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double   out = RawF64ToF64   (uint64_t in); /* returns a double value */

The RawF64ToF64 function converts a value from raw (binary representation) F64 to double format.


F64refers to the C type "double".

Return Value


See Also


FUNC unsigned long long GetDReg(int idx)
  switch(idx) {
    case  0: return D0;
    case  1: return D1;
    case  2: return D2;
    case  3: return D3;
    case  4: return D4;
    case  5: return D5;
    case  6: return D6;
    case  7: return D7;
    case  8: return D8;
    case  9: return D9;
    case 10: return D10;
    case 11: return D11;
    case 12: return D12;
    case 13: return D13;
    case 14: return D14;
    case 15: return D15;
    default: return 0;

FUNC void PrintAllFloat64()
  int i;
  unsigned long long valU;
  double valF;

  for(i=0; i<16; i++) {
    valU = GetDReg(i);
    valF = RawF64ToF64(valU);
    printf("D%i: %16llx --> %g\n", i, valU, valF);
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