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SPI Flash Drive

SPI Flash Drive options allow configuring RL-FlashFS to use SPI Flash devices. Set the options manually or use the Configuration Wizard. An SPI Flash Drive is accessed over the SPI bus.

SPI Flash Drive Options

The following options can be set:

  • SPI Flash Drive enables support for an SPI Flash Drive. It is not used when this option is disabled. It must be set to 1 to enable it and 0 to disable it.
    #define SF0_EN      1
  • Device Size specifies the size of the SPI flash device to be used for storing files. Tipically, this is the whole size of the SPI Flash device, specified in bytes. It is allowed to specify only a part of the device for the Flash File System. The rest of the device might be used for other purposes. In this case, do not provide the function EraseChip in the driver control block. The value for the EraseChip function must be set to NULL.
    #define SF0_SIZE    0x0200000
  • Content of Erased Memory specifies initial content for erased SPI Flash Devices. In most cases, this value is set to 0xFF. Accepted values are 0xFF or 0x00.
    #define SF0_INITV   0xFF
  • Device Description file specifies a file containing the description of the SPI Sector Layout. The file is named FS_SPI_FlashDev.h and is tailored to a specific SPI Flash Device. Several description files are available in the folder \ARM\RL\FlashFS\Flash.
    #define SF0_HFILE   "FS_SPI_FlashDev.h"
  • Default Drive [S:] enables the SPI Flash Drive as a default system drive. This drive is used, when a drive letter is not specified in a filename.
    #define SF0_DEF     1
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