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I²C Simulation

For efficient software testing is it not enough just to simulate the behavior of the I²C bus at bit-level. Instead it must be possible to simulate also the I²C Bus communication.

µVision3 provides:

  • I²C Bus Dialog pages to review the I²C Bus activities and data communication.
  • Virtual simulation registers (VTREG) the can be used to review and enter data to the I²C bus.
  • Debug functions you may create to simulate an I²C device that is connected to the microcontroller. In this way you can simulate your complete application rather than just a small piece of the Bus communication.

I²C Bus Dialogs

µVision3 offers dialog pages that output status information of the I²C interface and list the I²C communication (similar to the CAN communication page see AN147).

I²C Hardware allows you to review and modify the I²C settings trough hardware registers and to show the current I²C Interface status

I²C Hardware Peripheral Dialog

I²C Communication allows you to review the data communication on the I²C bus and to directly enter data on the I²C bus using the Message Generator

I²C Communication Peripheral Dialog

  • Mode: shows Master or Slave mode of the I²C data frame
  • Address: is the I²C bus address used for I²C data frame.
  • Direction: shows Transmit or Receive of the I²C data frame.
  • Data: are the content of the I²C data frame.


  • Point (.) stands for a Acknowledge bit,
  • Exclamation mark (!) stands for Not Acknowledge.
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