typedef struct { /* Host Controller Driver Capabilities*/
union {
struct {
U32 MultiPckt; /* Multiple data packet handling */
U32 MaxDataSz; /* Maximum data that can be handled */
U32 CtrlNAKs; /* Number of NAKs for ctrl endpoints */
U32 BulkNAKs; /* Number of NAKs for bulk endpoints */
Explanation of USBH_HCI_CAP structure elements:
MultiPckt determines if driver supports multiple packets
in a single transfer request. (__TRUE = supports multiple packet
transfers, __FALSE = no support for multiple packet transfers)
MaxDataSz represents maximum data that can be handled by
CtrlNAKs represents number of NAKs that driver will wait
for transfer on control endpoint before reporting that transfer has
BulkNAKs represents number of NAKs that driver will wait
for transfer on bulk endpoint before reporting that transfer has
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