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HTTP_demoHomeMSD_File File_ex1

The File_ex1 example program shows the use of the Flash File System to store, retrieve, and manage files on a RAM Device. The example is located in the folder \Keil\ARM\RL\FlashFS\Examples\File_ex1.

Follow these steps to test the application:

  1. Open the project File_ex1.uvproj.
  2. Build the application and run it with the µVision Debugger.
  3. Open the serial window UART #2 and enter the file commands:

    Command Description
    N name Creates or sets the file name for all file operations. By default, this name is used for other commands.
    C Captures the text entered from a serial window to a file. Uses the file name set by the N command. CAPTURE.TXT is the default file name.
    A Appends the text entered from a serial window to the end of file.
    R Reads a file content and output it to a serial window.
    E new Renames a file to a new file name. The file name set by the N command is renamed.
    D Deletes a file.
    L Lists the directory files.
  4. Enter the command C to capture the output.
    Command: C

    Now, any text entered in the serial window is written to the default file CAPTURE.TXT.

  5. The default capturing file can be changed using the command N, for example N INDEX.TXT, before starting capturing.
    Command: N INDEX.TXT
    Command: C

    Any text entered is written to the file INDEX.TXT. Press ESC to end the capturing process.

  6. Use the L command to display the list of all files.
    Command: L

    The files appear as in the following example:

    Display Files List

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