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Syntax: Description
Tstep expression Executes or steps expression program lines or assembly instructions. The Tstep command steps into functions and subroutines.

The Tstep command executes one or more source-level instructions or assembly instructions depending on the display mode selected in the Debug window. The Tstep command steps into function calls. For information on how to step over function calls, see the Pstep command.

The Tstep command steps over source-level instructions or assembly instructions depending on the Debug window display modes outlined in the following table.

Display Mode Description
Assembly Tstep steps over assembly instructions and steps into subroutines or functions.
Mixed Tstep steps over assembly instructions and steps into subroutines or functions.
High-Level Language Tstep steps over program statements in your C or PL/M-51 program and steps into subroutines or functions.
T 100          /* Executes 100 steps */
T              /* Executes 1 step    */
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