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Cortex Debug Interface

The Cortex Debug connector provides support for Serial Wire Debug feature of the Cortex-M device. For the MCB1313 and MCB1343 boards, Serial Wire Debug is capable of Serial Wire Output for target debugging in addition to allowing application programming and debugging of on-chip and off-chip Flash devices as in standard JTAG. See Note below.

MCB1000 Board

The Cortex Debug 10-pin connector works with the Keil ULINK-ME, ULINK2 or ULINKpro adapter.

Cortex Debug and JTAG Pin Identification


  • ITM and DWT trace debugging are not available with the MCB11U10, MCB1114 or MCB11C14 boards because their MCUs do not provide the Serial Wire Output(SWO) signal needed for these options. As a result, the Logic Analyzer and OS Event Viewer features of the debugger are also not available because they require the SWO signal.
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