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RL-ARM User's Guide (MDK v4)
#include <rtl.h> void *_alloc_box ( void* box_mem ); /* Start address of the memory pool */
The _alloc_box function allocates a block of memory from the memory pool that begins at the address box_mem.
The _alloc_box function is in the RL-RTX library. The prototype is defined in rtl.h.
The _alloc_box function returns a pointer to the allocated block if a block was available. If there was no available block, it returns a NULL pointer.
_calloc_box, _free_box, _init_box
#include <rtl.h> /* Reserve a memory for 32 blocks of 20-bytes. */ U32 mpool[32*5 + 3]; void membox_test (void) { U8 *box; U8 *cbox; _init_box (mpool, sizeof (mpool), 20); box = _alloc_box (mpool); /* This block is initialized to 0. */ cbox = _calloc_box (mpool); .. _free_box (mpool, box); _free_box (mpool, cbox); }
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