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Syntax Description
LOG > path filename Creates the file filename as a log file. Output from the Command window is written to this file.
LOG >> path filename Opens an existing log file named filename for appending log information. If filename does not exist, it is created. Output from the Command window is appended to this file.
LOG Displays the status of the log file.
LOG OFF Closes the log file.

Use the LOG command to create, append to, check status, or close a log file. Output displayed in the Command window is copied to the log file. The filename you specify may contain a driver letter and path specification. Filenames may be entered as character strings, for example, c:\usr\tmp\logfile.

LOG >C:\TMP\dslog                     /* Create a new log file       */
LOG                                   /* Interrogate log file status */
 command log file: C:\TMP\dslog
LOG OFF                               /* Close the log file          */

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