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These options are valid for the development environment and are not bound to a specific project.

UVSOCK (TCP/IP) Settings

Enable or disable the port for the UV socket.
Enter a port number to be used with the UV Socket. For details, refer to:

Application Notes

Application Notes and Q&A articles describe the use of the UVSOCK for running automated tests or for controlling and monitoring µVision remotely via a third-party tool using the TCP/IP interface.

Startup (Require Restart)

Show splash screen
Show or hide the µVision splash screen when starting µVision.
Open most recent project
Open the latest project when starting µVision. When disabled, µVision starts without loading a project.


Do not open matching source file after Run Stop
disabled: open the source code at current cursor position. (Default).

enabled: prevent opening source files at current cursor position when debugging is halted.

This option can be updated while in debug mode.

Parallel Build Configuration

µVision uses as many CPU cores as available on your machine to speed up the build process. Precisely, one core to run the IDE and all remaining to run the build process. You can influence this behavior with these settings.

Disable Parallel Build
When enabled (checkbox is set), µVision uses one thread for the build process.
When disabled, the settings for Number of parallel jobs apply.
Number of parallel jobs
µVision will use the amount of cores set here.
When set to the maximum number of cores and the build process takes a longer time, then your machine might freeze for other processes.
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