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Configure the base folder, set toolchain paths, file extensions, and select the compilation development tool. The described options depend on the toolchain and might not be available for the environment you are using.

General Fields

Use Settings from TOOLS.INI
Use the default installation path settings as defined in the file TOOLS.INI. If this options is enabled, you can move your project to a different computer where µVision is installed on a different folder.
Tool Base Folder
Specify the path to the toolchain in use (example for C51: C:\Keil_v5\C51\)
Specify the path to the binary folder of the toolchain in use (example for C51: C:\Keil_v5\C51\BIN\)
Specify the path to the include folder of the toolchain in use (example for C51: C:\Keil_v5\C51\INC\
Specify the path to the library folder of the toolchain in use (example for C51: C:\Keil_v5\C51\LIB\)
Specify the path to the regfile folder of the toolchain in use (example for C51: C:\Keil_v5\C51\REG\).

Default File Extension

Specify the file extensions for each file type. Separate several extensions using semi-colons (;). For example ASM Source: *.a;*.src. Refer to Set Folders and File Extensions for details.
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