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Syntax Description
EVALuate expression Displays the result of the expression in decimal, octal, HEX, and ASCII.

The EVALuate command calculates the specified expression and outputs the result in decimal, octal, HEX and, in ASCII format. Expressions entered without the EVALuate command display only in the current number base selected by the RADIX system variable. The expression may contain several subexpressions separated by commas.

>eval -1
16777215T 77777777Q 0xFFFFFF '....'

>eval intcycle
0T 0Q 0x0 '....'

>intcycle = 0x12
>eval intcycle
18T 22Q 0x12 '....'

>eval 'a'+'b'+'c'
294T 446Q 0x126 '...&'

>eval main
16712175T 77600757Q 0xFF01EF '....'

>eval save_record[1].time
81931T 240013Q 0x1400B '..@.'

>eval save_record[1].time.sec
0T 0Q 0x0 '....'

>save_record[1].time.sec = 1
>eval save_record[1].time.sec
1T 1Q 0x1 '....'

>eval save_record[1].time.sec = 0
0T 0Q 0x0 '....'
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