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Library Files

RL-RTX includes the library files:

  • RTX_ARM_L.LIB for microcontrollers based on ARM7TDMI™ and ARM9™ - Little Endian - Thumb mode.
  • RTX_ARM_LA.LIB for microcontrollers based on ARM7TDMI™ and ARM9™ - Little Endian - ARM mode.
  • RTX_ARM_B.LIB for microcontrollers based on ARM7TDMI™ and ARM9™ - Big Endian - Thumb mode.
  • RTX_ARM_BA.LIB for microcontrollers based on ARM7TDMI™ and ARM9™ - Big Endian - ARM mode.
  • RTX_ARM9F_L.LIB for microcontrollers based on ARM9™ with VFP unit - Little Endian - Thumb mode.
  • RTX_ARM9F_L.LIB for microcontrollers based on ARM9™ with VFP unit - Little Endian - ARM mode.
  • RTX_ARM9F_B.LIB for microcontrollers based on ARM9™ with VFP unit - Big Endian - Thumb mode.
  • RTX_ARM9F_BA.LIB for microcontrollers based on ARM9™ with VFP unit - Big Endian - ARM mode.
  • RTX_CM1.LIB for microcontrollers based on Cortex™-M0 and Cortex™-M1 - Little Endian.
  • RTX_CM1_B.LIB for microcontrollers based on Cortex™-M0 and Cortex™-M1 - Big Endian.
  • RTX_CM3.LIB for microcontrollers based on Cortex™-M3 and Cortex™-M4 without FP extension - Little Endian.
  • RTX_CM3_B.LIB for microcontrollers based on Cortex™-M3 and Cortex™-M4 without FP extension - Big Endian.
  • RTX_CM3X.LIB for microcontrollers based on Cortex™-M3 without exclusive access instructions LDREX/STREX/CLREX - Little Endian.
  • RTX_CM4.LIB for microcontrollers based on Cortex™-M4 with FP extension - Little Endian.
  • RTX_CM4_B.LIB for microcontrollers based on Cortex™-M4 with FP extension - Big Endian.
  • RTX_CR4_L.LIB for microcontrollers based on Cortex™-R4 - Little Endian - Thumb mode.
  • RTX_CR4_LA.LIB for microcontrollers based on Cortex™-R4 - Little Endian - ARM mode.
  • RTX_CR4_B.LIB for microcontrollers based on Cortex™-R4 - Big Endian - Thumb mode.
  • RTX_CR4_BA.LIB for microcontrollers based on Cortex™-R4 with FPU - Big Endian - ARM mode.
  • RTX_CR4F_L.LIB for microcontrollers based on Cortex™-R4 with FPU - Little Endian - Thumb mode.
  • RTX_CR4F_LA.LIB for microcontrollers based on Cortex™-R4 with FPU - Little Endian - ARM mode.
  • RTX_CR4F_B.LIB for microcontrollers based on Cortex™-R4 with FPU - Big Endian - Thumb mode.
  • RTX_CR4F_BA.LIB for microcontrollers based on Cortex™-R4 with FPU - Big Endian - ARM mode.

All RL-ARM libraries are located in the \Keil\ARM\RV31\LIB\ folder. Depending on the target device selected for your project, the appropriate library file is automatically included into the link process when the RTX kernel operating system is selected for your project.

The RTX_Lib_ARM.uvproj and RTX_Lib_CM.uvproj projects found in the \Keil\ARM\RL\RTX\ folder are used to build the RL-RTX libraries.


  • You should not explicitly include any of the RL-RTX libraries in your application. That is done automatically when you use the µVision® IDE.
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