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RAM Drive

RAM Drive options allow configuring the RL-FlashFS to use RAM devices. Set the options manually or use the Configuration Wizard.

RAM Drive Options

The following options can be set:

  • RAM Drive enables support for a RAM device. Set the option to 1 to enable it and 0 to disable it.
    #define RAM0_EN     1
  • Device Size specifies the size, in bytes, of the RAM device.
    #define RAM0_SIZE   0x040000
  • Number of Sectors specifies the number of logical sectors for a RAM drive. The following values are available: 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128. Select smaller values when storing a few bigger files on the RAM drive. For example only one or two big log files. Bigger values should be selected when storing lots of small files on the RAM drive. The default setting is 32.
    #define RAM0_NSECT  32
  • Relocate Device Buffer allows to allocate RAM buffer at a specific address in the memory space. It must be set to 1 to enable it and 0 to disable it. When disabled, the linker assigns the address of the RAM buffer.
    #define RAM0_RELOC  1
  • Base address specifies the starting address of the RAM buffer. This option is used when the Relocate Device Buffer is enabled.
    #define RAM0_BADR   0x81010000
  • Default Drive [R:] enables the RAM Drive as a default system drive. This drive is used, when a drive letter is not specified in a file name.
    #define RAM0_DEF    1
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