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Syntax Description
LOAD path\filename [options] Loads object files or Intel HEX file.

The LOAD command lets you specify a file for the µVision3 debugger to load. You may load the object file of the current project when you start the µVision3 debugger. Therefore enable Load Application at Startup in the Options for Target – Debug dialog page.

µVision3 analyzes the contents of the specified file to determine the file type (if the file type cannot be determined an error message displays). The following file types are supported:

  • Absolute Object File or ELF/DWARF File: produced by the linker/locator. They contain complete symbolic debug information, type information, and line numbers when translated with debug information.
  • Intel HEX File: produced by the Object to Hex Converter programs. They contain no symbolic debugging information, no type information, and no line number information. Program testing is supported only at the CPU instruction level. Source-level and symbolic debugging are not supported.

The LOAD command has several options that depend on the target that you are using:

  • INCREMENTAL add the debugging information to the existing symbol table. This allows multi-application debugging.
  • NOCODE load only the symbolic information and ignore code records. NOCODE prevents the existing program code from being overwritten. This option requires that a CPU driver for a monitor (MON51, MON251, or MON166) be previously loaded.
  • NORESET (only available on some targets) prevents the generation of a RESET signal after loading the program. For targets where this option does not exist, use the INCREMENTAL option instead which effectively performs the same operation.

This command line loads measure from the c:\keil\c51\examples\measure directory. µVision3 also searches for source files in this directory.


This command line loads myprog.hex.

Support for Key Sequences

The LOAD command can used with key sequences. With this enhancement, a generic Debugger initialization file may be used across multiple projects, for example in a multi-project workspace the name of the linker output file can be specified with %L.


This command line loads the linker output file of the current project for debugging.

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