Technical Support On-Line Manuals µVision User's Guide About µVision User Interface Creating Applications Utilities Debugging Debug Commands ASM ASSIGN BreakAccess BreakDisable BreakEnable BreakKill BreakList BreakSet COVERAGE COVTOFILE DEFINE DIR Display Enter EVALuate EXIT FUNC Go INCLUDE KILL LOAD LOG LogicAnalyze MAP MODE Ostep PerformanceAnalyze Pstep RESET SAVE SCOPE SET SIGNAL SLOG Tstep Unassemble WatchSet WatchKill Debug Functions Simulation Flash Programming Dialogs Example Programs Command Line Appendix |
MAPThe MAP command allows specifying memory areas that are not detected automatically by µVision. If applications use memory-mapped I/O devices or access the memory dynamically through pointers, developers might need making changes to the memory map. µVision checks each memory access and throws a memory access violation message in the Command window when an invalid access is made.
When µVision loads, the following memory maps are defined.
µVision supports up to 16MB of memory for 80x51 and 166 microcontrollers. This memory is divided into 256 segments of 64K each. The default 8051 and 251 memory spaces are assigned by µVision to the segments with the numbers listed in the following table.
For security reasons and for detecting illegal memory accesses, it is recommended to map only the required memory areas. In addition, mapping huge amounts of memory could slow down the execution speed of µVision. Note
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