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The BreakSet command sets a breakpoint for the specified expression (exp). Breakpoints are program addresses or expressions that, when true, halt execution of your target program or execute the specified command ("cmd").

Syntax Description
BreakSet exp , cnt , "cmd" Set an execution or conditional breakpoint.
BreakSet READ exp , cnt , "cmd" Set a read access breakpoint.
BreakSet WRITE exp , cnt , "cmd" Set a write access breakpoint.
BreakSet READWRITE exp , cnt , "cmd" Set a read/write access breakpoint.

Breakpoint parameters:

exp is an address specification or an expression that is evaluated during execution. Refer to Expressions for details.
cnt is an expression that determines the number of times a breakpoint condition is met before the target program halts or the specified command is executed. The default count value is 1.
cmd is a µVision command string that is executed when the breakpoint triggers. Program execution is not halted. User-defined and signal functions can be used in the command expression. In functions, you can set the system variable _break_ to 1 to halt program execution. When no command is specified, program execution is halted.

Breakpoint types are categorized through the following rules:

  1. Access Breakpoint: one of the memory access modes (READ, WRITE, or READWRITE) was specified.

    Memory Access Breakpoints halt program execution or execute a command when a specific address is read, written, or accessed. Program execution speed is not affected dramatically, because expressions are evaluated only when the specified access event occurs.

    Expressions specified for memory Access Breakpoints must resolve to a memory address and memory type. The following rules apply:

    1. For devices based on 8080 processors and derivatives, expressions must have fully qualified memory types.
    2. Expressions that include multiple objects are not allowed.
    3. Only a few operators (&, &&, <, <=, >, >=, ==, and !=) are allowed in expressions.


    • When an Access Breakpoint (read or write) is set to a peripheral register (SFR) in the Simulator, the breakpoint might trigger even though the application did not access the peripheral register. This happens because the µVision Simulator makes no difference between application-driven and Simulator-internal accesses.
    • Memory Access Breakpoints are preceded by READ, WRITE, or READWRITE when listed using the BreakList command.
  2. Execution Breakpoint: the specified expression is a simple address.

    Execution Breakpoints halt program execution or execute a command when the specified code address is reached. Execution speed is not affected.

    The code address specified must be the first byte of an instruction. If an Execution Breakpoint is set on the second or third byte of an instruction, then the breakpoint never triggers.

    An Execution Breakpoint can be specified only once for a code address. Multiple definitions are not allowed.

  3. Conditional Breakpoint: the specified expression cannot be resolved to an address.

    Conditional Breakpoints halt program execution or execute a command when the specified conditional expression is TRUE. The conditional expression is recalculated after each assembly instruction. Program execution speed may slow down considerably depending on the amount of Conditional Breakpoints and the complexity of the expression.

    Conditional Breakpoints are the most flexible type of breakpoint, because optional conditions can be calculated using expressions.


The following breakpoint is valid:

BS WRITE time.sec                      /* Valid expression   */

The following breakpoint is invalid, because adding two values (timer.sec and i0) does not result in a memory type:

BS WRITE time.sec + i0                 /* Invalid expression */

The following example sets an execution breakpoint on the address of the main function.

BS main

The following example sets an execution breakpoint on the address of the timer0 function. The breakpoint occurs and the command "MyRegs()" is executed only after the 10th invocation of timer0. Program execution continues after the command executes.

BS timer0,10,"MyRegs()"

The following example sets a conditional breakpoint on the sindex symbol. When sindex is equal to 8, program execution halts.

BS sindex == 8

The following example sets a conditional breakpoint on the save_record array. Program execution halts on the third time save_record[5].time.sec is greater than 5.

BS save_record[5].time.sec > 5, 3

The following example sets a memory access breakpoint on READ accesses of the interval.min symbol. Program execution halts when the min element of the interval structure or union is 3.

BS READ interval.min == 3

The following example sets a memory access breakpoint on WRITE accesses to the savefirst symbol. Program execution halts when savefirst is 5 and the accumulator (acc) is 0x12 after savefirst is written.

BS WRITE savefirst == 5 && acc == 0x12


  • Breakpoints can be also defined using the Breakpoints dialog.
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