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User Timers

You can create and kill user timers at runtime. You must specify the maximum number of running user timers and also the code for the os_tmr_call() function.

  • OS_TIMERCNT specifies the number of user timers that can be created and started. If user timers are not used, set this value to 0. This information is used by RTX to reserve the memory resources for timer control blocks.
    #define OS_TIMERCNT    5
  • The callback function os_tmr_call() is called when the user timer expires. It is provided in the RTX_Config.c configuration file as an empty function. You must modify it to suit your needs.

    Parameter info is the parameter passed to the os_tmr_create() function when the timer was created.

    /*--------------------------- os_tmr_call -----------------------------------*/
    void os_tmr_call (U16 info) {
      /* This function is called when the user timer has expired.               */
      /* Parameter "info" is the parameter defined when the timer was created.  */
      /* HERE: include here optional user code to be executed on timeout.       */
      info = info;
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