (uint8_t mode) |
| Event on netSNTPc_GetTime (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_GetTimeInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on netSNTPc_GetTime invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_GetTimeWrongState (uint8_t state) |
| Event on netSNTPc_GetTime wrong client state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_GetTimeOpen (const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on netSNTPc_GetTime open broadcast receive (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_GetTimeClose (void) |
| Event on netSNTPc_GetTime close broadcast receive (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_GetTimeServerUnknown (const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on netSNTPc_GetTime unknown server for unicast mode (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_GetTimexInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on netSNTPc_GetTimeX invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_GetTimexClientBusy (void) |
| Event on netSNTPc_GetTimeX client busy (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_GetTimexServerNotValid (void) |
| Event on netSNTPc_GetTimeX server name not valid (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_GetTimexDnsError (void) |
| Event on netSNTPc_GetTimeX host name resolver error (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_SetMode (uint8_t mode) |
| Event on netSNTPc_SetMode (API) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_SetModeInvalidParameter (void) |
| Event on netSNTPc_SetMode invalid parameter (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_SetModeWrongState (uint8_t state) |
| Event on netSNTPc_SetMode wrong client state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_SendMessage (const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on SNTP send message to NTP server (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_ServerNotResponding (const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on SNTP send message timeout (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_ReceiveFrame (const uint8_t *ip4_addr, uint32_t length) |
| Event on SNTP receive frame (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_WrongServerPort (uint16_t udp_port) |
| Event on SNTP wrong server port (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_FrameTooShort (uint32_t length, uint32_t min_length) |
| Event on SNTP receive frame is too short (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_WrongServerAddress (const uint8_t *ip4_addr) |
| Event on SNTP wrong NTP server address (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_ModeNotServer (uint8_t mode) |
| Event on SNTP message mode not server (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_ModeNotBroadcast (uint8_t mode) |
| Event on SNTP message mode not broadcast (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_AnswerInWrongState (uint8_t state) |
| Event on SNTP answer received in wrong state (Error) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_ShowTimeStamp (uint32_t ref_time, uint32_t utc_time) |
| Event on SNTP display time stamp in seconds (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_TimeStampInvalid (uint32_t ref_time) |
| Event on SNTP invalid time stamp (Op) More...
__STATIC_INLINE void | EvrNetSNTP_UninitClient (void) |
| Event on SNTP client de-initialize (Op) More...