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Syntax: Description
Unassemble address Displays disassembled code memory in the Debug window. Disassembly starts at address, if specified, or continues from the previous Unassemble command.

The Unassemble command disassembles code memory and displays it in the Disassembly window. Code displays in theDisassembly window in one of two modes: high-level language intermixed with assembly, or assembly. You may select the mode with the context menu in the Disassembly window that opens with a right mouse click.


  • The µVision3 debugger requires an object module that contains line number information in order to perform source-level debugging.
U main         /* Disassemble starting at address main
U              /* Continue where the previous U stopped  */
U C:0x0        /* Disassemble from address C:0x0000      */
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