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Using RAM Devices

Using RAM Devices explains how to create applications for RAM Flash devices.

Include into the project and configure the following source files:

  1. The library that matches the device core:
    FS_CM3.lib for Cortex-M devices.
    FS_ARM_L.lib for ARM7 or ARM9 devices.
  2. The configuration files:
    File_Config.c for configuring the device.
    Retarget.c for configuring the output.
  3. The main file for initializing and connecting the Flash device.
    #include <RTL.h>
    int main (void)  {
      finit (NULL);                               // initialize the device
      fformat ("");                               // format the Flash File System
      while (1)  {
        ...                                       // add the code

Applications can be created using existing µVision projects as templates.

  1. Copy all files from any folder \ARM\RL\FlashFS\Examples\File_ex1 to a new folder and open the project *.uvproj with µVision.
  2. Open the file File_Config.c and configure the RAM device using the Configuration Wizard.
  3. Enable RAM Drive and set the device characteristics.

    Config RAM Drive

  4. Modify the code to the application needs.


  • Configuration options are explained in RAM Drive.
  • Additional program examples for RAM devices are located in the folder \ARM\Boards\vendor\board\RL\TCPnet\TFTP_demo.
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