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The RTX kernel is based on the idea of parallel tasks (processes). In the RTX kernel, the task that a system must fulfill is split up into several smaller tasks that run concurrently. There are many advantages to using the RTX kernel:

  • Real world processes consist, usually, of several concurrent activities. This pattern can be represented in software by using the RTX kernel.
  • You can make different activities occur at different times, for example, just at the moment when they are needed. This is possible because each activity is packed into a separate task, which can be executed on its own.
  • Tasks can be prioritized.
  • It is easier to understand and manage smaller pieces of code than one large piece of software.
  • Splitting up the software into independent parts reduces the system complexity, the number of errors, and even facilitates testing.
  • The RTX kernel is scalable. Additional tasks can be added easily at a later time.
  • The RTX kernel offers services needed in many real-time applications, for example, good handling of interrupts, periodical activation of tasks, and time-limits on wait functions.
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