Specifies the CPU clock of your device. In most
cases this value is identical with the XTAL frequency.
Operating System
You may use a real-time operating system (RTOS) in your
application. Keil offers different versions:
Advanced RTX is a very efficient RTOS which supports
preemptive task switching, message and signal passing,
semaphores and much more. The full version comes with source
code and includes a Flash File System and extensive TCP/IP
networking support.
Use On-chip ...
Specify the usage of the on-chip components which
are typically enabled in the CPU setup code. Make sure that the
dialog settings are identical with the CPU startup file.
External Memory
Specify all external memory areas of the target hardware.
RAM is for memory that stores variables. ROM is for
areas that store constants and program code (typical Flash ROM).
The information is used to derive linker/locater settings. In addition, you
need to configure the CPU startup code to generate the required
chip select signals in your hardware.
When testing program code in RAM space, you must
specify a ROM area in this dialog for the RAM that holds
constants and program code.
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