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Syntax Description
BreakList Lists all breakpoints.

The BreakList command lists all breakpoints. Breakpoints are listed one per line using the following format:

number: (type) 'expression', CNT=count, enable_flag
        exec ("command")
number is the index for the breakpoint. µVision3 assigns this number when a breakpoint is created. Use it when enabling, disabling, or removing a breakpoint with the BreakEnable, BreakDisable, or BreakKill commands,
type is the breakpoint type which may be an execution breakpoint (e: followed by the address), a conditional breakpoint (c), or an access breakpoint a (a: followed by rd for read, wr for write, or rw for read/write followed by the address).
expression is the original text of the breakpoint definition.
count is the pass counter for the breakpoint. If count has a value of 2, µVision3 halts program execution (or executes the specified command) when the breakpoint is reached the second time.
enable_flag displays enabled for an enabled breakpoint or disabled for a disabled breakpoint.
command is the command to execute when the breakpoint is reached.
>BL                                          /* List current breakpoints */
 0: (E C: 0xFF01EF) 'main', CNT=1, enabled
 1: (E C: 0xFF006A) 'timer0', CNT=10, enabled
     exec ("MyRegs()")
 2: (C) 'sindex == 8', CNT=1, enabled
 3: (C) 'save_record[5].time.sec > 5', CNT=3, enabled
 4: (A RD 0x000037) 'READ interval.min == 3', CNT=1, enabled
 5: (A WR 0x000034) 'WRITE savefirst==5 && acc==0x12', CNT=1, enabled

You may review the current breakpoint setting via the Breakpoints dialog. This dialog opens from the main menu with Debug – Breakpoints....

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