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Start External Tools after Build Process

The Options for Target — User dialog allows to start two users programs during the build process. Using a key sequence you may pass arguments from the µVision3 project manager to these user programs. You may:

  • Execute programs before compilation of a C or C++ file (i.e. MISRA checker),
  • Execute programs before a Build/Rebuild process (i.e. some data management utility),
  • Execute programs after a Build/Rebuild process (i.e. data converters or debuggers).

Options for Target — User Dialog

In the example above:

  • The batch file Preprocess.bat is started before a build process.
  • Programmer.exe is called after the build process with the Hex Output file and the full path specification i.e. C:\MYPROJECT\PROJECT1.HEX.
  • Emulator.exe will get only the name of the linker output file PROJECT1 and as a parameter -p the path specification to the project C:\MYPROJECT.


  • Enclose key sequences with quotes (" ") when you are using folder names that contain special characters like space, ~, or #.
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