The SNTP Client allows you to get the current time from NTP
The following SNTP Client options are configurable from the
Net_Config.c configuration
SNTP Client switch enables or disables the SNTP Client
service in your application. It is enabled when this value is set
to 1. It should be set to 0 when the SNTP Client is not used in
your application.
#define SNTP_ENABLE 1
Broadcast Mode enables or disabled the broadcast mode of
SNTP Client service. In broadcast mode, SNTP Client opens UDP
port for receiving broadcasted NTP messages in local network.
This option should be disabled to access a public NTP server
located on internet.
#define SNTP_BCMODE 0
NTP Server specifies the IP address of the NTP Server
receives get time requests in unicast mode
(usually a public NTP server on internet)
broadcasts NTP messages in broadcast mode
(local NTP server in local network).
This IP address is used when the NTP Server IP is not
specified in snmp_get_time() function
When the SNTP client is not enabled, the ARM linker does
not link the SNTP support modules to your application and
thus reduces the code size and memory usage.
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