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void memset (
  unsigned long start_address, /* memory start address */
  unsigned long length,        /* memory length        */
  unsigned char value          /* value to write       */

The debug function memset fills the memory specified through start address and length with the character value.


  • The order of the parameters length and value of the debug function memset are inverted compared to the standard C function memset.
  • [MDK] The parameter length can specify a maximum amount of memory of 64 KB.
  • [PK51, DK251] The parameter length can specify a maximum amount of memory of 64 KB.
  • [C166] The parameter length can specify a maximum amount of memory of 16 MB.
Return Value


>MEMSET (0x20000, 0x1000, 'a')       /* Fill 0x20000 to 0x20FFF with 'a' */
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