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CAN Generic Configuration

The following symbols specify CAN Generic Configuration related parameters and are located in CAN_Cfg.h file:

  • USE_CAN_CTRL1 enables the CAN controller that will be used. To enable the CAN controller, set this value to 1.

    The RL-CAN uses this information to reserve the memory pool and the memory for software FIFO buffers, as well as to enable interrupts for handling transmission and reception of CAN messages on the specified CAN controller.

    #define USE_CAN_CTRL1           1
  • CAN_No_SendObjects specifies the size of the software message FIFO buffers for message sending. Each CAN controller reserves a specified size of software buffer to send messages.
    #define CAN_No_SendObjects     20
  • CAN_No_ReceiveObjects specifies the size of the software message FIFO buffers for message reception. Each CAN controller reserves a specified size of software buffer to receive messages.
    #define CAN_No_ReceiveObjects  20

Using Configuration Wizard

File CAN_Cfg.h edited with Configuration Wizard:

Configuration Wizard Window CAN_Cfg.h

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