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Project Targets and File Groups

The uVision IDE, especially the Project Window, control the options and organization of a project.


projecttargetProject Targets: (uppermost folder icon on the tree view) identify a collection of configuration settings. Project targets can be created to run the same application with different tool settings. The active target is displayed beneath the projectnameproject name in the Project window. In the above screenshot the project name is Blinky and the target is Target SPIFI. For example, create:

  • One target for testing (full debug) and another for releasing the application
  • One target for a project executing in on-chip memory, and another for running in off-chip memory
  • One full-featured target for running on a large device, and a smaller target for running on smaller devices

Most examples delivered with µVision have targets configured for various application setups.

Project Target Selector: You can switch to another project target using the drop-down in the toolbar. (More on creating project targets below).

Build Toolbar

FileGroupFile Groups: (subfolders under the Project target folder) arrange files into logical blocks, to manage complex projects with several hundreds of files. Create new File Groups and sort files according to:

  • Their function, e.g., separate CPU-related files from system calls and other source files
  • Separate groups for different software teams
  • Memory they will execute in
  • Compiler and Linker settings, e.g., optimization level

File groups have no influence on the build process.

Create file groups and project targets using the menu Project — Manage — Project Items... — Project Items. Refer to Create file groups

RTE Software Component Groups: (colored square icon) are added automatically to the project when you use Software components. Refer to Components in Project for further details.

Files belonging to those groups cannot be moved, nor can you add your own source files to those groups. However, you can set Options for Components and you can add code to the files that are not read-only.

Options for project targets and groups can be set using the Project Window.

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