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Memory Allocation Routines

Routine Attributes Description
_declare_box Creates a memory pool of fixed size blocks with 4-byte alignment.
_declare_box8 Creates a memory pool of fixed size blocks with 8-byte alignment.
_init_box Initializes a memory pool with 4-byte aligned blocks.
_init_box8 Initializes a memory pool with 8-byte aligned blocks.
_alloc_box Reentrant Allocates a memory block from a memory pool.
_calloc_box Reentrant Allocates a memory block from a memory pool, and clears the contents of the block to 0.
_free_box Reentrant Returns a memory block back to its memory pool.


  • The memory allocation routines enable you to use the system memory dynamically by creating memory pools and using fixed size blocks from the memory pools.
  • The _init_box8, _declare_box and _declare_box8 routines are implemented as macros.
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