The SNMP Agent manages a set of managed objects defined by
the user in SNMP_MIB.c interface module. It can be used to
control various system settings or IO peripherals from the SNMP
The following SNMP Agent options are configurable from the
Net_Config.c configuration
SNMP Agent switch enables or disables the SNMP Agent
service in your application. It is enabled when this value is set
to 1. It should be set to 0 when the SNMP Agent is not used in
your application.
#define SNMP_ENABLE 1
Community Name specifies the SNMP Community where an SNMP
message is destined for. Only the members of the same community
can communicate with each other using SNMP protocol. Default
Community name is public.
#define SNMP_COMMUNITY "public"
Port Number specifies the listening UDP port number. The
default SNMP Agent listening port is 161.
#define SNMP_PORTNUM 161
Trap Port Number specifies the UDP port number for Trap
operations. The default SNMP Agent trap port is 162.
#define SNMP_TRAPPORT 162
Trap Server specifies the IP address of the Trap Server
which receives Trap messages. This IP address is used when the
Trap Server IP is not specified in snmp_trap() function parameter.
When the SNMP client is not enabled, the ARM linker does
not link the SNMP support modules to your application and
thus reduces the code size and memory usage.
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