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Folder Structure

The setup program copies the development tools into sub-folders of the base folder. The default base folder is: C:\KEIL. The following table lists the structure of a complete installation that includes the entire line of the µVision3 development tools. Your installation may vary depending on the products or add-ons that you have installed.

In this users guide, we refer to the default folder structure. If you install your software in a different folder, you must adjust the pathnames to match your installation.

ARM Development Tools (for ARM7/9 and Cortex-M)



Executable files of the µVision3/ARM tool chain.
C:\KEIL\ARM\Boards Board specific example programs.
C include files and device specific C compiler include files.
C:\KEIL\ARM\Examples Generic Example programs.
C:\KEIL\ARM\Flash Flash programming algorithm files for the Keil ULINK USB-JTAG Adapter.
C:\KEIL\ARM\HLP On-Line documentation for µVision3 and the Keil ARM toolchain.
C:\KEIL\ARM\RL RL-ARM Real-Time Library components.
C:\KEIL\ARM\RT Agent Examples and setup files for the Real-Time Agent.
C:\KEIL\ARM\Startup Device specific CPU startup files.
C:\KEIL\ARM\Utilities Utilities used with various examples.

XC16x / C166 / ST10 Development Tools



C:\KEIL\C166\AR166 Advanced RTX166 Real-Time Operation System.
C:\KEIL\C166\ASM Include files for the Macro Assembler.
C:\KEIL\C166\BIN Executable files of the µVision3/C166 tool chain.
C:\KEIL\C166\Boards Board specific example programs.
C:\KEIL\C166\Examples Generic Example programs.
C:\KEIL\C166\Flash Flash programming algorithm files for the Keil ULINK USB-JTAG adapter.
C:\KEIL\C166\HLP On-Line documentation for µVision3/C166.
C:\KEIL\C166\INC Include files for the C and EC++ compiler.
C:\KEIL\C166\LIB Run-time libraries and CPU startup files.
C:\KEIL\C166\Monitor Monitor-166 configuration files and pre-configured Monitor Versions.
C:\KEIL\C166\OCDS Interface files on-chip debugging system (OCDS) and Keil ULINK.
C:\KEIL\C166\RtxTiny RTX166 Tiny Real-Time Operation System.

C51 Development Tools (for Classic and Extended 8051 Variants)



C:\KEIL\C51\ASM Assembler Source Template and Include files for the Macro Assembler.
C:\KEIL\C51\BIN Executable files of the µVision3/C51 tool chain.
C:\KEIL\C51\Examples Example programs.
C:\KEIL\C51\FlashMon Configuration files for Flash Monitor and pre-configured versions.
C:\KEIL\C51\HLP On-Line documentation for µVision3/C51.
C:\KEIL\C51\INC Include files for the C compiler.
C:\KEIL\C51\ISD51 Files for ISD51 In-System Debugger and pre-configured versions.
C:\KEIL\C51\LIB Run-time libraries and CPU startup files.
C:\KEIL\C51\Mon51 Configuration files for Monitor-51 (for Classic 8051 Devices).
C:\KEIL\C51\Mon390 Configuration files for Monitor-390 (for Dallas Contiguous Mode) .
C:\KEIL\C51\RtxTiny2 RTX51 Tiny Version 2 Real-Time Operation System.

C251 Development Tools



C:\KEIL\C251\ASM Include files for the Macro Assembler.
C:\KEIL\C251\BIN Executable files of the µVision3/C51 tool chain.
C:\KEIL\C251\Examples Example programs.
C:\KEIL\C251\HLP On-Line documentation for µVision3/C166.
C:\KEIL\C251\INC Include files for the C compiler.
C:\KEIL\C251\LIB Run-time libraries and CPU startup files.
C:\KEIL\C251\Mon251 Configuration files for Monitor-251.

Generic µVision3 Files



C:\KEIL\UV3 Generic µVision3 files.
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