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Keil L166 Misc

Enable or disable linker warnings. Warning level 0 disables most linker warnings while level 2 enables all warnings.
Disable Warning Numbers
Enter a comma-separated list of warning numbers to disable.
Use Linker Control File
Enables the linker control file that contains all linker directives. This is useful for complex linker invocations which are hard to handle in dialogs. Note that the input file list and the output file name is still supplied by the µVision IDE.
Create Relocatable Output File (LINKONLY)
Create a relocatable object module. With this option the output file will be passed to the linker a second time. This is similar to incremental linking.
Interrupt Vector Table Address
Specify the starting address for the interrupt vector table. The default starting address is 000000h.
Define public symbols and their values at link time. Use commas to separate symbols.
Specify the base address, physical memory address, or order for the specified register banks.
Specify memory ranges that are reserved and that the linker should avoid.
Misc Controls
Specify any required linker commands for which there is no individual dialog control.
Linker Control String
Displays the current directives at the linker command line.
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