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The Display command shows the memory content for a specified memory range. The result is shown in the Command window.

Syntax Description
D [startAddr [,endAddr[,accSize]]] Show memory content from startAddr to endAddr.
  • startAddr defines the starting address of the memory. If startAddr is omitted, then memory contents are shown starting from the end of a prior Display command. If no previous Display command was entered, then memory display starts at address 0x0. For 80x51 microcontrollers, the startAddr can contain a Memory Type Specifier.
  • endAddr defines the end address of the memory range. If endAddr is omitted, then the amount of addresses shown depends on the size of the Command window. For some devices, the next 128-bytes are shown.
  • accSize ignore for C51, C251, and C166 toolchains.

The memory content is displayed in HEX and in ASCII. The result consists of three columns:

  1. The address of the first byte.
  2. A maximum of 16 HEX bytes.
  3. ASCII characters for each displayed HEX byte. Dots ( . ) are shown for non-printing ASCII values.
>D main                         /* Output beginning at main                */

>D 0x100,0x1FF                  /* Output memory between 0x100 and 0x1FF   */

>D X:0,0x100                    /* Output 256 bytes of the 8051 XDATA      */
                                /* external memory beginning at address 0. */
                                /* The memory type specifier X was used.   */

>D menu                         /* Output beginning at address menu        */

>D save_record, save_record + 0x2F
X:4000  62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62–62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
X:4010  62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62–62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
X:4020  62 62 62 62 62 62 00 00–00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  bbbbbb..........


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