Home / RL-ARM User's Guide (MDK v4)
The RTX_ex1 example program uses the RTX-RTOS to control
and pass signals between two tasks. The tasks, task1 and
task2, repeat after a delay of 50 ms and after both tasks
finished. An additional delay of 20 ms exists between completion of
task1 and start of task2.
Open the project
Select the RTX Operating System for the project under:
Options for Target — Target — Operating System — RTX
The file RTX_ex1.c contains the source code including
task1 and task2. Tasks can be declared as a
special type of function using the keyword __task. From
task1, call os_tsk_create() to start
__task void task1 (void) {
os_tsk_create (task2, 0);
for (;;) {
.... code of task 1 placed here ....
__task void task2 (void) {
for (;;) {
os_evt_wait_or (0x0004, 0xffff);
os_dly_wait (2);
os_evt_set (0x0004, id1);
Place the task activities into endless loops.
Use the system function os_dly_wait() to pauses a task for a
number of system intervals. The RTX kernel starts a system timer
by programming one of the on-chip hardware timers of the ARM
processor. Timer 0 is used by default. Developers can change the
Use the system functions os_evt_wait_or() and os_evt_set() to wait for and set event
flags. For this example, use the event flag at bit 2.
Initialize the system with the function os_sys_init() in the C main function
and pass the task name as an argument.
void main (void) {
os_sys_init (task1);
The listing below contains all statements required to run the
RTX example:
#include "RTL.h"
OS_TID id1, id2; // id1, id2 - task identifications numbers at run-time
__task void task1 (void); // Task forward reference
__task void task2 (void);
__task void task1 (void) {
id1 = os_tsk_self (); // Obtain own system task identification number
id2 = os_tsk_create (task2, 0); // Assign system identification number of task2 to id2
for (;;) { // do-this
os_evt_set (0x0004, id2); // Indicate to task2 completion of do-this
os_evt_wait_or (0x0004, 0xffff); // Wait for do-that to complete (0xffff - no time-out)
os_dly_wait (5); // Wait now for 50 ms
__task void task2 (void) {
for (;;) { // do-that
os_evt_wait_or (0x0004, 0xffff); // Wait for do-this to complete (0xffff - no time-out)
os_dly_wait (2); // Pause for 20 ms until signaling event to task1
os_evt_set (0x0004, id1); // Indicate to task1 completion of do-that
void main (void) {
os_sys_init (task1); // Initialize system and call task1
Test the Application
Build the application.
Start the µVision debugger in Simulation
Run the application.