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Getting Started

To run this RL-CAN STR73x example on a board, ensure you have:

  • an STR730 Evaluation board from Hitex
  • a ULINK® USB Interface Adapter from Keil
  • a 6 - 9 V power supply
  • a loopback cable (DB-9 female to DB-9 female).
  1. Copy the example from \Keil\ARM\Boards\Keil\MCBSTR730\RL\CAN\CAN_Ex1 or from \Keil\ARM\Boards\Keil\MCBSTR730\RL\CAN\CAN_Ex2 to any directory you want to use.
  2. Load the project CAN_Ex1.uv2 or CAN_Ex2.uv2 file from the copied directory into µVision® 3 IDE (Project — Open Project...)

    Open Project from Menu

    Select Project File
  3. Rebuild the executable file from source files. Click on Project — Rebuild all target files on the menu or click on the toolbar button .

    Rebuild on Project Menu
  4. Connect the ULINK device to the PC's USB port and to the JTAG Connector on the STR730 board.
    Connect the power cord to the barrel plug port on the STR730 board.

    Board with ULINK
  5. Power-up the STR730 board.
  6. Click on Flash — Download on the menu to download the executable file to the target STR730 board.

    Flash Menu
  7. Rotate the potentiometer and watch the value change on the 7-segment LCDs according to the position of the potentiometer.
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