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Syntax Description
Display startaddr, endaddr Display memory from startaddr to endaddr in the Memory window (if open) or in the Command window.

The Display command displays a range of memory in the Memory window (if it is open) or in the Command window. Memory areas are displayed in HEX and in ASCII. You may also display memory contents in the Memory Window that opens via the main menu View — Memory Window command.

Displayed memory lines consists of the address of the first byte, a maximum of 16 HEX bytes, and ASCII characters for each displayed HEX byte. Dots ( . ) display for non-printing ASCII values.

If address specifications (startaddr and endaddr) are omitted, memory displays starting from the end of a prior Display command. If no previous Display command was entered, memory display starts at code address 0x0000.

If address specifications are included, memory displays from the starting address (startaddr) to the ending address (endaddr) or until the next 256-byte page boundary.

For the 80x51 targets the address might be prefixed with a memory space specifier as described in the following table. For example, X:0x0000 refers to XDATA address 0x0000.

Specifier Description
B Bit–addressable RAM memory (BIT).
C Code memory (CODE).
CO Memory range for constants (251 CONST).
D Internal directly-addressable RAM memory of the 8051 (DATA).
EB Extended bit-addressable RAM memory (251 EBIT).
ED Extended data RAM memory (251 EDATA).
HC Huge memory range for constants (251 HCONST).
I Internal indirectly-addressable RAM memory of the 8051 (IDATA).
X External RAM memory (XDATA).

>D main                     /* Output beginning at main                */

>D 0x100,0x1FF              /* Output memory between 0x100 and 0x1FF   */

>D X:0,0x100                /* Output 256 bytes of the 8051 XDATA      */
>                           /* external memory beginning at address 0  */

>D menu                     /* Output beginning at address menu        */

>D save_record, save_record + 0x2F
X:4000  62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62–62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
X:4010  62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62–62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
X:4020  62 62 62 62 62 62 00 00–00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  bbbbbb..........
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