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Open this dialog with the context menu of the window Project; menu item Options for item. The dialog includes check boxes with tri-state alternatives:

  • Inherited property - Checked and gray - property is inherited from the parent object.
  • Individual property - Checked and white - property set individually for the object.
  • Disabled property - Not checked - disabled property.
Path, Size, Last Change
Display information about the selected object.
File Type
Associates a file with a file type.
Include in Target Build
Disable this option to exclude the group or source file from this project target. The file is not translated and not linked into the application object file. This option is useful, for example, for an application that runs on different hardware systems. Each system might need its own configuration file. The option allows to exclude those configuration files not needed for a particular target.
Always Build
Enable this option to enforce translating a source module with every build process. For example, setting this option is useful for files containing macros that compute information about the application version, __DATE__, or __TIME__.
Generate Assembler SRC File
Instructs the C compiler to generate an assembler source file from this C module. Typically this option is used when the C source file contains #pragma asm / endasm sections.
Assemble SRC File
Use this option together with the option Generate Assembler SRC File to translate the assembler source code generated by Compiler into an object file that can be linked to the application.
Link Publics Only
Instructs Linker to link only PUBLIC symbols from that module. Check this option, when you want to use entry or variable addresses from a different application. It refers in the most cases to an absolute object file, which may be part of the project.
Code Bank
Available for C51 and C251 families: Assigns the program code of a file or file group to a specific code bank. Requires that you enable code banking in the Options — Target dialog.
Compile C File with EC++
Available for C16x families: Use the Embedded C++ Compiler to compile standard C files, if you have mixed C/C++ projects.
Stop on Exit Code
Specify an exit code to stop the build process upon translator messages. By default, µVision translates all files in a build process, regardless of error or warning messages.
Select Modules
Available for files of the type Library. Allows to always include specific modules from a Library. By default, only the needed modules are loaded into the object file.
Custom Arguments
Useful for files that require a Custom Translator.


  • C16x stands for C16x, XE16x, and XC20x.
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