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Syntax Description
ASM Displays the address where in-line assembly instructions are stored.
ASM start address Sets the in-line assembly address to address.
ASM instruction Assembles the specified instruction and stores the resulting opcode in memory at the current in-line assembly address. The address is increased by the number of bytes in the instruction.

The ASM command displays or sets the current assembly address and lets you enter assembly instructions. When instructions are entered, the resulting opcode is stored in code memory. You may use the in-line assembler to correct mistakes or to make temporary changes to the target program you are debugging.

The in-line assembler accepts mnemonics for assembly instructions based on the device selected from the device database.

>ASM C:0x0000          /* set assemble address to C:0x0000 (8051 & 251) */
>ASM mov a,#12
>ASM mov r0,#0x20
>ASM movx @r0,A
>ASM inc r0
>ASM movx @r0,A
>ASM jmp C:0x8000

>ASM C:0020H          /* set assemble address to C:0x0020 (8051 & 251) */

You may enter assembly instructions via the Inline Assembly... dialog that is available in the context menu of the Disassembly window. The context menu opens with a right mouse click in the Disassembly window.

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