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Output (Keil)

µVision creates several output files that can be configured in this dialog page. Refer to File Types for a list of output files.

Select Folder for Objects...
Sets the folder for storing the the object files.
Name of Executable
Specifies the name of the executable that gets generated during the build or rebuild process. This executable is loaded into the debugger and downloaded to hardware by default.


  • The name should not end with a special character!
Create Executable
Instructs µVision to generate an executable application program, which gets the name specified in Name of Executable.
Debug Information
Generates debug information for testing the application. Enable the option to access function names, variables names, or the source code within the µVision Debugger. Disable the option to create a release version.
Browse Information
Creates browsing information for the Source Browser.
Merge32K Hexfile (only for 8051 target)
Changes the address order in the Intel HEX-386 file or banking applications. It allows generating the image for a target hardware with 32KB common area and multiple 32KB code banks. This Intel HEX-386 file contains the complete image of the application code in the following address ranges:
  • 0x000000-0x007FFF: Common Area
  • 0x008000-0x00FFFF: Code Bank 0
  • 0x010000-0x017FFF: Code Bank 1
  • 0x018000-0x01FFFF: Code Bank 2
And so on. Typical, this file can be directly programmed into ROM devices for such a hardware.
Create HEX File
Creates an Intel HEX file. HEX files are used to download the software into an PROM Programmer or other utilities.
HEX Format
Specifies the HEX file format, which depends on the size of the application program. Ensure that the PROM Programmer in use supports the selected format.
Create Library
Generates a library file that can be used in other projects.
Create Batch File
Generates a batch file (*.BAT) with commands that reproduce the "Rebuild" process. "Rebuild" the target to create the file. The "Build" process does not alter nor creates the file. However, with this flag set, the "Build" process compiles and links all files, just like a "Rebuild". The batch file name is inherited from the current target name. The file is saved in the root directory of the project. Use the batch file to "Rebuild" the project without using the µVision IDE.

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