Create USB Host Class Driver shows how to create a USB Host
Class Driver using the RL-USB Library.
Class driver has to provide to the USB Host Core means to
configure/unconfigure and initalize/uninitialize device of that class
and also provide application with device functionality.
Creation of class driver means providing module with filled
Device Class Driver structure (USBH_DCD)
for USB Host Core functions and also class application level
represents ID of class that this driver will handle. This is
specified by the organization. (For example ID for HID
device class is 03 and for Mass Storage Device class is 08).
Config function
should configure resources for a device of specified class.
function should unconfigure resources previously configured for a
device of specified class.
Init function
should initialize the device of a specified class.
UnInit function
should uninitialize the device of a specified class.
GetLastError function
should return the last error code of the device of specified
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