USB Component  Version 6.6
MDK-Professional Middleware for USB Device and Host
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ADC: Audio Device Class

USB peripherals that support the Audio Device Class send or receive audio, voice, and other sound-related functionality (such as control data for the audio equipment). These audio functions often come with other functions such as video or storage. Together, they make up a composite device (e.g. a DVD-ROM player that can provide video, audio, data storage and transport control functionality). Audio class devices use isochronous data transfer for audio streams. Digitally encoded music data can be delivered using bulk transfers.

A detailed description about ADC is provided by the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF).

  • The ADC implementation in the USB Component supports one isochronous OUT and/or one isochronous IN endpoint for audio streaming
  • The USB Component supports the ADC Class for USB Device applications only.
  • Further information on how to use ADC is given in the Reference section: ADC: Audio Device Class