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int _TaskRunning_ (ulong func_address)

This function checks if the specified task function is the current running task. _TaskRunning_ is only available if you select an Operating System under Options for Target — Target. µVision3 loads an additional DLL that kernel awareness for operating systems. Refer to RTX Kernel Aware Debugging for more information.

Return Value

The _TaskRunning_ function returns an int value to the caller.


The result of the debug function _TaskRunning_ may be assigned to the _break_ system variable to stop program execution when a specific task is active.

>_TaskRunning_ (command)       /* check if task 'command' is running     */
0001                           /* returns 1 if task is currently running */
>_break_= _TaskRunning_ (init) /* stop program when 'init' is running    */
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