STM32Cube  Version 2.1
Create Projects with STM32Cube HAL and STM32CubeMX
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Use STM32CubeMX in MDK Projects

Create New Project with STM32Cube Framework

The following steps explain how to create a new MDK project bsed on an STM32 device.

  • Open µVision.
  • From the menu, select Project - New µVision project. Choose any name and location.
  • Select your target device. If you have many device family packs installed, the search field helps you to find a device quickly:
  • The Manage Run-Time Environment window opens.
  • [Optional] Switch the component bundle for the component class Device to 'STM32CubeMX' by selecting it from the drop down list in the 'Variant' column.
  • Select Device:STM32Cube Framework:STM32CubeMX to trigger the integration of the Cube HAL into your project:
  • Press Resolve to satisfy all missing dependencies. This ensures that all required components will be added to your project.
  • Press OK to close the dialog.
  • A dialog opens asking to launch STM32CubeMX. Click on “Start STM32CubeMX” and wait until the STM32CubeMX GUI is opened:

System and Pin Configuration

  • The STM32CubeMX window shows your selected device (1):
  • Anytime, use Help [F1] to get access to the STM32CubeMX user manual.
  • [Optional] For devices with Arm TrustZone (for example STM32L5), you need to select to use or dismiss TrustZone at the first start of the new project. This selection cannot be undone.
  • Click on System Core (2) to see configuration options for:
    • DMA
    • GPIO
    • ICACHE
    • NVIC and others
  • Configure these interfaces as required by your application or set our in example projects.
  • Use the Pinout view to configure all necessary I/O pins to the required functions.

Connectivity Configuration

  • Click on Connectivity (3) to see configuration options for the on-chip peripherals, such as:
    • I2C
    • LPUART
    • UART
    • SPI and others
  • Configure these interfaces as required by your application or set our in example projects.
  • For peripherals that are supported by CMSIS-Drivers, makre sure to configure the correct number (refer to the CMSIS-Driver of your selected device that contains the information about the correclation between peripheral and driver number).

Clock Configuration

  • On the Clock Configuration tab, adjust the clock to the desired settings:

Generate Code

Before generating the code, set the appropriate options:

  • Go to the Project Manager (1) tab and click on Code Generator (2). Usually, select Add necessary library files as reference in the toolchainproject configuration file:
  • [Optional] Click on Advanced Settings (3) to enable/disable the generation of function calls as required by your application/example project.
  • Use the Generate Code (4) button to run the STM32CubeMX code generation.
  • Close the dialog that confirms the end of the generation and switch back to µVision.
  • Click OK to close the Manage Run-Time Environment window and confirm to import changes:

In case you need to change the configuration of your device, use the button in the Manage Run-Time Environment window to launch STM32CubeMX:


µVision Project Overview

The C code generated by STM32CubeMX covers the initialization of the MCU peripherals using the STM32Cube firmware libraries. STM32CubeMX creates a source group in your project called STM32CubeMX:Common Sources. This group contains three files that contain user-dedicated sections allowing to insert user-defined C code:


main.c is used to:

  • Resetting the MCU to a known state by calling the HAL_init() function that resets all peripherals, initializes the Flash memory interface and the SysTick.
  • Configuring and initializing the system clock.
  • Configuring and initializing the GPIOs that are not used by peripherals.
  • Defining and calling, for each configured peripheral, a peripheral initialization function that defines a handle structure that will be passed to the corresponding peripheral HAL init function which in turn will call the peripheral HAL MSP initialization function.

stm32l4xx_it.c contains the generated interrupt handlers. The column “Generate IRQ Handler” in STM32CubeMX NVIC settings allows controlling whether the interrupt handler function call shall be generated or not.

stm32l4xx_it.h is the associated header file.

[Optional] Add and Configure Keil RTX5

The following steps are a recommendation on how to integrate Keil RTX5 in a project that is configured with STM32CubeMX.

  • In µVision, open the Manage Run-Time Environment window and select CMSIS:RTOS2 (API):Keil RTX5 from the list of available software components. Select the “Source” variant:
  • Open STM32CubeMX, as described in Generate Code.
  • In STM32CubeMX, open the (1) Pinout & Configuration tab, click on (2) System Core and then click on (3) NVIC. Switch to the (4) Code generation tab and under (5) Generate IRQ handler disable:
    • System service call via SWI instruction
    • Pendable request for system service
    • Time base: System tick timer
  • Open main.c in the μVision editor. Find the USER CODE includes and add the cmsis_os2.h header.
    /* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
    #include "RTE_Components.h"
    #ifdef RTE_Compiler_EventRecorder
    #include "EventRecorder.h"
    #include "cmsis_os2.h"
    extern void app_main (void* arg);
    /* USER CODE END Includes */
  • Find the following code sequence near main():
    /* USER CODE BEGIN 0 */
    /* USER CODE END 0 */
  • Add the following code:
    /* USER CODE BEGIN 0 */
    uint32_t HAL_GetTick (void) {
    static uint32_t ticks = 0U;
    uint32_t i;
    if (osKernelGetState () == osKernelRunning) {
    return ((uint32_t)osKernelGetTickCount ());
    /* If Kernel is not running wait approximately 1 ms then increment and return auxiliary tick counter value */
    for (i = (SystemCoreClock >> 14U); i > 0U; i--) { __NOP(); __NOP(); __NOP(); __NOP(); __NOP(); __NOP(); __NOP(); __NOP(); __NOP(); __NOP(); __NOP(); __NOP(); }
    return ++ticks; }
    /* USER CODE END 0 */
  • Repeat for user code 2 sequence inside main():
    /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */
    /* USER CODE END 2 */
  • Replace with:
    /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */
    #ifdef RTE_Compiler_EventRecorder
    EventRecorderInitialize(EventRecordAll, 1);
    osKernelInitialize(); // Initialize CMSIS-RTOS
    osThreadNew(app_main, NULL, NULL); // Create application main thread
    /* USER CODE END 2 */
  • Create a new source file in your project called app_main.c and add the following content:
    #include "cmsis_os2.h" // ::CMSIS:RTOS2
    void app_main (void const* arg) {
    while(1) {

STM32CubeMX generated code and HAL initialization is now isolated in the main.c module. Feel free to extend app_main.c with your user code instead.